Chapter 1

My Puppy Love

Preview of the previous chapter:


Around 25 minutes later, the sound of the doorbell was heard.


Dragging his feet to the front door, Donghae mustered up all the cheerfulness that he still has in him to crack a small smile and opened the door. “Hyung, co- ahh! What are you two doing?!”


Current chapter:


Lee Donghae: “I knew inviting Heechul-hyung into the fray was a bad idea...”


The horrified yell drew Yunho’s attention and he came barrelling through the living room to witness Heechul and his boyfriend Hankyung in an intimate embrace, with only a thumb wide of distance between their faces.


“Yah, get a room! Or, come inside before someone notice you guys going at it in broad daylight!” Yunho reprimanded them, unperturbed by the public display of affection.


‘He clearly has no problem with his friend liking someone of the same gender, so, just what was I thinking when I asked for reassurance from him regarding my ual preference? Ugh, to think that I was scared of Yunho-hyung looking at me in a different light...’


The pretty man kissed his boyfriend briefly on the lips before whispering something into his ears. Judging by the satisfied expression on Hankyung’s face, the other two elected to act innocent.


“Heechul-hyung, you’re... with Hankyung-hyung?” Donghae’s voice was barely audible, still surprised that two of the sunbaes that he knows are going out with each other.


“Yeah, we got together a couple of weeks ago. But we’re here not to talk about me, so, what is the problem, Fishy?” Heechul asked, going straight to the point.


Donghae took a deep breath and opened his mouth, only to let out a squeak when his handphone rang. Scrambling to receive the oncoming call, he nearly landed in Yunho’s lap, eliciting a sharp gasp from the almost-victim and laughter from the couple sitting across from them.


Clasping his hands together, Donghae wordlessly asked for the taller man’s forgiveness and proceed to walk into his kitchen.


The three people in his living room all craned their necks as they watched him took a deep breath and answered the call. “Yoboseyo? Ahh, Hyukjae-ah.”


“Ne, ne, it’s okay. I understand.”


“Ne, I’ll see you around then.”


All three males sitting in the living room stared as he paced the length of the kitchen, eavesdropping none too discreetly to his phone conversation.


As soon as Donghae sat back down on the couch, Heechul pounced on him. “Hae-ah, who’s Hyukjae? I know most of your friends, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this ‘Hyukjae’ before.”


Clasping his hands together, Donghae then ducked his head, murmuring, “hemssomeneeijustmmmtandlikeee.”


“Spit it out, Donghae. Or I’ll ask Yunho who he is. And I’ll make sure Yunho doesn’t leave out any details.” Heechul’s voice took on a threatening edge and if the younger knew him as well as he does, he knew that the pretty-faced man will go through with his threat.


“Cut him some slack, will you? It’s his first time being in this kind of situation.” The aforementioned dark haired male said, squeezing Donghae’s shoulder lightly in reassurance.


Releasing a sigh, Donghae replied to Heechul’s question. “He’s someone that I just met... and fall in love with.” At the end of his explanation, his cheeks were blushing heavily.


“Aww, our baby Hae is following in my footstep!” Heechul cooed giddily.


Before Heechul could get giddier with the newfound information, Hankyung reminded him of the situation at hand, of the problem he was supposed to provide a solution with.


“Then, what seems to be the problem?”


“He’s not sure that this Hyukjae likes him back. And that’s only the first problem. The second one is, how should Hae court this Hyukjae guy?” Yunho took over the explanation, giving a few sympathetic pats to the younger brunette sitting beside him.


Heechul was quiet for a while, mulling over the strategies appropriate for the current situation.


“And Donghae even said that he wanted to court this guy ‘subtly’, because this guy seems to be slightly insecure about his appearance.” Yunho’s lips twitched dangerously after he added the little tit bit of being subtle, much to the indignant of his dongsaeng.


Heechul scoffed whereas Hankyung muffled his laughter, denying the equation of Donghae plus subtlety equals to a fruitful outcome.


“I SO can do ‘subtle’!”


“You are the type of guy people would say, ‘ignorant about the situation’! For as long as I’ve known you, I never put you and subtle in a sentence.” Heechul answered with a huff. “The best example is when your first girlfriend had to literally climb into your lap and give you a before you caught the drift of what she’s hinting at!”


“Now, that was really something! I’ve never imagined Siwon’s eyebrows could go up sooo high!” Yunho burst into laughter, clutching his midriff.


Heechul sniffed, “Priceless.”


“Sh-she was, that’s different! She was always sending me mixed signals before! How would I know that she wanted to make out?!” Donghae was quick to defence himself, flushing to the tips of his ears.


Heechul huffed, before continuing. “The bottom line is, you can’t do ‘subtle’.”


Hankyung bit back a smile, before putting his hands around Heechul. “Chullie-ah, why don’t we meet this kid first? So that we can know the best way for Hae here, to seduce him?” ‘and before the poor boy get so embarrassed that he’ll faint’ was left unsaid.


“Good idea, Hannie.” Turning to Donghae, whose blush was starting to dissipate, the bold spoken man asked, “When can we meet this Hyukjae, Donghae-ah?”


“Umm, I usually meet him at the park, but he’s not going to the park today.” His voice was listless when he relayed that information.


Heechul wasn’t discouraged by that through. “Then, where will he be going this evening?”


“He said a friend of his just got back, so he’ll be going out with his friends to the amusement par-”


“Alright, we’re going to the amusement park then!” Heechul declared, promptly ignoring the rest of Donghae’s words.


And that was how the four of them ended up at the amusement park together, four guys with no girlfriends, and yet at one of the popular dating spot in town.


And due to the fact that the four of them departed for the amusement park directly from Donghae’s apartment, they had to make do with whatever is available to be inconspicuous.


Heechul, as usual, was brazen with a huge sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose and fedora hat on his head, mismatching with his casual clothes. Hankyung and Yunho decided to be less brazen with a hat and muffler respectively. And Donghae, he decided to go as he was, and was currently standing a little away from the other three, unwilling to be grouped together with them.


His intention to ditch them failed however when Heechul whipped his head around to ask him questions about his crush. “How does this ‘Hyukjae’ look like, Hae-ah?”


Donghae took a moment to think of the best way to describe his crush.


“He’s fair, with fluffy blond hair and full lips. He has brown eyes and is quite lanky.” Donghae’s description of him left the other looking at him with mischievous smiles on their lips, the gears in their minds working on how to with the recent development of his love life.


“This is the first time I see you be so observant of someone. Normally you can’t even tell the colour of your previous girlfriends’ eyes.” Yunho remarked, bringing the younger closer with a hand on his shoulders.


Donghae promptly flushed, “Because he’s different than them! He-he knows me as Lee Donghae, owner of Bada. And not-”


“Lee Donghae, one of the heartthrob of SM University.” Yunho finished for him with a smile, before ruffling his short brown hair like how one would do to a younger sibling.


Heechul’s musing on what they just said was interrupted when Hankyung suddenly pulled his hand and pushed all of them into a bush.


“What did you do that for, Hannie?!”


“Shh!” Hankyung put his finger to his lips before parting the bush slightly. “Is that him, Donghae-ah?” the Chinese man asked, his head tilted in the direction of three people walking together, laughing and joking with each other.


“Yes. Hyukkie-”


“Hyukkie?” the other three echoed, invisible question marks replaced by light bulbs which lighted up with understanding.


“You’ve only known him for a few days and already you’ve created a nickname for him?” the sly question came from Heechul, whose eyes glinted with glee.


“I-I just-” the younger fumbled with words, trying and failing to form a coherent answer.


“Okay, okay, break it up.” Hankyung pulled Heechul away, before turning to his dongsaeng. “You were saying, Hae?”


“Hyuk...jae is the one in the middle. I don’t know the other two guys with him.”


“They are probably his friends, through which one was the one that just came back, that we can’t tell.” Yunho threw in his opinion.


“Another guy is approaching them.” Hankyung reported.


Yunho, Donghae and Heechul’s eyes widen at the unexpected arrival carrying two cones of ice-cream.


“Th-that’s...” Yunho couldn’t believe his eyes. Of all the people that they know, he had to be the one closest to their target.


“Yoochun! Why is he with them?!” Heechul loudly exclaimed, before Hankyung muffled his shout.


Donghae could only open and close his mouth several times, his eyes trained on the group of four people walking past their hiding spot.


Yunho, on the other hand, immediately whipped out his handphone and scrolled through his phonebook, looking for a certain cheeseball’s number. He held the phone to his ear and before long, Yoochun’s voice reached his ears, “Yoboseyo?”


“Yoochun-ah, can you turn around and walk to the bush on your right?”


“Why?” Yoochun on the other end asked.


“Just do it.”


“No. Where are you? You didn’t even ask me where I am, and you’re giving me directions to head to.”


“I’m watching you right now.”


“What?! Yunho-ah, don’t joke around with me.” Yoochun’s voice sounded like he’s getting upset. “You sounded like a creepy stalker, you know.”


Yunho’s eyes widen at the last sentence. “Am not! I just need you to do what I asked!”


A sigh was heard before Yoochun spoke, “Give me a good reason why I should do it.”


At that moment, Yunho, whom was oblivious to his three companions’ startled expressions, let out a frustrated scream, which wasn’t so loud, as they’re still in hiding. Breathing loudly through his nose, he muttered into the phone. “Because, I’m also at the amusement park, right now. And, I need your help with something!”


“Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Ooh, if Yunho could reach Yoochun bodily through the phone, he would wring the other’s neck for being so difficult.



Update date: 2nd December 2012

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoy it~! Please comment and subscribe! ^^v

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257471 #1
Chapter 2: Heyyy this one is great and fun, i wish u will complete this story soon :)
such a pleasure to read ur story :) Goodluck!!!
hikaruvirgo #2
Chapter 2: ahhhh nooo!!!!!
please update sooon!!!
i love your story!!
MadameXYZ #3
Chapter 2: Interesting story you have here.^^
Erinyy #4
Chapter 2: Owwh, intresting!
Hae looks like a good boy, isn't the player one.. maybe, it's because hyukjae.. Update soon!
najinpi #5
Chapter 2: really interesting... pls update soon.. thanks
rossy80 #6
Chapter 2: is yoochun a friend of hyukie? seems like hae really really fall in love with hyukie......he remember everything about hyukie....anticipate on the next....
Chapter 1: Lol I thought Yunho will ask help from the obvious, Jaejoong; but then it's chullie ^•^
~Update soon~
rossy80 #8
Chapter 1: interesting....anticipate on the next update....