signature kiss


It is one of those moments Kyungsoo cherish the most, 7 am on a Sunday morning, sitting on a café 6 miles away from town with a cup of freshly brewed coffee pressed against his palms. He listens as the chimes by the door jingle everytime a customer arrives, the aroma of addicting coffees swarming throughout the four corners of the café and Kyungsoo smiles as he lets the pool of scent relax him.

It is one of those moments where Kyungsoo takes time to reminisce everything in the past, what had happened and the reason behind those moments. Sometimes he laughs, sometimes he cringes. Sometimes his brows furrows but when he thinks of this particular topic, it never fails to ease every of his features and let a sweet smile creep into his lips.

Kyungsoo can no longer remember how he had fallen for a certain boy with sun-kissed skin and almost perfect facial features named Kim Jongin. He smiles at the thought. It must be the looks? He shakes his head no, beauty is temporary. He had already witnessed numerous times a Jongin casted out of beauty, but then Kyungsoo’s feelings never falter.

The attitude? Kyungsoo shivers. He remembers it wasn’t love at first sight when he met Jongin, nor was he fascinated the moment words came out of the other’s mouth huskily. Yes his voice was endearing, but it wasn’t exactly what pushed Kyungsoo to the pits of falling for Kim flawless Jongin. He was arrogant and bossy. The typical bad boy who swoons everyone around him. But no—Do Kyungsoo didn’t fall on that Kim Jongin aspect.

Or was it his talent? The way he dance? The way he sings (or raps)? Kyungsoo nods his head slowly in slight approval. As far as his memory won’t fail him, there are a number of times that Jongin danced his way to his heart. It was impossible for him to look away while the younger moves his body elegantly. From the simple footsteps and the swinging of the hands, to hip ing and to the grabbing of crotch—Kyungsoo couldn’t help but blush.

Kyungsoo reaches for his cup and sips, in attempt to wash away the grubby notion he was contemplating. But as his tongue came in contact with the hot liquid—he retreats. And then he thinks about Jongin, and finally manages to think of one decent reason



It was the kisses. The way Jongin kisses him.



One thing that Kyungsoo deems notable is how Jongin manages to make every kiss so special—from the place, the time, even the ambiance turns into a sweet one everytime Jongin touches Kyungsoo’s lips with his plump ones.


Kyungsoo remembers clearly how their first kiss went. There weren’t fireworks and magical colors splashing exactly—it happened on the rooftop of their dorm about 5 in the evening. Jongin drags a bewildered Kyungsoo to the rooftop just before the sun goes down. The wind swirls perfectly fine against their skins and they bathe in a comforting silence. They lean on the rail, eyes focused on the slowly disappearing ball of light in front of them.








I like you..




Kyungsoo blinks, albeit too fast. His mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. While he was like a deer caught in the headlight, Jongin was rooted on where he stands with hands cold as ice while he wait for the older’s response.

But then he was pulled out of his reverie when he felt a warm touch on his cheek, he looked up and met Kyungsoo’s unwavering gaze, “Am I dreaming?”

It could have been a dream Kyungsoo thought, if it wasn’t the sudden tug on his wrist and the crashing of two pair of lips in a matter of seconds. Kyungsoo’s eyes were wide open while Jongin’s were squeezed shut.


Oh how long has he dreamt for this moment.


He let his lids flutter and an arm snaking at the back of the younger’s neck, pulling him closer.

“No you’re not” the younger pinches his cheek softly, eyes staring at him lovely.

“Well then,” Kyungsoo smiles,

“I like you too..”

The confession was sealed with one more kiss just as the sun settled behind the starless sky.



There were also those moments when Kyungsoo is drained from everything. Juggling school along with career is no child’s game. He arrives at the dorm, trudging. He didn’t even have the chance to untie his shoelace when he was dragged to his and Jongin’s shared room, door slamming after them. He then felt two strong arms enveloping him in a warm embrace; he let himself sink deeper into Jongin’s chest, inhaling the boy’s addicting scent.

“Had a bad day?”

Kyungsoo nods. Just then Jongin tips his chin and kisses him softly, the kind of kiss that nearly swept Kyungsoo in his feet. And when they pull away, the younger smiles.




Or was it the next morning he woke up in Jongin’s bed with the other staring at him, eyes scanning his beautiful morning face. Jongin’s fingers felt warm against Kyungsoo’s cheek as the other lean in to place a chaste kiss on those addicting plump lips, “Good morning princess, breakfast?”



Kyungsoo’s personal favorite is everytime he cooks and Jongin magically appears at his back, arms circling his waist. May it be a sweaty-just after practice-Jongin or the newly showered Jongin—Kyungsoo doesn’t mind, as long as he shivers with the small kisses the younger boy places along his neck.




There was once when Kyungsoo arrived home with all the lights black out—silence seeping eerily to his veins. He takes small steps forward calling his band mates’ names,

“Suho hyung? Chanyeol? Baekhyun? Sehun?”

He then hears clatters on his far right side, vague figures moving in his peripheral view.







Kyungsoo almost lost his balance when the lights suddenly boomed and his band mates popped out of nowhere with fancy things held on their hands.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol with party poppers, Suho with a toy trumpet and Sehun with colorful balloons.

But then his eyes continue searching. Searching for a certain tanned boy with a seemingly permanent smirk plastered on its face.

Where is he?




“Happy Birthday..”



He turns around to see a smiling Jongin, holding a candle lit cake.


“Make a wish..”


Kyungsoo closes his eyes and whispers thank you. For he doesn’t need to wish anymore, for everything he could ask is already right in front of his eyes.

That night Jongin dances exclusively for him as the ‘birthday present’. In the end he managed to pull Kyungsoo out of bed and dance with him to the steady rhythm of their heartbeats.




Three days earlier, Kyungsoo’s phone kept beeping in the darkness. He was in slumber, though the annoying vibration woke him up loose. He groggily reached for his phone and squinted to take a look at the caller ID,




He immediately pressed the answer button, “Jongin?”

“Hyung,” Kyungsoo can hear the pit-pats of rain from the other line, “Hyung I’m soaked.”

“What?” Kyungsoo rubs his sleepy eyes and turn to glance at the wall clock. 10 pm.

“Jongin it’s 10 pm, why are you still outside? And you forgot to bring your umbrella again didn’t you? Aish, you really don’t listen to me.”

“Save the reprimanding hyung. Now would you please open the door for me?”

“You didn’t even bring your keys?”


Kyungsoo could only grumble as he slide off his bed and slip into his sweater, “Hold on, I’ll be down there.”

Kyungsoo shuffled to put on his home slippers and hurried to the main door—only to find a completely drenched Kim Jongin standing in the middle of the street.


“Jongi—what are you doing! You could’ve atleast come here at the porch!”


Kyungsoo watched as Jongin let himself be soaked by the harsh pouring of rain, the younger doesn’t seem to budge with all the calls so Kyungsoo decided to grab the yellow umbrella leaning on the wall and walk towards him.

Jongin smirks as he sees Kyungsoo approaching. He doesn't care that the rain is pouring hard, yelling to get indoors. His eyes are focused on Kyungsoo and the way his right fist is clenched around the umbrella, ready to strike. “What the hell are you thinking?” you could get sick and—“

The umbrella was swatted away from Kyungsoo’s grasp as Jongin pulled him into a tight embrace. He never fails to surprise the older.

Both of them are now soaked, bodies still in embrace with only the light emitted by the post nearby shining unto them.

And when Jongin pulls away, he speaks “I’ve always wanted something..”


“What is it?”


Jongin softly kisses Kyungsoo on the lips, mouths innocently gliding against each other. Kyungsoo sighs into the kiss, soft lips brushing against Jongin’s, then slowly opening up as he leans further into the kiss. Jongin brings a hand up to rest on Kyunsoo’s hips and runs a tongue along the seam of the older’s lips, Kyungsoo kisses him back and Jongin presses their foreheads against each other the moment they pull away.


“To kiss you under the rain,” he smiles.




And now Kyungsoo stares at the boy in front of him who blithely takes a sip on his coffee and takes quick glances at him. He smiles at him as soon as he puts his cup down, fingers clasped together.

“What?” Jongin asks, an apparent sly grin making its way to his lips. “Something on my face?”

Kyungsoo watch as the other delicately touches his face for inspection, looking like an idiot but in an oddly cute way Kyungsoo cannot resist.



Kyungsoo lifts the menu, leans across the table and kisses the boy softly on the lips. This time it was Jongin’s eyes that are wide open and Kyungsoo’s shuts his eyes, taking the liberty to savor the other’s sweet taste. And when Kyungsoo puts the rectangular list down, he smiles.

It’s not always you get to see a flustered Kim Jongin.




“I think it’s my time to steal kisses.”




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Chapter 1: I feel like my heart is about to burst because it's full of rainbows and unicorns >< This is just so adorable that i had to squeal for like 10 sec. after reading the last line :))
good job author-nim, this is so sweet and beautiful ;)
Chapter 2: It takes just one kiss in the rain to make everything be worth it. <3 :)
Chapter 1: Good job author-nim!!^^
Cheesy!jongin is well, cheesy. Haha. Kiss under the rain huh?
Haha. Then again its kaisoo. Bound too be sweet endearing and perfect that your heart just drowns in feels.
Kaisoo ftw
hunhanisreal #4
this is sooo sweet i'm gonna die. Jongin wae so sweet? ; u ;
All the sweet romance and reminiscing <3 Love the whole kissing in the rain part <33333 The ending is quite cute~
Chapter 1: /sigh/ what did u do to me? I have diabetes bcus reading this fluffy fic ;~~~~; thank u so much, that was beautiful
Chapter 2: Awww my teeth hurts, it's so sweet!! *o*
Coldsun1996 #9
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhh soo cute <3333333
xellamari #10
Chapter 1: " kiss you in the rain ...."

*faints* SO CUTE!