T.O.P.: Jagiya! What’s wrong with you? Something happened?


Hyunae: Oh? Ani. Nothing happened ^^


T.O.P.: I’ll be heading to Vegas by Wednesday for the MV, want me to buy you something? J


Hyunae: I know you. From your head to your toenail, even I don’t want anything you’ll still buy me something ^^*


-I was so anxious talking with him. It’s like I’ve done something really, really bad ;__;


Hyunae: Jagiya..


T.O.P.: Wae?


Hyunae: Miahn…


T.O.P.: Miahn? For what Yeobo?

*Seems so curious


Hyunae: I did something wrong. But I’m promising you now, I’ll stop myself. No. I’ll even push myself away from him T T


T.O.P.: Him? :____:


-A long pause. Silence covered the both of us. I don’t even know how to start talking with him again. I wanna disappear in just a snap… L


 T.O.P.: I trust you…


-He put his both his hands right on my cheeks TT . That clearly made my tears won’t stop from falling down.


T.O.P.: Sssshhhh. Please stop from crying. It breaks my heart.


-It bleeds mine…


T.O.P.: You know I do, right?


Hyuane: How can you even say that to me right now? TT


T.O.P.: It’s because I love you, to death.


-That moment was my first time, for my whole life i cried as hard as that TT He still believe in me despite of what I’ve just revealed. Falling for someone he knows. Someone who’s even one of his friends. Someone like. Junhyung.

I don’t have any plan telling him who’s that “Him”. ‘cause I know, it’ll just break his heart more. So much… And, also for me. 


T.O.P.: I trust you. I promised. Let’s just stop this here okay?


Hyunae: Jagiya… TT


T.O.P.: Hyunae-ssi. I said I trust you. I hope that’s enough. Oh?


-Its enough T T  For someone like him to feel that way. We’re in this relationship for almost six years now. I. feel so sorry doing this to him. He doesn’t deserve something like this. I’m pushing away Junhyung now, for good. I hope he understands me how much T.O.P. means to my life. I know he will.







* * E N D * *


I'll better try my best with my next fic ^^

thanks for the time.

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babanga #1
nice one!! :DD
keep on writing!