My Forged Wedding

(A/N: Narrations based on author's point of view. Purple is Eun Ji's thought.)

ARGHHHHH... Jung Eun Ji struggled to pull her heavy luggage down the stairs after getting off the metro station. After much difficulties, she plonked the green luggage down at the foot of the stairs. "Why do the wheels have to spoil out of all times?Must be that of my brother.It was fine the last time I used it!" she muttered, fanning herself indignantly with the map which she is holding.

But,wait. Now is not the time to curse the living daylights out of my brother. Where the hell am I? She looked around,buildings and busy roads surrounds her. She hastily wiped off the beads of sweat formed at her forehead. Apparently, this is her first time in Seoul. She looked anxiously at the crumpled map of Seoul. It is not good,the map is too complicated for her understanding. Aish, what is with that symbols and what not? This is the very reason why I failed Geography! she puffed her cheeks. Anyway, she have to move fast to the SM Entertainment company. Why? That is her chance in securing a good job.She promised her uncle that she will make a good impression to the company.So, in order to repay her uncle good-will in helping her find a job. She musn't let her uncle down, especially since, he took the trouble to get her the personal assistant job. 

I will have to ask for help,then. She rolled up her sleeves and tugged the luggage down the streets.


HMMMMMM...IT should be somewhere around here..Eun Ji look up and down from the map, still trying hard to figure out where the company is. She pushed her hair back in despair and bit down her lips. She have to admit it, she is completely lost. This time, she definitely have to lay down her pride and ask the passer-bys. She glances around her surroundings to find someone who looked aproachable enough to help.Just then, she saw a group of high school students standing nearby.Them,her eyes glittered as though she spotted treasures. She picked up her luggage and ran towards their direction.

"KYA!~OPPA IS COMING TODAY?Really??LET'S GO THEN!"A girl in the group exclaimed before running off and dragging her friends along.

"WA..ITTT!" Before Eun Ji could reach there,the girls were gone.Looking towards the direction where the girls ran to,there is a rather big crowd there.Maybe I could ask someone else there then..With that,she moved off quickly to the crowd.


"Hey,what happened?" Eun Ji asked a girl standing nearby. 

"We are waiting for Hee Chul oppa to come!He is so handsome and.." she rattled on and on,with her eyes shining and her hand griping the poster tightly.

"So,do you know where is SM entertainment?" she cut into her sentence.

"You're here already."she answered her question politely.

Oh,so I am here already.WAIT, I AM HERE ALREADY?~

"Omo,really?I am so thankful to you!!~" she did a ninety-degree bow to her. She couldn't help it, she just too relieved! She really thought she could not make it to the company.

"You're welcome,I guess. You're really weird though."the girl said looking at Eun Ji oddly.

Before, she can rejoice.A car slowly drove up the driveway of the company,deafening screams shattered the silence. She felt herself being pushed,tugged and pulled around by people,left and right.

What totally just happen?Oh no,I am losing my balance .I AM GOING TO FALL. She closed her eyes tightly and... "OUCH~Arghhh..That hurts,my hands are scraped!" she grumbled, picking herself from an awkward position which she fell with her hands stuck out infront. .AISH~Those fangirls. Pissed off with such treatment, she quickly pushed and egged her way in front . Who is that Heechul guy anyway? A guy wearing sunglasses slowly stepped out of the car.Eun Ji craned her neck to see who the artiste is. The screams got louder and louder,the fangirls waved their poster frantically.Once again, Eun Ji was pushed and elbowed again. "SARANGHAEYO~OPPA PLEASE SIGN MY POSTER!!~" The security guards pushed those fangirls back and the fangirls continued to shout themselves hoarse ,until, Mr Sunglasses entered the company.

" Can't believe,we saw him today.Right?"The girl,whom she asked directions from before, spoke to her.

"Yeah," Eun Ji muttered weakly before picking up her luggage.The fangirls slowly disperse away. So,that is the commotion about.Seriously?My poor arms. Aish. Feeling sore and body aching,she make her way to the entrance of the company.Oh right, she should give uncle a call too.

Fishing out her handphone,Eun Ji punched in her uncle's number which her mother gave it to her yesterday morning.After a few rings,he picked up.


"Annyeonghaseyo,uncle nim.It is Eunji here."

"Oh yeah,my cute little niece.How're you doing?"He asked.

What?Cute,little?Ewww.I still can't get used to how cheesy uncle is.What do he mean by how am I doing?

"Yeah ,uncle.I am doing fine,but didn't you promised my mother to get a job for me?" she asked tentatively.

"Oh,I did?"he asked.

"But..I am already here to look for you!" she spluttered.After a few seconds of silence,he spoke up.

"Oh,wait.I did.So sorry.You know my memory is getting real bad" he laughed.

"Oh thank goodness." she managed a weak laugh.He nearly gave me a heart attack.I can't believe how did he even become a high ranking manager!

"Come to the managing room now.Oh,I got to go. Bye."


"Wait,uncle..."The line died. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO GET TO THE MANAGING ROOM? Sometimes, uncle can be really inconsiderate.Left with no choice,she have got to ask some people again. People certainly looked a lot less friendlier here...


"Hey,excuse me.Sir?" Eun Ji asked a tall man who is looking at his phone and standing nearby.He did not even bother looking up after repeated callings from her.How rude,maybe he did not hear me. She tugged her luggage and moved beside him.

"Hey,"she tapped him from the back.He spun around, facing Eun Ji directly.Oh,he is the Mr. Sunglasses from just now.

"Do you know who am I?" He asked arrogantly.

"Errr..." Eun Ji searched through her thoughts for his name. Hee..something??Heewon?No?Heebum?

"Anyway,Knowing your name or not is not important.May I know where is the managing room?" Eun Ji cleared and spoke up.

"Really?How irritating..." He placed both of his hands on Eun Ji's shoulder and leaned in till their faces are just a few centimetres apart. She gasped at his sudden action. What is he...even doing? She could feel his breath on her face,it was embarrassing! Eun Ji's face starts to heat up,not being treated like that before, she stares defiantly back at the mocking gaze of his. On a closer look,his facial features is quite pretty. His sharp gaze is quite..y? After a prolong staring session, she felt herself going slightly weak and absorbed into the depth of his eyes. She finally know why the fangirls are so crazy with him.It is definitely a lie if one say he wasn't handsome. Nope, shut it out Jung Eun Ji.Snapping out of her trance,Eun Ji mentally slapped herself for acting like a fangirl.What was I even thinking?? For some odd reason,her heart thumped faster and faster as he moved in closer, next to her ear.

"KIM.HEE.CHUL. Remember it,I guess you're new here so I will not fault you.Next time,if you can't remember my name.Game over for you,understand? Next, do you think I look like a freaking receptionist to you?"He whispered. Eun Ji's eyes widened at his remark.Such a conceited and rude guy!  Eun Ji took in a deep breath to control herself from clawing at his perfect face. Who could blame her, she have never seen such a type of person before in her entire life. Eun Ji was about to retort back,then she realised the awkward position they are in. Obvious disadvantage. Eun Ji's  face started to heat up naturally once again.

"What do you even think you're doing?"With all her might, she shove him away.

Stunned,he stumbled back a little.The smirk was evident after a few second.

"Why are you blushing?"He touched Eun Ji's cheeks,and ask.Oh,damn it. She slap his hands away from her face.

"Oh,must be my charm.Don't worry I won't fall for such violent and plain woman like you and I am pretty sure you're still single." he smirked.

"Oh,never you mind."she answered back with gritted teeth at his snide remark.Why was I even mesmerized by him for even a second?At the first place,why didn't I pushed him away when he placed his hand on my shoulders?What the heck was I even hoping for?  Eun Ji felt an overwhelming urge to strangle herself for such embarassment.Seeing that Eun Ji have gotten silent, with that smirk, he turned and walked away. ARGHHHH..SUCH A BAD DAY!~ Eun Ji messes up her hair in despair. Still fuming, she picked the luggage up and tugged it to the receptionist counter.

The managing room is in the sixth floor.Alright.Huffing and puffing,Eun Ji finally managed to drag her luggage to the lift lobby.Coincidentally, she saw the elevator door closing.

"Wait a minute!!!~" she shouted.And pulled her luggage forcefully to the awaiting lift. She looked up and saw Kim Hee Chul's hand holding on the 'lift open' button. He looked up and saw her coming,his hand immediately switched to the 'lift closing' button and jabbed it."Hey!WAIT" Eun Ji glared at him.Unfortunately,the door closes before she could even reach to press the button.He waved and smirked at her through the gap of the closing door.DAMMIT!THIS GUY. Aren't he childish? She ran her fingers through her hair and stormed to the next opening lift door.

Finally,she found the managing room after all that ridiculous events which happened.She tidied her hair before knocking politely on the wooden door. "Come in," Eun Ji pushed the door handle and enter the room. There are a few people,managers..(Supposedly)  sitting around the room. Bright sunlights filter into the room, it is a big area and the decorations are just like how a normal office would look like.

"Ah. Eun Ji! Come over here" Uncle stood up and beckon Eun Ji over to where he is sitted. A big white table was placed there,it is probably where meetings between managers are held.

'Ummm..Hello, I am Jung Eun Ji." she introduced herself and bowed slightly. She scanned through the faces of these people.They smiled politely at her except for this weird guy.Judging by his broad shoulders, it should be a man.He hasn't turned around to look at her throughout the entire time she was there. Eun Ji frowned and tried to get a glimpse of that guy. Why is he acting so secretive?Is he the highest ranked manager? She couldn't really see his face since his chair is facing the windows. It would require her to walk to the other side of the table.How odd,indeed. Eun Ji was completely intrigued by this mysterious man,until, her uncle broke her concentration.

"Eun Ji? Are you listening?" My uncle asked.

"Ahhh..Ne,ne. I am listening." Eun Ji nods to her uncle's question. Her uncle shot her a quick disapproving look before turning all smiley to the other managers.

"As, I was saying she is my niece. I think she will be perfect for this role."My uncle said in a reassuring sort of tone.

It sounds as if uncle hasn't really convince them in giving me the job.They are probably still doubtful in my ability to do the job. I musn't just depend on uncle,I should try to put in some good words for myself.

'Yes, I definitely would try my best.So, please give me the job." She quipped eagerly.

"Yes,Miss Eun Ji. I hope you understand that I am not doubting you. But, the job that you are taking on. It requires absolute cautiousness and it must be a secret between you and the company..." a man,presumbably the one approving to give Eun Ji the job, spoke up.

Secret..? Cautiousness..? Is it that hard to be a personal assistant?

"I am confident that I will do my job well. But, pardon me if I ask. What is so secretive about a personal assistant job?" Eun Ji responded.

"Personal assistant...? Manager Kim, didn't you tell your niece the ENTIRE job scope of a personal assistant?" the manager turns and ask uncle.

"Oh, yes.I might forget some important parts... Please excuse me for a moment." Uncle dabbed his forehead with a tissue paper.

??? Entire job scope?? What is going on?

Confused, Eun Ji stood there blankly, not knowing what to say. "Eun Ji ah, come with me." uncle pulled her out of the office.

" see, there is some changes in your job. Personal assistant is just a name for the job you are going to do." uncle said worriedly.

"Wha.." Eun Ji started to say.

"Before you ask any questions. I will explain it to you. Your job is to pretend to be a wife." Uncle cuts in. "This is because this actor have never gotten any experience in marriage. He is facing trouble in trying to act in his new drama where he is a newly wed husband."

"So..." Eun Ji trailed away.

" So, the company decided to let him get an experience in becoming a married man. Of course, news of him married would break many fan girls' heart which will in turn result the company losing money. Thus, this have to be in absolute secracy." Uncle finished his sentence in one breath.

"I will be..." Eun Ji continued.

"...You will be the one playing this role." The impact of this sentence sent Eun Ji automatically walking away towards the lift lobby.

"Eun Ji ah, my dearest,sweetest niece. Please stop!" Uncle ran after her,desperately,trying to stop her from leaving.

"No, uncle. I am sorry to say this. But, this is totally a crazy idea! I am looking for a job,not to be a wife!" Eun Ji exploded, she just felt so cheated into coming here.

"Just, a pretend wife. Please, Eun Ji?" Her uncle begged, putting his hands together.

"No way. This is just absurd!" Eun Ji crossed her arms.

"Eun Ji-ah, uncle have not being doing well too." Her uncle sighed.  Puzzledly, Eun Ji look silently at her uncle.

"I am...actually just a small manager. One that the... company could do without. I am not important or high rank just as what I boasted about." tears shone in her uncle's eye.

"Seriously...Don't..give me that." Eun Ji looked away.

"This drama is worth up to millions of wons investments from the company. I cannot blew it up with what I promised.I can't get fired! Please!." Her uncle started sobbing.

"But..." Eun Ji rolled her eyes.

"PLEASE!" Her uncle did something unexpectedly.. He kneeled in front of Eun Ji. 

"Uncle!!Please get up! Alright. Alright. I will do it,okay?" she said exasperatedly.

"You mean it..?" her uncle looked up.

"Yes,before I change my mind." Eun Ji muttered.

"Yes! My tears are not wasted! Promotions!Here I come." uncle leapt up immediately,punching his fists in the air.

"So..that act was a lie? You should really go be an actor. Seriously." Eun Ji said mockingly,trying to walk away.

"Eun ji ah, please?" her uncle blocked Eun Ji's path.


"This is such a pain." She mumbled, propping her head up with her left arm.There she is,back again in the office. She is going to accept the job after all that crying and kneeling her uncle did. She can't possibly be that cruel to her uncle, right?

"Yes, do she get the job?" her uncle asked eagerly.

"Yes. Her background is clean and excellent.She can proceed to sign the contract" the manager flipped through sheets of paper. "Here is the contract," He slipped the contract over to Eun Ji.



I, Jung Eun Ji is employed to be a personal assistant with one of SM entertainment actors for a term of 6 months. I am not allowed to disvulge any personal informations of the actor to the media or any other friends or relatives. Nor I am allowed to leave before the contract ends. No relationships or connections are to be continued after the end of this contract. If I, Jung Eun Ji , break or violate any of these rules. Will be liable to the compensation of any losses to SM Entertainment. Possible legal actions may be taken towards the person involved.


Sigh. She signed the contract and passed the file to the manager.

I am totally selling myself off.

"By the way,who would be my pretend husband?" The moment she said that.The guy sitting on the chair with his back facing her all the time, turned around.Familiar face,sunglasses,smirk.

"WAIT.WITH HIM?" She gaped.




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Chapter 1: sound interesting ..!
looking forward for the update ! :)
hwaiting !
LadyOrchid #2
Oh, this was a one of apple games apps isn't? You based your story there? Wow, how interesting...goodluck!