Dreams, Love

You woke up looking at the calendar.. Sighing to yourself. "D-D is here, either your dream stop today or go on" not wanting to be late for school, you rushed to wash up and left the house. 

Plugging earpiece into your ear and walked to school. Your audition starts at 2pm. And your school ends at 12pm. Hoping the 2 hours is enough for you to practice. Time passed super fast. It's end of school. You borrowed the schooldance room and started practicing. 

soon the clock strikes 145pm. You have to report by 155pm. You walked to the auditorium nevoursly. Seeing at the amount of students auditioning really give you the impossible feel to pass. Sighing and you told yourself you can do it. You looked at the registration form, the company you are auditioning for is TSENT. You signed up and when to take a sit. Trying to remember all the dance steps. But other than dancing, you feel that you cant sing well, but your friends and music teacher said that you have a angelic voice. Afraid that the judges will request  sing. A moment later, the secretary asked you to enter the room. Trying not to be nevours. You started introducing yourself. And smiling brighty to them. When the music play, you started dancing naturally. But you were quite worried after you finished dancing. The judges face was *pokerface* you started to think negative thinking that you've failed your auditions. You bowed to them and walked out. They will be announcing the passers tomorrow. Passers get to sign contract and be a trainee of TSENT. Wondering if you really get in and you can meet b.a.p everyday... 

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