Chapter One

The Little People



It's almost as if he was within the boundaries of a dream. Everything feels surreal in a way that he can't comprehend whether if it is really reality or if it's an actual illusion created from the corner of his mind.

But one thing's for sure- it feels real enough.

Groaning softly as his conscience awakens, he scrunches his face for a moment before his eyes cracks open slowly and blinks until his sight clears. What he sees first is a glow of gold yellow with a hint of lime green emerging from the ground beneath. His eyebrows furrows together as he squint his eyes around the area. It's an odd room. And small too, once he thinks about it, because his body's curling into a ball and that seems to be the only reason why he's been able to fit in here. Ah, but it is comfortable, nevertheless.

He sits up, one of his hands propped against the soft walls for support. He eyes it once he realizes it isn't hard at all and tentatively pushes at it as an experiment. It's really soft and flexible; and the texture of it reminds him of the velvet of his curtains he once owned.

He thinks he had those kinds of curtains before, he isn't exactly sure.

He pushes at it again and this time, he pushes too hard. His finger actually pokes through the wall, causing a short yelp to escape his lips. He doesn’t expect something like that to happen. Eventually, he carefully pulls his finger away and blinks at the small gaping hole he created.

There’s something out there- something green. His nose also happens to catch a whiff of something rather fragrant and already, he feels his body relaxing as a result, a light carefree smile tugging against his lips.

Then, he shakes his head as if he’s trying to snap out from a spell.

Seriously, that’s kind of scary.

It’s then that he decides to try and get out this place, despite how absolutely comfortable it is and he just want to lie there forever, he needs to get out. He wants to know where he is.

And with that, he pushes himself up. However, he has already forgotten that the walls surrounding him are papery thin, so when he leans his weight against it, the wall breaks and he loses his balance.

Then, he’s falling head first, off from where he was and screaming like there’s no tomorrow.

Just as he’s about to say his prayers and bids the world goodbye, something breaks his fall. Something…soft? No, it’s weird. His eyes are still shut tight, but his hands find a sturdy surface beside him. Sturdy but…

He prods at it, jabbing with three fingers. It’s a little soft too.

Prying his eyes open, he blinks twice.

Then, he glances up.

A gasp of surprise escapes his lips. Now there’s something he never expects to see.

“Hello.” Says the person staring back at him through un-amused half-lidded eyes. He feels as if his breath is caught in his throat, because before him is a god. A god! And…oh god, is he dead? Has he gone to the gates of heaven already? Mentally panicking at the thought of it, he blinks wide eyes at the male before him and after a long period of silence, he glances down to what appears to be a clothed torso belonging to the person who saved him and prods at it again; this time, he’s jabbing at it harder than before. His hand isn’t going through so…

“Hey, what are you doing? That hurts.” Then, his savior unceremoniously drops him to the floor out of mild irritation.

“Aish!” he groans in pain, his hand pressing against his waist where it had it the hardest. Glaring at the unconcerned figure, he points accusingly, “You’re supposed to put me down gently!”

“You seem fine enough.” Is the response he’s given in return. “And beside, you’re supposed to thank me for catching you.”

He doesn’t reply back, instead opting to narrow his eyes and pouting a little. It’s true though; if it wasn’t for this person here, he would’ve died from the fall. He sits up, still rubbing his waist.

“…T-Thank you.”

The other male leans from the side as if he’s trying to catch the words. This jerk. “Hmm? What was that?”

“I said, thank you!” He ends up shouting, trying to find something to throw at the smug figure. Something hard and sharp. “God, why was I saved by you? The arrogance.”

He hears a soft chuckle and before he knows it, a finger hooks beneath his chin and he’s forced to see a pair of small, narrowed eyes, a thin face, and spiked hair. “…You’re actually pretty cute.” The other male mumbles, a smirk gracing his lips.

Trying really hard not to be affected by such a comment, he still feels a wave of warmth heating across his cheeks as he weakly responds, “S-Shut up.”

Another chuckle. “So what’s your name?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“I saved you?”




A resigned sigh escapes his lips. “…It’s Jaejoong.”

“Jaejoong? A cute name for a cute person like you.” The other male grins at him and all he wants to do is to slap that grin off that person’s face, for making his heart leap like a dancing gazelle and his face as red as a ripe tomato. “The name’s Yunho, by the way.”

Givng a slight frown, Jaejoong simply gives a short nod of acknowledgement but nothing more. When he decides to glance around his surroundings, he quirks up an eyebrow and the question just slips off his lips unconsciously. “Where are we?”

Yunho also takes a look, his hand pressed against his hip. “You don’t know?...Ah, I suspect as much.”

He raises his arms up and smiles at Jaejoong. “Welcome to The Garden.”


To be continued.

a/n: confusing, huh? :)
Don't worry, it'll get better. And it's short, I know =u=
Thanks to those who subscribed and commented, by the way. <3 I love you.

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SpidEMcD #1
Hmmm, months and months later...please entertain me some more
SpidEMcD #2
Chapter 1: I'm laughing with this chapter. I knew the minute Jaejoong pronounced a god had caught him that it was Yunho. And Yunho's reactions to it all are so on point, I can't stop grinning like a silly school girl. Now I have visions of DBSK singing "We Represent the Lollipop Guild" like munchkins. MAKE IT STOP!
nunmuri08 #3
Chapter 1: Wow, your mind works in too much imagination. Love it. Cant wait for the further chapter to comes.
#4 creative..
Already being curious...
Update soon!
spring8655 #6
:D Aww this is so awesome!
Author-nim, update soon~! ;)
SpidEMcD #7
Just who might be the little people? I've very curious now :P