Chapter 3

Medical Mystery

The Next Day....
I am sitting in my classroom bored out of my mind!
~I’m the smartest one in my class! I already know all this stuff!~
To try and rid of my boredom I take out my phone and text Heechul who is sitting two seats in front of me
To: Heechul
From: Sungmin

Hey! What are you doing texting my boyfriend!! Do you want to die!! >-<

To: Sungmin
From: Heechul

WOAH cool it there bud! I was just texting him! I wouldn’t take him from you! We have been friends ever since first grade, I wouldn’t do something heartless like that to you, maybe Donghae but never you!!

To: Heechul
From: Sungmin

Fine, fine I believe you but stop creeping him out!! and pay attention to class we can talk at lunch!!

To: Sungmin
From: Heechul

You texted me first but okay.


With that last text from Heechul I put my phone in my pocket and boredom snuck its way into my mind again. I layed my head back against my chair and doze off to the sounds of my teacher lecturing on about linear equations.
“Sungmin! Sungmin wake up!” someone yelled into my ear as he shook my shoulders violently to wake me up. I shot open my eyes to see Heechul and Donghae staring at me.
“How long was I out?” I asked wiping the dried drool from my lip.
“Not long enough for the teacher to notice you dreaming about your boyfriend. Anyways lets head down to lunch, I am starved!” Donghae exclaimed grabbing his stomach. I got out of my desk and stretched out my arms and legs before following the hungry and very impatient Donghae. We got out trays and filled them with food before finding our little table off in the far side of the lunchroom.
“When can me and here come and see Kyuhyun.” Heechul said pointing his food filled fork at Donghae who was currently staring at Eunhyuk from across the table.
“Well if you want, you can come and see him today!” I said clapping my hands in excitement to finally show off my handsome boyfriend to my best friends.
“Okay then! Wait for me and lover boy outside of the school gates after school then, okay?” Heechul asked with a huge smile plastered across his face.
“Will do!” I said lifting another fork full of food into my mouth.
“Sungmin baby! Sungmin where are you?!” someone screamed entering the crowded lunchroom.
“’s Siwon...” Heechul said under his breath. Siwon is known for having a huge crush on me! I think he was even more happier then Heechul and Donghae when I was released from the hospital.
“There you are baby!” Siwon yelled across the lunchroom pointing a finger towards my table.
“I got this.” Heechul said standing up cracking his knuckles and grabbing a fork for reinforcement.
“Hey! Don’t come one more step closer to him!” Heechul yelled once Siwon came face to face with him.
“Come on Heechul! Let me see my Minnie!” Siwon yelled trying to get passed Heechul to see me. Hearing Siwon talk to me like I was his boyfriend enraged me to the point where I had to do something about it.
“No one is allowed to call me Minnie! Only Kyuhyun!” I yelled at Siwon from behind Heechul.
“Kyuhyun? KYUHYUN WHO?!” Siwon yelled pushing Heechul out of the way. He slammed his fists on the table and leaned across the table so I was looking right into his eyes.
“Yah! That’s right! Kyuhyun is my boyfriend! If I were you I back off too!” I yelled back at the enraged Siwon. Before he could mutter a word, Heechul hit the back of Siwon’s head with his elbow. Siwon went down in pain, but not before Heechul let more of his anger out on him.
“Leave now! DONGHAE YOU STUPID HELP US OUT HERE!” Heechul said yelling at Donghae who was still staring at Eunhyuk zoning out everything else that was happening around him.
“Oh sorry....SIWON GET OUT OF HERE!” Donghae yelled breaking his gaze at Eunhyuk.
“Yeah I know....I will go but Sungmin when this little thing ends with Kyuhyun, you know you always have me.” Siwon said standing up still in pain. I just rolled my eyes and watched him limp away from the table.
“You idiot!” Heechul yelled as he smacked Donghae’s head. Donghae took the hit and then went back to his Eunhyuk who was waiting with a worried look on his face.
“Lunch is almost done. I will meet you guys outside the gates at 2:50 okay?” I asked grabbing my empty lunch tray.
“See you there.” Heechul said as he smacked Donghae one more time.
All three of us walked to the hospital and went up to Kyuhyun’s room.
“Knock, knock! Anyone home!” I giggled as I entered the room.
“MINNIE! You brought company!” Kyuhyun laughed capturing me in a tight hug.
“I hope you don’t mind. These are my best friends Donghae and Heechul.” I said breaking the hug and pointing to them.
“Oh no Sungmin I don’t mind one bit! Nice to meet you Donghae. Um...and nice to finally meet you too Heechul.” Kyuhyun said looking a bit scared.
“Nice to meet you too Kyuhyun!” Donghae said giving Kyuhyun his best smile.
“Nice to see you y.” Heechul said with a wink.
“YEAH! STOP IT HEECHUL!” I yelled as I punched his arm. Kyuhyun’s mood lightened as he laughed as my actions.
“Oh Minne you are too cute.” Kyuhyun said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a sweet kiss. I could hear Heechul and Donghae yell about the kiss, but I couldn’t care less. I melted into the kiss. Kyuhyun’s soft lips felt so amazing on mine. The moment was cut short by a piece of paper being shoved in my face by Kyuhyun. I read the piece of paper and couldn’t believe what I was reading.

The piece of paper stated that Kyuhyun had doctors permission to be released from the hospital for two days and one night.

“Surprise.” Kyuhyun said flashing me his smile.


Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this update :) Sorry it wasn't a longer update,but it's my favorite chapter so far! :) 

Here is a link to my first fanfic

(I will be updating this one soon I promise! I have writers block >.<)

Anyways here is the plan for this fanfic...

I will be updating this one every Sunday!! 

I will also still be updating my other one, just not on a regular schedule 

Thank you all for the love and support 


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 7: Oh my, what will happen next? Kyu will kiss sungmin right? Don't leave us hanging too long...
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 6: No problem on which ending you will give to us but I do prefer a sweet and fluffy ending, no sad ending please...
inyourtshirt #3
amazing! :D
koutaroux #4
Chapter 5: KyuMin is such a cute couple^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 5: y Kyu~ Kekeke~ But not so y~ Sweet~ :D
koutaroux #6
Chapter 4: Waiting...^^
PaboForSJ #7
Chapter 4: I'll be waiting~ :)
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Chapter 3: Kyu is alright now? He can leave the hospital?!
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 3: Wow it means kyu will spend more time with minnie and hopefully can get rid of siwon too...