Just a Warm-Up

LYTHIUM (*on hold for future changes*)
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The automatic door slid open for me and I left the bathroom.  As I turned in the direction of the co-ed training room, I nearly collided with a young man walking in the opposite direction.  I sidestepped quickly, allowing him to pass me, and looked back at him.  Something about him was familiar, but I was unable to see his face.  I shrugged off my slight curiosity and made my way to the training room to meet Seunghyun and Jiyong.     When I stepped through the automatic door into the training room, the smell of metal, rubber and sweat filled my nostrils, welcoming me home.  I spent most of my time in the training rooms, as per the routine.  Not that there was much of anything else for the inductees to fill their time with.  Depending on their personal skill sets, determined by the Staff, each trainee was assigned a department, and would work their way up the training ranks in their respective department.  There was the Technology Division, which had to do with surveillance, computer hacking, and field equipment; the Weapons Division, which taught the mechanics of field weaponry and trained its members in their uses.  Then there was my department; the Combat Division, where we were trained in martial arts and survival against lethal weapons, such as knives, in close-quarter combat.  Our training was brutal.  Many injuries occurred, as the trainees would give it their all in sparring, their fear and trepidation undermined by the Supplements they took religiously each day.     I walked across the metal floor, passed two young women who were taking turns beating up a mannequin.  Seunghyun and Jiyong were waiting for me on the far side of the room, beside a black sparring mat.  They spotted me as I approached them.     "You'd better warm up before the Trainer gets here," Seunghyun said to me, and I nodded, knowing that I would have to pull my weight more than usual, due to my Supplement-free diet and below-par performance.     "Who do you want to be your sparring partner?" Jiyong asked.  I responded with a slight smile as I moved onto the mat, "It doesn't matter to me, I could take you both on at once."  The two smirked and laughed.     "Oh, really now?" Seunghyun replied, stepping onto the mat and taking his place across from me.  "I'll take that as a challenge," he smiled.  Jiyong stood against the wall and folded his arms, ready to observe the match.     I took my beginning stance with my feet apart, my knees slightly bent, and my hands held out, braced just above my hips, waiting for Seunghyun to come at me.  We stood there, staring each other down for several long seconds before Seunghyun lunged forw
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Chapter 1: I love this story. (: