Chapter Two

Rose Tint My World


Hoobae – (Often a student) a younger classmate



Jinki's mother hugged everyone close to her chest when they entered the restaurant. She hugged Ilana closest to her chest (her face almost in her chest), “You're so pretty! Are you foreign?”


“No,” Ilana said, pulling away from the middle aged woman and tucking her black hair behind her ear, “I lived in America for a little bit, but I'm fully Korean.”


“You're so pretty,” she repeated.


Jinki grabbed Ilana's hand and pulled her away, “Mom we're going upstairs to the apartment.”


“Okay, your dad or I will bring up some food for you guys in a little bit.” She waved goodbye to everyone and then walked over to the register to let the couple that had been waiting for her while she chatted finally pay for their meal.


Jinki smiled apologetically at Ilana, “Sorry about her, she's bat crazy.”


Ilana laughed, “There's nothing wrong with being called pretty.”


“She didn't say anything to me!” Eunchan pouted.


“Well I guess that means something,” Jonghyun said, leading the group outside and to the door to Jinki's apartment building.

Once Jinki unlocked to door, Jonghyun strutted around like he owned the place, and everyone was just visiting him, while he dragged poor Minho around. Minho never seemed to mind anything that Jonghyun did, he mostly just liked getting to be around him.


They climbed up a flight of stairs to the second and top floor of the building. There were two doors on either side of the immaculate white hallway, one reading 201 and the other 202. Jinki unlocked 202 and they stepped inside of a tiny, not so immaculate apartment.


“Jinki your house is a mess!” Eunchan said, kicking off her shoes at the door.


“And it's really small. Jonghyun said your parents were rich,” Minho said in a quiet voice.


Jinki laughed, “We're not rich. But my parents bought the whole building once hteir restaurant took off, so Taemin and I live in this apartment, and my parents live across the hall.”


“Well, that's awesome,” Ilana said, taking a seat on the couch.


“I guess.”


“We should start rehearsing soon, Frank,” Jonghyun said, using Jinki's character's name. “Kang assigned, like, 18 pages tonight.”


“Yeah, you're right, everybody get your scripts out.”


“But I want to watch TV,” Eunchan whined, fishing out the remote from between the couch cushions.


“Later!” Jinki said, snatching it from her and turning off the TV. “You can watch TV while we eat.”


“Fine,” Eunchan whined, going to her bag and getting her script.


“Ready?” Ilana said, taking a deep breath and getting into character.


“Slowly, slowly. It's too nice a job to rush,” Columbia said, pursing her lips at Brad, watching him undress.


“Wait, is that it?” Eunchan said, breaking character, “Is that it?”


“Yeah, the script is weird,” Jonghyun said, “But keep going it's my line.”


“Oh Brad,” Janet whined, putting her hand onto Brad's shoulder.


“It's alright Janet. We'll play along for now and pull out the aces when the time is right,” Brad whispers confidently into his fiancee's ear.


He makes to introduce himself to Columbia, sticking out his hand and saying, “And, hi. My name is Brad Majors and this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss. You are...”


“You're very lucky to be invited up to Frank's laboratory. Some people would give their right arm for the privilege.”


“People like you, maybe?” Brad snorted, pulling his hand away.


“I've seen it!” she said snootily, swooshing her hair around.


“It—he—Frank, is he your husband?” Janet asked timidly.


Kim Kibum burst from the hallway, sauntering down the hallway, reciting his lines perfectly. “The master is not yet married. Nor do I think he ever will be--”


“Where the hell did you come from?” Jonghyun asked, looking up from his script at the junior.


“I was in Taem's room,” he said, squeezing between Eunchan and Ilana on the couch. “Can we keep going?”




“We are simply his servants,” Riff Raff, the butler who was operating the lift said.




“So, the lift arrives in the lab,” Minho summarized the scene, “And Jinki-hyung is standing in the middle of the lab in his pink surgeons outfit.”


“Magenta, Columbia, go and assist Riff Raff,” Frank said. The three stand in front of the rainbow painted tank. “I will entertain... ah...”


Brad and Janet step out of the lift,” Minho directs.


“You really don't have many lines to you?” Eunchan asked, “You're playing the script manager right now.”


“Yeah, I guess,” Minho laughed, “Rocky's really just a prop.”


“I'm Brad Majors, and this is my fiancee, Janet Vice,” Brad said, transfixed on the man in front of him.


“Weiss!” Janet said, hitting Brad lightly in the arm.




“Encante, how nice,” Frank says, circling them, “And what charming underclothes you both have.”


“Frank takes two dust coats from Riff Raff and hands them to Brad.”


“Here, but here, put these on. They'll make you feel less vulnerable.” Frank looked Janet and Brad up and down, slowly, his eyes taking in every inch of their mostly unclothed bodies. “It's not often we receive visitors here. Let alone offer hospitality.”


“Hospitality! All we wanted was to use your telephone! A reasonable request which you have chosen to ignore,” Brad said, his face turning red and his glasses slipping down his nose.


“Don't be ungrateful Brad!” Janet harped.




The room falls silent.”


“How forceful you are, Brad,” Frank tucked brad under the chin.”Such a perfect specimen of manhood. So... dominant.”


“Magenta and Columbia laugh.”


“You must be awfully proud of him Janet.”


“Well, yes I am.” Frank took a piece of Janet's hair and curled it around his finger.


“You don't really have to actually touch her, Jinki,” Jonghyun said, detangling Jinki's fingers from Ilana's hair.


“No, it's okay, I don't mind,” Ilana said, smiling sweetly at Jinki.


“No, hyung, it's weird. She's your hoobae, and she might think you like her. You should be more careful.”


Jinki almost jumped away from Ilana. “I'm sorry Ilana. I didn't mean it like that!”


“It's okay but--”


“Hyung, why don't we go down and get the food? I bet everyone's hungry, right, Minnie?” Jonghyun said, jumping him up from his seat.


“Yeah, I guess I am,” Minho said, rubbing Jonghyun's shin in appreciation (Minho thrived on any attention at all).


“Okay, Jjong lets go.” Jonghyun grabbed Jinki's hand as they walked up the front door together.


“You know, I don't like it when you call me hyung,” Jinki said, “You always want something when you do. You know I don't like it when you try and act cute.”


Hyung~” Jonghyun whined, “I'm not cute, I'm y!”


And then the door slammed shut.



I really hate Jonghyun,” Minho said, putting his face into his hands.



i really like this chapter (and that i didn't have to write half of it since i could copy from the script, but i did write the stuff that's not dialogue). 

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Jongho ♥
why you so mean jjong ;^;
Minho's just jealous ;~;
jonghyunism #2
Chapter 1: Awww Jonghyun you cutie~ ;-; im guessing Jinki does not return Jonghyun's feelings