Alone in Seoul (Minho): Chapter 2

Alone in Seoul (Minho)

You walked out of the front lobby after slipping your boots, a scarf and your jacket back on. As you headed downstairs in the lift, you plugged your earphones into your phone and put one earphone bud into your right ear. It’s good to keep one ear open, you chuckled to yourself.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” you politely greeted the lady at the counter before heading out. She smiled at you warmly and waved.

There was a light bounce in your step as you walked towards the 24-hour convenience store you saw just down the road as you were making your way to the service apartment earlier on. Taking in the scenery, the atmosphere and the…silence (and peace) around you as you walked, you felt satisfied and excited for things to come. My first Korean cup Ramen alone! You thought as you strolled. I wonder what sort of people work at convenience stores, you thought curiously.

The bell rang as you opened the door to the brightly-lit convenience store. Brr, I’m just thankful I’m out of the cold, you muttered, even though the snow had stopped a while earlier. You whipped your head around as you entered the store to see a young looking boy with a cap and in a uniform suddenly stand up behind the counter. It seemed as if he had been sleeping. You nodded your head in acknowledgement and gave him a smile. He only stared, eyes still stunned from the sudden visitor. Brushing that aside, you walked through the racks, looking for a suitable cup of instant Ramen. Quite suddenly, a thought hit you: Shouldn’t I eat here instead of back in my apartment? You tilted your head and saw chairs outside the store, with a plastic parasol overhead. Yes, if I truly want to experience the Korean culture, then this is a first good step! Eating at a convenience store! You fist-pumped the air and declared to yourself.

You tapped your chin with your fingers, contemplating what to choose, then you finally decided on a spicy cup of Ramen with chicken. Since you were not excellent at taking spicy food, you made sure to get a small bottle of banana milk to go too, something that you had seen in lots of Korean dramas when you were much younger. You made your way to the counter and gave your items to the boy behind the counter. He scanned them and gestured towards the hot water-dispenser next to the counter. You were supposed to fill your cup up with hot water.

“Ne, kamsahapnida.” you thanked him in whatever limited Korean you knew.

You fumbled with your coins a little and paid him, taking your cup and drink with you as you moved to the water dispenser beside the counter. Again, he only stared. Rude much…for such a good-looking dude…you thought.

Chuckling and berating yourself for being so boy-wary, you made your way outside and took a seat. In the freezing cold. It’s okay. It’s the memories that count. And I’m going to laugh at myself when I look back anyway. This is how real Koreans do it too. You assured yourself, while shivering from the cold. Still in your ear was the music coming from your earphones. You pulled your hood over your head and rubbed your hands together.

Breaking apart your chopsticks, you started eating. Wow, was it hot! Your tongue burned from the sudden contact and you flailed your hands around! You dropped your chopsticks into the bowl took a big gulp of your banana milk. And then you laughed. Realising that someone may have seen you, you took a quick glance around. Phew! No embarrassments! Hahaha! Besides, it was 3am. Why would anyone be out on the streets? But the boy behind the counter saw you. You looked up, realising that the chair you were sitting on was facing the convenience store counter and that the boy was looking at you. Your eyes met and he quickly turned away, embarrassed that you had noticed him watching you. You were stunned for a moment, but quickly broke into a grin. Aww, is he lonely? you wondered. After some thought, you made the spontaneous decision of inviting him to join you! After all, it was 3am in the morning and you both were alone. And besides, perhaps you could even be friends!

…wow, were you spontaneous in those wee hours of the morning…but you did want to ensure you got the best of your holiday. ;)

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MotshELF #1
Chapter 2: This story seems cute :) !!
BangHimShipper #2
Chapter 1: Hi there o/
Love the story so far, I keep reading it ^^