a friend






it's been a while since i've been here (han river) and now i think i will be coming back again again cause this is the only place i know that i can feel at ease , we been very busy at our NOLZA so we barely got any rest at all .

but doing are first concert is so mush fun and tiring but when you see the cheer and smile of the crowd , all of your doubt will become a amusement.. 


and i hope 2ne1 will be together forever ... :)





someone POV..


dara was sitting on the grass  when he heard someone speaking ( dara it's dangerous for someone like you to be here late at night)

when dara look up he saw a very handsome guy , with a tall and a very masculine feature.. 

and it's no other than TOP of bigbang



DARA--- ohh your here???

TOP--- why am i forbiden ??

DARA--- it's just i thought your in japan , promoting ,, 

TOP --- why ??? you don't miss me  :<

DARA---- hahaha of course i miss you tabi , who wouldn't miss my best friend???

TOP--- hahaha i miss you dee..  i really am ...

DARA---- so how's the work so far??

TOP--- it's a bit tyring but its good .. HOW ABOUT YOU?? how's the concert??? is everything ok?

DARA--- im tired so i choose to be here ,,, it's so relaxing ... i had so much fun in the concert and tomorrow is the last day ,, are you    some how going to watch ??

TOP--- what do you think ??


TOP-- ENGKKKK wrong i already reserve a ticket ... 


TOP--- kaja..,,, ,pali it's already late how can you rest ????? where's your car???

DARA-- ehh i don't bring it with me ....

TOP -- wehh??? tsk let go i will take you home 

DARA--  (out of who knows where dara  become sweet)  oppa bogo shipo :)

TOP--- what's with oppa ???? are you sick or do you want some thing ????

DARA--- HEHE amm where's my present ???

TOP--- why?

DARA ---- asisydkakgbdmalklajdksgjk,vcksejhdiow'ieuaw,fmdk/agesdjogmjvkn madsl

TOP --- Ok fine , i have but it's not time yet ,, let just exchange gift ,, or mush better if we celebrate both of are birthday at the same time:)

DARA--- ohh that's  a great idea , i don't know your clever mr.choi ,,

TOP-- stop teasing me --- let's go so that you can rest ... 

DARA--- THANk you




(maybe other didn't know  cause they see top and dara as akward to eatch other but the truth is they were bestfriend since they shoot the im sorry MV,, they treated each other as brother and sister ) or maybe more than that :)


what if a friend of yours told you the he/she like someone who is close to you , and unfortunately you love that someone will you just take a step back or you will confess your feeling's 

but confessing your feeling can destroy the frienship that both of you built ???





whahhhh it's been a while readers and unfortunately this is just a short  update 

miane if i don't update often ,, im just busy finishing my shool matters so ,,, that's it .. i will be updating tomorrow morning ....

christmass is coming everyone are enjoying the holiday:) 


every comment make my heart flattered so keep it coming i will be waiting 

thanks and advance merry christmass and a happy new year ..





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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 6: wahhh.. jaedara! :)
Chapter 6: authornim, please update this fic... i miss it :( thanks...
Chapter 6: this fic is good..it's getting hot :)
Please continue this & more update soon,
Chapter 6: thanks for the update. looking forward for more.
Chapter 5: I love it update please
myjoyce1986 #6
Chapter 1: that was nice i like dara's character oh i want to know jae reaction and what will he do if they meet again let them meet up once dara is already famous and put many fanboys i hope you can update more and please make it a long chapter
avdfanatic #7
Chapter 1: that was very short authornim... :( but thanks for updating! the first encounter left a bad impression of jae on dara... hmmmm... hope he can do something about it the next time they meet