White Oak City

The New Essem Region!

White Oak City

So named after the legendary pokemon professor Oak. When he died fifteen years ago, an oak tree was planted in the middle of a small town on the outskirts of the region known as Essem in reverance for the departed professor.

Now, fifteen years later, the town has become a bustling city, dedicated to the research of pokemon and their evolution. 

Two trainers walked through the busy city, walking towards the center, where the Pokemon Labratory would be. The younger one hopped up and down, way to excited to slow down. She pulled on her brother's sleeve.

"Oppa!!! Hurry or we'll be even more late!" 

Donghae chuckled at his sister's hasty demenor. 

"Calm down Miyoung. We'll get there when we get there." 

She shook her head and continued to drag him towards the center of the city. They walked in silence, and it wasn't until they rached a Contest&Battling Shop that Miyoung started to slow down.

"OH OPPA LOOK OVER THERE THAT'S SO COOL!" She ran off into the store without a moments hesitation, leaving Donghae behind.

He facepalmed and shook his head.

Such a kid.

He continued to head to the labratory, the doors opened automatically, causing him to bump into someone. 

He stepped back, almost falling, having to balance himself quickly, he didn't want to drop the precious cargo.

"Ooof. Hey! You should be more carefu-" 

He cut off and stared at the person in front of him.

"Ack! Ouch, that hurt..." 


Miyoung shifted through the many coordinating dresses with a sigh. She looked longingly towards the training clothes and then back towards the dresses.

Which to chose. 

She had been dreading this decision for awhile now.

Coordinating, or battling? 

Too difficult to decide. She loved coordinating, making her own combinations, the spotlight on her, it was just so amazing. But then again, the adrenaline when battling, the split second decisions, the unsure turn out... her brother. 

Another sigh.

Someone coughed behind her, and she turned quickly, feeling as if that cough was directed at her. There stood a silver haired boy, peering down at her. He seemed to be just a bit older than her, probably just about a year, and he looked at her curiously.

"What is it?" 

She struggled with her words, she wasn't really good at talking to strangers. She glanced back towards the contest and battling outfits.

He did the same and nodded his head.

"Ahh I see. Trying to decide which path to take huh?" 

He held his hand out for her to shake.

"Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun. I'm a pokemon trainer." 

"H-Hi... I'm Miyoung..."

After a few secinds if awkward silence, Miyoung was the first to speak up.

"So... What do you think I should do?"

Grinning, he happily answered her question," Well it's not really my choice... I would have to see your relationship and style of battle with your pokemon."

"That is not the answer I was looking for," she pouted and the boy coudn't help to laugh.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me! That's not nice!" She couldn't help but pout more when he continued to laugh.

"I'm not laughing at you silly. Why don't you show me your skills?"

She raised her eyebrows at him, unbelieving.

"You want to battle ME?"

He smirked and nodded.

"What think I can't take it?"

She immidiately shook her head. 

"No I just..."

"Just what?" he taunted, cocking an eyebrow.

She looked down and shuffled her feet before answering the silver haired boy," I don't really... Have my pokemon yet..."

Chuckling once again, he pulled her chin up so that they were looking into each other's eyes. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours before Kyuhyun said anything.

"Hmmm... Well... I assume you are here to get your first pokemon then? I mean, why else would you be here?"

She nodded in agreement and he released her chin.

"Why don't I accompany you then and watch your first match?" he chirped happily, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the door.

Her eyes widened when she understood that his question wasn't really a question; he intended on watching, whether she agreed or not. Before he could pull her out the door she quickly decided to protest.

"No! No I-I don't want anyone to watch!" she shrieked, pulling her wrist from his grasp.

Before he could do or say anything she sprinted out of the store, no goodbye or anything, leaving the silver haired boy speechless.

"Well that's too bad..."

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Chapter 6: Evil Kyu. XD
Chapter 5: XD cool mom. >:)
Chapter 5: Sooyeon left Seungyeonnnnnnn~~~
Chapter 4: Stop trolling us about the update.
Just put up another one tomorrow.
Chapter 4: <3
No words needed. :)
Chapter 4: OMO!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
POST MORE!!!!!!!!
soon of course!!!!!!!!!