A Wedding

The Sea Goddess


The night view of the sea at night never failed to soothe him from his most troubling moments. He loved the way the reflection of the bright moon mingled with the gleaming surface, for it reminded him of something he missed deeply. That sparkling beauty, that could only be portrayed by two bright orbs owned by someone that was long gone.

Somewhere along the calm breeze and the sound of the waves going back and forth, he swore he could hear her voice calling out for him.

At daytime, the golden sand could tell another story. Another memory he  remembered so well. The golden grains could always bring him back to that time when they finally bonded over sincere vows, symbolized by two identical rings and a kiss. Straight after the ceremony, they took off their shoes and stilettos, then the two lovebirds ran to the beach behind their reserved honeymoon beach house and stayed until sunset. And perhaps, did the first round of their honeymoon there.

Oppa, now I have sand all over!” he remembered her cute whine after their little activity, and he playfully smirked as a reply before carrying her to the bathroom, where she screamed and laughed all the way.

At nights when he couldn’t sleep, he would walk a few blocks to the beach and just stare out at the reflection of the moon. Then walk slowly to the pier, inhaling the salty smell of the sea before settling down to stand at the edge of the pier to meet his sweetheart.

“Hey honey.” Kyuhyun would greet her at the edge of the pier, looking out to the ocean.

Hey.. You look thinner.” He must be crazy but he could hear her sweet voice between the rustling sound of the waves, but it seemed like he was the only one who could hear it.

“I miss your cooking.” Then he would joke and sit down on the wooden pier.

Then he would hear another faint reply, and soon enough he would be conversing with her. People passing by must think he was talking to himself, but Cho Kyuhyun could ‘cross-his-heart-and-hope-to-die’ and swear on his life that he was merely talking to his wife. Well, his ex wife; the sea goddess.

He really believed that when his wife died a year ago, she was reborn as a sea goddess. Nothing calmed him like the sea does, and he believed that it was his wife’s work. She would talk to him through the waves, soothing him back to tranquility.

Then after some time, the man would walk home with a smile and a fluttered heart.

Tonight he couldn’t sleep again. So he put on his coat over his jammies, and slipped out of the house, softly blowing a kiss to the woman sleeping in the next room.

When he got to the usual spot, he sat down without a word because he knew that she already knew what was troubling him this time.

Anyone could see that he was anxious that night. He wouldn’t stop fidgeting on his spot and played with his hair. For once, he couldn’t hear her voice at all and greeted by a  brighter moon and calmer waves instead. Inhaling deeply, he could already feel his nerves softening at the sight. Even now, Seohyun could still calm him with the simplest things.

He had every right to be nervous, since he had a big event on his agenda tomorrow. The wedding.


Kyuhyun’s heart raced as he held the woman’s arm on the aisle.

This reminded him of his and Seohyun’s wedding, many years ago. It wasn’t held on the sea like this one, but it was just as beautiful.

Instead of lilies, back then they used tons and tons of white roses, concealed at every corner of the wedding venue. Kyuhyun made sure the place was simply covered with them as they both cherished that particular flower so much.

He remembered her shy smile once he took her hand and told her that he had never seen her so beautiful. And indeed, Seohyun may still be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Wearing a simple mermaid dress, he was so proud that he was the lucky man who could publicly claim her and kiss her in front of all those adoring eyes. And he had every right to shoo every other man who got in her way.

But looking at the woman beside her, he too, was blinded by her beauty. She was just as pretty as Seohyun, and just as glowing. The dress was of course, so much different than the one Seohyun wore, but it fit this woman so suitably, making her look like a princess and angel at the same time.

He couldn’t decide who was more beautiful, Seohyun or this woman.

He smiled at her, and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you.” He said softly.

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Chapter 2: that was beautiful :')
Stand4SeoKyu #2
Chapter 2: Oowh my Gosh this story touching me soo much but sweet at the same time..
Soo That's Seokyu's daughter wedding aka yoona, i thought kyu married again..
Chapter 2: lilyyyy you're baaack ♥
are you going to re-upload your other stories as well?
milkyberry #4
Chapter 2: oh god, just when I read the title of chapter 2.. i knew it's gonna be their children's :)
glad that you put yoonhae slightly in this story :)
kachan08 #5
Chapter 2: Wowww almost tricked me there.. Almost!!! Naice story. Thanks for re-uploading it..