
Ready or Not? (Oneshot)

Hey guys! I've had this idea stuck in my head for a WHILE! So I decided to finally write it out! :D I hope you enjoy! ;)


Aesook was leaning against the wall in the dance studio. She was trying to cool off from the dancing she had just got finished doing.  Her lavender tank top was drenched in sweat and was clinging to her body. She placed her right hand against her tummy, feeling her unborn daughter kick against it. Two hands s around her waist and pulled her close to his body.

“Yobo, didn’t the doctor tell you to take it easy? You’re close to your due date.” Taemin said as he gently kissed her forehead and placed his hand onto her stomach.  Aesook tried to get away from him.

“Yobo, I’m covered in sweat. I need to take a shower.” She said trying to pull away from his grasp. Taemin grabbed her left hand and pulled it up to his lips, grazing her knuckles softly. Her wedding band and engagement ring glistened as the sunlight hit them.

Taemin smirked at her statement. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve embraced you while you were covered with sweat. As I recall, we had a lot of fun creating this little one and there was a ton of sweat and other bodily fluids involved.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her again and placed both of his hands onto her tummy, feeling their daughter eagerly kick the insides of her mother.

She winced somewhat. “Sheesh, I swear this kid is going to be a soccer player like Minho.” Aesook joked.  Taemin grinned and shook his head in disagreement.

“No, she’ll be one hell of a dancer though.” He said as he began to kiss his wife’s neck. Aesook moaned slightly, before pulling away.

“Come on, I need to get some water. It’s the doctor’s orders. Remember she said to always drink fluids after any kind of exercise.” Aesook said as she pulled Taemin along with her. Taemin laughed out loud. It sounded like a mix of velvet and silk.

“Since when have you ever followed the doctor’s orders?” He asked teasingly. “As I recall they told you no strenuous exercise, especially since you are due in a few days.” Aesook stuck her tongue out at her husband.

“I wanted to dance. I just had the sudden urge and I can’t do anything like I used to. I have a belly that gets in the way.” She said as she made her way to the vending machines.

“Tell me about it.” Taemin muttered, under his breath.

As they got their water they walked to a spot where they could sit down and rest a bit. “Honey, I have a question to ask you.” Aesook said after thinking for a few minutes. Taemin looked at his wife.

“Ask away darling.” He said, wondering about what his wife wanted to ask.

“What did you think about when we first met?” She asked. Taemin looked at her in surprise.

“That’s easy. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The way you moved on the dance floor was like liquid and I knew you immediately had stolen my heart.” He said while smiling at Aesook. Her chocolate brown hair was long and up into a pony tail. He had asked her if she wanted to get it cut before they had their daughter, but she had refused. “Now when I confessed, that is a different story.” He said, chugging down the water he had bought.

Aesook perked up at that. “Oh really? Tell me about it, what were you thinking about when you decided to tell me you loved me for the first time?” Taemin blushed slightly, making Aesook even more curious.

“I’ll tell you, but you’ll laugh.” He said matter-of-factly. “You know that song “Ready or Not” off of the Lucifer album?” He asked his cheeks still slightly pink. Aesook nodded. “Well, I sang the entire song in my head to help me out.” He said looking down at the tiled flooring under his feet. Aesook laughed, lightly.

“Awww, Taemminnie! That is soo adorable!” She said as she moved to give him a kiss.  He was still blushing, but leant in anyways. “Come on loverboy, we need to go over to the dorm and see what your band mates are up to.” She said laughing. They walked hand in hand, reminiscing all of their favorite times they had spent together.  

“You know, the hyungs are still mad at me.” Taemin said out of nowhere, as they were close to the dorm.

“Why are they mad at you?” Aesook asked, almost afraid of the answer. “Don’t tell me they still make fun of you over the whole “2min” thing?” She asked giggling. Taemin blushed.

“It was my birthday and I got drunk. You know I become a kissy monster when I get drunk.” He said as they made their way into the building. “And no, that’s not what I was talking about. I was talking about how I was the first one to get married to a beautiful woman, and now I have daughter on the way.” Aesook stopped walking as Taemin was talking. He hadn’t even noticed until he only heard only his footsteps. He turned around, noticing Aesook with her hand on her belly and a shock expression on her face. “Honey, are you okay?” Taemin asked frantically making his way to Aesook.

Aesook gulped and took in a deep breath. “Yeah, I am, but I have another question for you. Dear, are you ready or not?” Taemin looked at his wife, confused.

“Ready or not for what?” He asked. She pointed to the floor and Taemin looked down and noticed a puddle of what looked like water around his wife’s feet.

“To meet you baby girl, because we need to go to the hospital. Now preferably!”  She said as she tried to control her breathing. They had made it almost all the way to the dorm when she had stopped. Taemin ran all the way to his hyungs dorm telling them the good news, before going to the dorm room across from theirs to get the overnight bag and her pillow. He frantically ran back to his wife with the rest of SHINee behind him. He tossed the bag and pillow to different members before picking up his wife and running to the elevator.

“MEET US AT THE HOSPITAL HYUNGS!!” Taemin shouted as he pushed the button on the elevator taking them down to the first floor.

Minho sighed as they all stood there waiting for the elevator. “That boy sure is lucky he’s got such caring hyungs like us.”  Jonghyun said, while laughing.

“YAY!!! My first grandbaby!” Key said happily. The other members just shook their heads. It was typical of Key and after living with each other for so long; they just dealt with his weird out bursts.

“Do you think they’ll want us to pick up some food on the way there?” Onew asked hopefully. Minho laughed.

“Maybe hyung, but not fried chicken. Aesook is having a baby and that takes a lot of energy. They’ll need something to help keep them energized.”  Jonghyun  replied.

Minho laughed even harder.  “Guys,” he said trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes. “with all the pain Aesook will be in, I highly doubt that they’ll need something to keep them up.” He said while trying to calm himself down.

“Well, we better get going to the hospital. They’ll need her pillow and the bag.” He continued. He pushed the button for the elevator and stepped into it with the other members.

“I can’t believe Taemin was first.” Jonghyun muttered as the elevator doors closed.

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Chapter 1: this was so cute!!! I cant wait to see them ((or him!!)) married!
Kyeopta..... <3
awww it was soo cute!!!
cute .<br />
kekeke .<br />
jonghyun and onew like joker .
So cute!<br />
Delvae #6
aww... cute ^^ <br />
“I can’t believe Taemin was first.” Jonghyun muttered as the elevator doors closed.<br />
yeah, me too, Jonghyun, me too... xD
blingdinosaur38 #7
Aww. So cuute. :3
shawolminah #8
kyaaa~ nice story....