Eat then Leave for School

School.. Boring...? Or Not..?

You decided to eat before going to school. Breakfast is the most important meal a day so you decided not to skip it especially since your mom was very good at baking and cooking so you wouldn't want to miss her cooking. You sat down on your usual seat and grabbed some muffins and cookies and started eating them, then you grabbed a slice of bread and spread nutella over it before putting another slice on top of it and eating it. After eating your fill, you take the jug of orange juice and pour some in your cup before drinking from it. You then take out your lunch box and put 3 cookies, 1 apple, 1 nutella sandwich and 1 muffin before closing it and putting it in your bag and getting up, slinging your school bag over your shoulders as you check the time. "Oh my Gods... I am sooo dead for sure..." You yell, seeing that it was already 8:15. "BYE MOM, BYE JIHYUNG! BYE EVERYONE!!!" You shout, running to the door, flinging it open and closing it with a loud 'BANG'. You then wore your sneakers rather than heels so as to run easier and faster. You then dash toward your school, hoping you'd be only 5 minutes late at most. You ran and ran but as you ran, you spot a male wearing a similar uniform as you walking calmly to school. "Yah! Aren't you from Seoul Elite High School? You're late. How can you be so calm?" You shout, slowing down your pace to a walking speed as you caught up to him. "Hmm? Does it matter if I'm walking or running? I really don't think so, seeing that I'm already late, running or walking." The male said. "You're too close." He then walked away from you slightly. "Aish... You should care! You'll get into detention /and/ get scolded!" You shout at him, "Come on, as much as I don't know you, I don't want you to be late." You then grabbed his hand and pulled him, running to the school. "Yah! Don't touch me... I don't like that..." He said, releasing his hand from your grasp. "Aish.... Since we're late already... What's you name? I'm Jung Jin Ae." You say, stopping for a moment when the male pulled his hand away before continuing on your walk to the school when the male walked again. "Illhoon. Jung Illhoon. Wait... You're Jung Jin Ae...? The president of the Student Council? Ohhh you're so dead..." He said, smirking. "Isn't a president for the Student Council supposed to be early, or even on time rather than late?" He asked. "Yes, I am. Yes, they are but my mom woke me up at the wrong time so yeah.... And I know I'm dead. The orientation's almost starting and I'm not even there! Aish!!!" You exclaimed. "Seems we have 7 minutes before we're offically late. School's about 10 minutes WALK away on the usual path, 4 minutes RUN away on a shortcut I know. Follow me and run." Illhoon said, looking at his watch before breaking out into a run. You ran after him, thankful that you chose to wear your sneakers that day.

"YES I MADE IT!!!!" You shout at the air, punching your fist at the air when you stopped inside the school gate at least 3 minutes before the orientations started. "Uhh I mean, we made it. Thanks, Illhoon. So uhh you a Freshman, Sophomore or a Senior?" You ask. "Senior. You're a Senior as well aren't you? I guess we could go to the auditorium together and seperate there since you have to be on stage?" He suggested. "Uhh sure but we have to run there.. Let's go, palli!" You say as you ran toward the auditorium at the second level with Illhoon just behind you. "See you later maybe?" You say, waving at Illhoon as you both parted ways. He simply gave a short, cool, wave back as he took a seat on a chair. You then ran to the stage, sitting down at the seat specially reserved for you. "Where have you been? Your almost late. Just 1 minute more and you're late. Thank the Gods you're on time." The teacher in charge of the Student Council said sternly at you. "Sorry, Mrs Lim. I will be earlier." You say, looking down at the floor. You look to your right where the Vice President of the Student Council sat. There was a new one that year since the previous one had gratuated already. "Hi! What's your name? Mine's Jung Jin Ae!" You ask, holding out your hand for the male to shake. Though you are the President of the Student Council and you're supposed to know the names of all the students, you didn't recognise this particular student. "Hi, Jin Ae! I'm Lee Minhyuk!~ Nice to meet you!~" Minhyuk said, shaking your hand gently.

"Attention all students, I am your Principal Mrs Jang. Freshmen, this is your first year here in Seoul Elite High School so I welcome all of you. -Insert le boring speech here- And so, I hope you all will have a good time here in Seoul Elite High School. Seniors, this may be your last year here so make it count. Good luck students. Now, all Freshmen shall stay here, Sohpomores return to their classes and the Seniors head to the Cafeteria. Student Council Members stay here. Thank you." Mrs Jang spoke. As the speech was still on going you saw various students talking, falling asleep and secretly using their electronics. Only a handful of students were actually paying attention. 'Aish these students...' You thought to yourself. When the Seniors and Sophomores left the Auditorium and to their respective gathering areas, you and Minhyuk stood up to give a short speech to the Freshmen on behalf of the Student Council. " -Blah blah blah blah- And finally, if you are ever troubled or having trouble finding anything or need someone to talk to, do feel free to come up to any of the Student Council. After all, the Student Council was made to help any student in need. Thank you." You and Minhyuk said together. Then, you and he went off to tell the rest of the Student Council to pair up and lead one class. "Jin Ae, since both of us have no partners, would you like to partner up with me?" Minhyuk asked you. "I-" "Jin Ae~~~~ Will you be my partner?~~~" Sungjae suddenly came and cut you off, asking the similar question cutely. "Yah, I asked her first..." "So? Jin Ae~~~ Who will you parter up with? Me, or Vice President?" "Yah! Yook Sungjae, 'Vice President' is not my name. My name is 'Lee Minhyuk'. Jin Ae, who will you partner up with?"

Who will you partner up with?

Lee Minhyuk[Coming Soon]

Yook Sungjae[Coming Soon]

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marjv98 #1
Chapter 2: Sounds interesting!! Please update soon~~~