Just Love

Just Love

Labels. Every single thing is placed under a label. Even a person. He or she gets labeled depending on one’s action. Sometimes, that person even gets boxed to that label.


You see, I know two people that were labeled. Well, probably there are a lot more people being labeled out there. But these two people, who probably doesn’t even know me, were labeled and boxed right in front of my eyes, by my friends, my family and by other people.


“Aren’t they gay?” They said.


I couldn’t help but cringe with what they said. I was just watching a video of these two people on my laptop. I was watching a show on TV with these two people. And all they did was smile sweetly to each other, laugh like there was no tomorrow and held onto each other like brothers, like friends, like lovers.


“Aren’t they gay?” They said.


I could not help but wonder, why these people label them as such? Can’t they see, what I am seeing? What the two of them are seeing?


“They aren’t.” I said.


“They aren’t” I repeated.




The next thing I knew when I opened my laptop, when I watched TV, it was news, it was there.


SHINee’s Lee Taemin and Choi Minho, a couple. 2Min is REAL!


And there I was, witnessing something very…very wonderful.


“They aren’t gay….they’re just Lee Taemin and Choi Minho. They are friends, brothers and they are lovers.”


I clicked on a video on their recent interview. And after watching it, tears just streamed down.


“I am not afraid to love Taemin. There’s nothing wrong with loving. I am his and he is mine. And we love each other….that’s all that matters…” the deep voice of Choi Minho said and it was full of love for Taemin.


Then they held hands on screen.


I could not help but smile. I am happy.




If only people could see what I see. What Minho sees. What Taemin sees. No labels, no judgments, nothing.


Just love and that’s all that matters.


Just love.

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Chapter 1: WOW!!! THIS IS JUST!!! Im lost for words <3 its beautiful :) please write more
Chapter 1: THIIISSS. OMG THIS. ; u;

I wish this would really happen ; u;
keilovetaemin #3
Chapter 1: yeah! just love,
love didnt need reason hehe
yeah, 2min is real! <3333
Chapter 1: man, i wish this will come true too. lol !!
gdragon39 #5
Chapter 1: how i really wish this is true~~ >_< :')))
chibieru #6
Thank you for reading! :D
chibieru #7
Thank you for reading! :D
boondoks1 #8
Chapter 1: omg,,this is really beautiful and so touching,,this is the reality that we all wanted and wish for,,,kekeke 2min love
Chapter 1: how i wish this will come true~~~