t e a s e r 2

❝B . A . P ' s S e c r e t L o v e L i f e❞ [hiatus]
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B.A.P is in their dorm. They are discussing about their next showcase in Seoul.

"Hyung, I can't wait to see our fans. Our Babys. " said Zelo while blinking his eyes cutely.

"Look at our maknae, he's so cute" Himchan said while ruffles his hair.

While they're laughing over Zelo's cute blinking eyes, they hear someone is coughing from the room.

"Who's that? Yah Jung daehyun! Are you sick?" Yongguk said and suddenly stand up from his place and went to Daehyun's room.

"I'm okay hyung. Dont worry. Youngjae,I'm fine, right?" Daehyun blink his eyes to Youngjae. He don't want them to cancel their showcase because him. He wants to meet his Babys, his fans. He's coughing even louder this time.

"Hyung, he's lying~" Youngjae said and looking at other way. Daehyun gives him a death glares.

Yongguk quickly went out to tell their manager.

"Hyung, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I need to tell you this." Yongguk said carefully.

The manager turn his head to Yongguk and listen carefully to his words.

After they discussed about Daehyun , they made a decision. They have to CANCEL the showcase. For B.A.P's good sake and for Daehyun's health.


The next day..

"Jongup-ah, go wake up Youngjae and Daehyun" Himchan told Jongup while he's waking up Yongguk.  Jongup nodded and went to their room.

Knock. Knock.

"Youngjae hyung, Daehyun hyung..wake up" Jongup said slowly. He doesn't want them to startle but just regain consciousness slowly.

After calling them for about three times, and all Jongup heard was just his 'Knock.Knock' he pressed the knob. He's in shocked when he saw the two hyung was lying motionless on the bed and worst, they're sweating badly. When he touches their forehead, he feels that they're burning. He quickly run to tell Yongguk.

"Yongguk hyung! Himchan hyung! They're sick. They feel so hot. I think they have fever" Jongup was gasping for air while telling them.

"What?!" Himchan and Yongguk said in synchronization.

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Chanhee's POV

I was just wake up from my lovely sleep. Ahh, such a nice day today. The sun is so bright. Something good gonna happens today.

Suddenly. I heard my phone rang. "It's Hyomin.Why do she calls me in such an early morning? That's weird," I said while pressing the accept button.

"what?! B.A.P is sick?" i was so shocked when Hyomin explained that her brother is the most severely sick.

"Unnie, should we go visit

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[HYP/BSLL] writing two chapter for Daehyun and Himchan each.


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_KaeMIN_ #1
Chapter 15: omg omg my character's appearance. loving it so much ♥♥♥ i will wait for the next update! ^.^ hwaitingggggg
_KaeMIN_ #2
Chapter 14: i just saw the update! omg ♡ i have been waiting for this!! hehe cant wait for the next chapter! Author nim hwaiting!!^^
Chapter 13: Yayyy! Finally updated!
I was waiting for this xD

lol Yongnam is being so happy towards his brother's misery xD
i love him lol
I can't wait for them to finally meet *squeals*
_KaeMIN_ #4
Chapter 12: Omg you updated xD yayyyyyy thanks for your efforts ^.^ so they are slowly getting to know each other?? hehe
Will be waiting for the next chap!! ^.^ hwaitinggg
Chapter 11: I was reading everything over and over again! muahaha! xD
School got you busy huh? :P lol
Hope you will update soon!
_mystique #6
Chapter 11: Update soon please♡ :3
Chapter 11: Okay here goes my loooong comment , pyong ~

I like the character Jang Jayeon, idk why, otl.
She seems like a cool chick, lol. I wish her good luck on her performances c;
And I just wanted to say, I loved how you picked Going Crazy, I absolutely love that song c;

Omfg, I really did like it how you introduced Jooyeon's past, it was perfect c;
It couldn't have been any better , you're the best ♥
And I liked how you said " this teaser is for Zelo wife's character xD
You're seriously the best ♥♥♥
/huggles you forever ♥
Otl I don't even rp that much and I still think I'm rping , otl I'm a weirdo c;

I think it's Neya , I think that's how you spell it , but Neya and Hyebins noona dongsaeng relationship is too cute c:
Bang Youngman c(;

Okay, you'll hate me for saying this, but.
/slaps myself in advance
But I did see some grammar mistakes as I was reading, I just wanted to say that.
I'm sorry .
You know you're still the best author out there ♥♥♥
Saranghaeyo author nim c;
Fighting ~
Lol, I'm soo weird xD
Anyways I hope this comment was long enough.

I should sleep now, and I was gonna comment earlier , but my phone died so I couldn't comment anything -.-
I'm done , lol.
Bye ~
Chapter 11: I was imagining everything!
Hell yeah i liked it <3

I swear to myself if Yongguk is taken
i'll take him xD

The way you potrayed Nae Ya and Hyebin's noona dongsaeng relationship was just too cuteeee!!!! KYAAAAAA!!!
Chapter 11: Woah!this fic is 짱~!^^Update soon~xD
Chapter 8: I'm late ._______.
/slapped ; sorry
I'm reading all the chapters now.
I'll comment after I'm done reading , so expect a loooooonnnngggggg comment from me c;