She is my perfection!

You're Perfect!

He drummed his finger on the empty page. How was he supposed to work when his mind was filled with her? It was like a spell on him. Whatever he was doing she popped up in his mind, distracting him in all he was doing.

He had never been a daydreamer but since he met her, he drifted every so often into his world of dreams about her. But still, as a leader of a group he had to keep his head cool and focus on what he was doing. Even more since their comeback was a great hit. Nililli Mambo. For him it was one of his greatest hits, influenced by the fact that he met her during the filming of the music video. He never met someone like her; she was different than all the other girls he had met. Maybe she was even more different because she was a foreigner.

She was small, had honey brown hair and wasn’t thin as the most Korean girls. She wasn’t a cute girl, she was a woman!

She worked as a translator as they were filming their new music video in Taiwan. She was way to interesting to ignore her, so he kept on being near her to get to know how she was like.

He quickly found out that she spoke more than more than four languages and that she came from Europe. She loved KPOP since she was a teen and was a little younger than him. But somehow he didn’t had the guts to speak to her directly, he felt too shy to just walk over to her and start a normal conversation. He just listened to what she was talking about with the others and he felt so horribly jealous every time a guy spoke to her.

Several days passed and he had coursed himself for being so shy, but then there had been the perfect situation: One of the actors from their filming walked over to him and tried his best to explain something to him… in half Taiwanese, half English… Of course he didn’t understand a thing what the guy wanted to tell him and had to ask someone to translate for him. Quickly he walked over to her, heart pounding in the speed of light and his hands slightly shaking. When he called out her name and she turned around a slight smile on her lips, he was flashed, just because he realized that she was all he wanted. Stuttering he explained his situation, he wasn’t able to speak clear when she was smiling so brightly at him.

While she was translating for him he kept his eyes on her, not being able to really understand what she was saying and it took him a few seconds to realize that he had to answer to the Taiwan guy. He had felt a little embarrassed but since then the ice had been somehow broken and he had started to talk to her every time he got the chance to.

Her name was Lena; she came from Germany (he had to google it to know where that was), she spoke Taiwanese, Japanese, German, English and of course Korean almost fluently.

There was always something news, something unexpected that he learned about her every time they talked, like the fact that she loved mandarins.  It way seem boring to others but for him it was the most interesting thing he could have ever imagined. Just the fact that every time he smiled at her, it seemed like her eyes brightened a little more (if that was even possible) made him the happiest person on earth.

The last day of filming had come and he had really managed to ask her out for dinner. And she really agreed!

So when he had been waiting in front of her flat his heart was about to explode, never in his life had he felt so nervous. Although he hadn’t waited for more than a few minutes, worries popped up in his mind which he didn’t really want to become true. What if she didn’t want to go out with him and was just doing him a favour? What if she didn’t even like him and was annoyed that she had to go out with him? What if… But when she opened the door all of his worries were washed away. His mouth fell agape; he hadn’t expected her to be so beautiful! She was almost inhumanly gorgeous. He couldn’t imagine someone who looked so good in such a simple outfit. She wore black skinny jeans, a cream-colored blouse and a matching cardigan. He had insisted on a simple outfit, he wasn’t a person who liked to struggle himself into uncomfortable clothes just to look good. Personal beauty showed of a lot more when you wore your normal clothes. He himself wore just a gray pair of skinny pants, a black tank-top and his favourite hoodie.

The evening went by way to fast and he finally realized how fast time was running when already stood in front of her flat door.

He would have loved to just kiss her then and there but again he was to shy, so he just gave her a peek on her cheek and rushed away. Ever since then they had been texting and meeting more and more often. He didn’t really care what other people said or thought of him, his band members were happy for him and that was the only thing that mattered.


So here he sat there… knowing fully well that he had still plenty much time until she was coming to their flat. But he was just not able to concentrate anymore no matter how long he starred at the empty page it won’t fill. He sighed and walked into their kitchen; since he had nothing to do he could at least grab a snack to pass the time and maybe see P.O to have a little small talk until she was finally arriving. But then again, if he would eat something he might get smelly breath or have something between his teeth. He skipped the kitchen and scoffed into the living-room finding Taeil sleeping on the sofa. Next to him tried U-Kwon to squeeze himself onto the couch so he could read his book while listening to music. P.O and Jaehyo were no where to be found and he could easily hear B-Bomb playing piano in his room. Everyone had something to do… except of him. But thankfully Kyung appeared out of no where not knowing about his luck to be an entertainer until she came. They talked for a while but then Kyung excused himself and went into his room, he was on his own again. Somehow time trickled away and finally the doorbell rang.

He leaped across the living-room to the door quickly checking his hair. His whole body tickled when he saw her and he couldn’t control himself, he buried her in a bear hug. She gasped for air at first but then laughed and then replied the hug.  Butterflies were rumouring in his stomach and his heart pounded in his chest. “Hey Zico, how are you?”  She whispered softly into his chest without moving an inch away from him. “I couldn’t feel any better! How are you?” He could feel her smile against his chest “I’m fine too.” They jumped apart when Taeil scoffed around the corner. If they had stayed silent and unmoving Taeil wouldn’t even had noticed them, he was way to sleepy to recognize his surroundings, but the fast movement to his right caught his attention. “Oh… Hey Lena! How are you?” Her cheeks were pink when she answered “I-I’m fine how are you?” Taeil not seeming to notice that he was unwelcome in Zicos eyes started a little small talk with her. Finally realizing the death glare that was coming from behind her and he quickly excused himself.

They sat down on his bed chatting about something and nothing just enjoying each others present. He hadn’t tried to kiss her since the day when they had their first date. But he always wished to do it again. Kiss those beautiful lips that smiled right at him.

Again the day passed way to fast and she had to go already. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back not wanting to ever let her go. And it was like his feelings were clouding his thoughts when he leaned down to her, kissing her directly on her lips.


There were no words to describe how perfect it felt. No words that could describe how her small hands clinged onto his shirt, desperate for more. And how his hands intertwined with her honey brown strands.


It was perfect. She was perfect. He loved her more than everything in the world. Forever.

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PoisonApple911 #1
Chapter 1: It's so sweet!
kimdedol #2
Chapter 1: It is a beautiful and sweet story n love it^^
Chapter 1: Awwww Zico <33