
Special and Magnets...


            I was never anything special. I had no specific qualities that I can be proud of. I was never good at anything. Academics… no, I don’t do that well. Thankfully I hadn’t failed any subject, but I’m not that of those people who learns things easily. Talents, not in this either. Singing? I can barely make it to a high note without cracking it. Acting? Never cut out for that. Dancing? So-so. A lot of idols are so much better. Skills aren’t my forte either. I can’t play instruments, cook well, do simple repairs at the house, or simply having great reflexes like Kyu. I didn’t even have great looks or anything at all. I’m just me; the mediocre and inconspicuous human being.

            I walked my way to the dorm’s elevator after a tough schedule. Our schedules are so damn tight ever since we started promoting SFS. I couldn’t complain though, this is what we wanted right from the beginning. I entered the elevator, and leaned at the steel wall, wanting to get a comfortable position. Soon enough, the elevator made a bell sound indicating that I was at my floor. I walked in a gruesome manner, exhaustion taking over me. My exasperated eyelids were forcing it to close, but I chose to fight it. Just small steps until I reach the dorm room and I can get a nice rest… I finally arrived at the front and entered silently. The lights were already off as it was already midnight. I went straight to my room.

“AAH!” I yelled, surprised at the sudden opening of the lights inside my room, finding a KyuHyun whose expression I can’t quite understand. “You’ve shocked me to death Kyu!”

“Well, you’re not dead, right hyung?” he retorted and I groaned. I’m not in the mood to fight back.

“What were you doing here anyways?”

“I was waiting for you to come back. I thought maybe you might be hungry after a long day and no one would attend to you.” He said and I can’t help but give back a grin. It was a really long day, and all the pressure had gone up to my head. It’s in times like this that I thank God I have someone like KyuHyun.

“I’m fine Kyu. We ate some snacks along the taping so I’m not hungry. Thanks for your concern. You have schedules tomorrow, you should go to sleep.” I announced, as he slowly dragged himself to the door. I let myself fall from the bed, realizing my mistake. I groaned in pain as I felt the pain in my back. I soon heard the retreating male, calling my name. He sat beside me as I sat up too.

“Are you okay, hyung? What happened?” he said as he eyed me head to toe.

“I’m fine. My back’s just hurting…” I said and he quickly massaged me. I smiled at his thoughtfulness. “I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to be late tomorrow. Just sleep.” I suggested as I lay down and prepared myself to sleep. He stood up hissing.

“Why am I your boyfriend then?” he said almost inaudibly but I managed to catch the message. I could only chuckle. My drained body led itself to sleep.


            The next day was no exception. Everything was tiring, not to mention we had to shoot the performance of SFS in different angles so many times, and we had to give as much energy as the first. I’m glad we ended a little early though, so I can at least join dinner with the free members. Too bad Kyu wasn’t free, needing to shoot for Radio Star. I sighed as I arrived inside the dorm, as the others were already at the dining table. After a few minutes the others also came and we had our dinner bountifully. We all retreated to our beds to take up some rest.

            I yawned and stretched as I woke up at the sound of my phone. I glanced at my clock and saw that it was five in the morning. Great, my first schedule starts at six. I could get ready and I get to eat breakfast. I checked my phone and found out that it was Kyu who texted me.

You better wake up lazy … you always take long showers and you might not get to eat anything if you don’t wake up now.

            I smiled at his text. He knows me too well. I do take long showers, and then I do my hair, so I prepare quite long, plus I don’t wake up that early. I shook my head and replied to his text:

Where are you? Would you eat with me then?

            I ran to check his room but he wasn’t there. Hmm. Maybe he was still on his way here. My phone almost gave me a heart attack as it rang once again.

Sure. I’ll be there in five. Don’t bother cooking, I’ll bring you breakfast.

            Once again, a smile crept up my face. His lines weren’t all cheesy, but it made me blush like hell. He arrived five minutes more or less. He was carrying plastic bags and coffees. I helped him and brought it to the table. The smell of food was making me hungry. I laid all the food he bought on the table, as I put some on his plate. We started eating in silence. The morning chill sets an awkward aura, but it was fine nevertheless. I stared at him and saw him yawning. He must be so tired.

“I think you should rest… I can eat by myself… You were out for hours.” I said as he shook his head.

“No, I’ll be fine; I got some sleep in the car since there was traffic a while ago. There was an accident in the middle of the night and the cars started piling up.” He said as I nodded, acknowledging his story.

“You sure? Because you look pretty tired.” I stated as I held his shoulder.

“I told you I’ll be fine. Now eat up if you actually want me to rest. Eating alone is depressing you know.” He said and I can’t help but to look at him with a big smile plastered on my face. It was moments like these that make me love him more, because even though he likes to keep his evil reputation, he manages to attend to me and my needs. It’s pretty tough for both of us, but he handles everything perfectly, including me. He was perfect, a contrast to me.

            I was never anything special. I had no specific qualities that I can be proud of. I was never good at anything. I was not a quick-learner, not a great singer, not the best dancer and cannot even beat him at his games. But then again, if everyone is special, then that makes the special people ordinary. I wasn’t exemplary, but I thank KyuHyun for making me feel that I am.


Next one tomorrow~ Hoping for good feedbacks...







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Chapter 2: this was short but so sweet! love the meaning behind the magnet, it's very beautiful<3
Chapter 2: the storyline might have been a bit random but the overall message was very sweet in my opinion ♡ I especially like the example with the magnets and the possibility they might one day repel rather attract!! not that I don't want a happy ending for them, but rather I simply appreciate it when an author acknowledges more than one potential reality p:
thank you for writing this; it's sweet ^^ ♡
ChoLeeKH #3
Chapter 2: waiting for a new chapter
ChoLeeKH #4
Chapter 1: it's lovely
Chapter 2: so sweet... i like it.. more kyuhyuk please...
Chapter 1: This is sooo sweet....
michikokasiumi #7
Chapter 2: kyaaaa... squealing at a messy-haired-just-woke-up Kyu kyaaaa >u<
literally imagining him..go cuddle with hyukkie in the morning *or night* in that state.. kyaaakakakaakakakaaa >u<
kawaaiiii >o<
michikokasiumi #8
Chapter 1: awwww... sosweeeet... gonna read part 2 then :D
n hyukkie.. u r special.. u r the best dancer... dont b grumpy kkkkk ;)
meehyukkie #9
you did a great job with this story a loving and caring kyunnie and sweet and shy hyukkie...thank you xD
Chapter 2: Oh Zhou Mi (I love you!) because you make Kyu confess why they are magnets xD
And I really love a cute cuddling Kyu with Hyuk >.<