Beach Time, Kids!

The Perks Of Being Their Managers Niece


“@BAP_Daehyun: @BAP_SaRang since you gave me a photo present I’ll give you one too! Revenge is sweet!”

The picture was of him in the foreground posing with a face that said ‘what the hell is this’ and then in the background was me… SLEEPING!

“Omomomomo!” I said, “I’m so embarrassed!”

I scrolled down and looked at all the replies.

“@GingersCat154: @BAP_Daehyun @BAP_SaRang you both look so pleasant when you sleep!”

“@HenryBAPfanboy: @BAP_Daehyun @BAP_SaRang I wonder if Sarang will start having her own fandom soon. She seems to be close with BAP already! >.<”

“@KBBQlover: @BAP_Daehyun @BAP_SaRang Daehyun must not be that shy if he took a picture with you sleeping. I want to ask you so much q’s Sarang! ^^”

“Aigoooo!” I said to myself, “At least I can’t see any hater comments… yet…”

I found a small café and bought eight coffees and eight breakfast burgers and brought them all back to the room. When I got inside they were all still asleep, even Youngjae had come back from the bathroom and fell asleep again on the bed.

This is my chance!

I decide that before everyone gets up I’ll go take a shower! I make two notes on two post-it’s.

1: ‘Good morning ^^ㅋㅋ! I bought some food so eat up!’ I stuck that on the table
2: ‘Don’t come in! I am taking a shower!’ I stuck this one on the bathroom door. Even though there’s a lock, we can’t be too safe.

After my short shower I got changed into something a bit more classier than what I wore yesterday. Swapping black genie track pants to light blue skinny jeans and my big loose jumper to a brown cream singlet. I admit, I did but make up and I did spend just a little more time fixing my hair but hay, who can blame me. I’m stuck with those six really attractive men.

I get outside and I see that pretty much everybody is up eating the food I bought.

“Oh you’re done. Now it’s my turn!” Yongguk said, “The other’s took went down to the big showers and got ready there. But Youngjae’s here so he can keep you company okay?”
I smile and nod towards him before he heads off into the bathroom.

I make my way to the main room and see Youngjae on the table sitting eating his food and on his phone. I can’t help but notice that his clothes look very similar to mine. He’s wearing light blue jeans and a brown cream button up top. The only difference is his jeans aren’t as skinny as mine and his top is tucked into his jeans which are fastened by a ‘cool’ belt.

He looks up from his phone and looks at me and then smiles.

“Do you want me to get changed?” he asked with a sly grin on his face
“Huh? Nonono. Why would I?” I asked,
He shrugged, “The colour of your singlet is nice,”
I breath out a laugh, “So is the colour of your top.”
We laughed and I sat beside him and finished off the food I started eating before I took a shower.
“Here, let’s take a photo. It’s not everyday I wear the same clothes as a girl.” He said raising his phone and getting up.
“Oh Zelo, could you take a photo of ur noona and I? We’re wearing the same clothes and I find it funny.” He said and gave the phone to Zelo who took it with no comments, Youngjae moved his chair so it was beside me and we posed for the camera. I pulled out the cliché peace sign and Youngjae just sat there with his elbows leaned against his knees looking cool.
“Thank you, Zelo.” I said, he just gave me a small smile and then went outside again. I noticed that he hadn’t eaten his breakfast yet so I decided this was the right moment to go talk to the little… big guy.

I saw him sitting on the swing in the hotels playground and so I sat on the one beside it.
“Zelo-ssi? You haven’t eaten your breakfast yet,” I said and held it up to him,
He looked at me and then the food and took it, “Thank you, noona.”
“May I sit?” I asked and he nodded taking a bite out of the burger, “Ahhh. Today’s going to be a good day… Hey look at that cloud, it looks like a bunny rabbit. Huh! Funny. Theres a tokki in the sky and a matokki here beside me. Yah Totomato, isn’t that funny.” I said trying to get his mood up but failing because all he did was smile a bit, “Hey…” I said softer this time, “What’s wrong huh? You haven’t been yourself and even though I just met you, I know you’re the happy and lively one of the group.”
He just shook his head.

“You know what, I’ll tell you a story. Not that long ago when I was still in high school a lot of people didn’t like me. Especially these three girls, I won’t tell you who they are because I don’t want them to be brought up again but these three girls really disliked me. I don’t know why and I don’t know how their hate for me started. But they made my life hell. I bet the only reason they came to school was to make me feel horrible. And well… they succeeded. I was miserable and I absolutely hated going to school because I knew if when I get home I’ll feel like rubbish again. But there I was still going to school with a smile on my face and no one noticed I was in any pain because of that smile, I really wanted to tell somebody but I was just too darn scared about what they thought of me so I just kept going with it and just shrugged it off. That was where I went wrong. I realized now that if I told someone I wouldn’t have had to suffer half as much as I did.  So whatever it is that’s hurting you right now, you should tell somebody. It’ll make you feel a lot better. And don’t go telling me nothing is wrong because you can’t fool me. I have this thing where I can see what a person feels just by looking into their eyes. But that story’s for another time.”

“Thanks noona.” He said, “I feel bit better just by talking to you.”
“Girl problems?”
He shook his head, “My older brother… he err… moved away before I could say a proper goodbye to him and he might not be coming back to Korea and he just told me then.”
“Where’d he go?”
“Aww no. That’s so far away!” I said, “But don’t worry. You’re famous enough that someday you will go to America and see him there. And plus, all your hyung’s are here for you. You not only have one hyung, you have five more.”
He nodded with a small smile on his face, “Don’t forget you noona. I have six hyung’s and one noona.” He said brightly,
I giggled and slapped his arm, “Be sure of what your saying, we just met a few days ago,”
“Why noona? You don’t want to be part of our family?”
“Nonono, nothing like that, it’d be really awesome to be a part of your family but… mmm… just next time, Zelo-ah, don’t hand out your trust so easily, hmm?” I said dropping the formalities between us
“I understand, but noona, I know you won’t betray my trust.” He said with a smile,
I nodded, “Absolutely not, it’s just… I wouldn’t want you to be betrayed by somebody else… It’s… not a nice feeling.” I said and then sighed and got up, “Aigoo. Come on, the others are probably looking for us already,”

Zelo got up from the swing and took his rubbish to the bin and we both made our way back to the hotel room.

I opened the hotel door still talking to Zelo and when I turned around I came face to face with Daehyun, a very close face to face encounter with Daehyun. He looked at me ready to say something but then he looked down.

“Yah!” I said and moved away from him. I didn’t want to make it a big deal so I just let it slide and grabbed my bag.

“So!” the driver ajussi said, “Ready to go?”

We all nodded and replied in agreement and then we hit the road.

“Busan isn’t that far from here, is there anything you guys want to do?” driver ajussi said,
“Mmmmm… Do  you guys have anywhere you want to go? Daehyun? What’s fun to do?” Yongguk asked,
“Beach! Hyung! Let’s go to the beach!” Zelo suggested enthusiastically,
“Good idea, Zelo-ah.” I said casually dropping the formalities,
Zelo looked at me obviously realizing what I just did and smiled.
“I guess where going to the beach then, ajussi?” Yongguk decided,

The ajussi nodded his head and made a turn, in five minutes we stopped at the beach front and the boys ran out and cheered and screamed at the sight of the ocean, I wanted to run and scream too but it felt wrong because I was the only girl so I just walked behind them with my camera recorded them screaming and running to the water.

The boys stop half way to the water, take of their jackets, dump it on the floor, take of their SHIRTS, dump it on the floor and are just about to take of their shorts and trousers when the driver ajussi reminds them that I’m here and I do not want to see them in their, and I quote, ‘Hello Kitty underwear’. And yes, I caught that on camera. I let out a small giggle as they turn around and face me.
“Wave to the camera guys.” I said, as I got up to them, I just realized that they all are half , all have incredibly gorgeous, god blessed bodies that I can feel myself go red so I take the camera and put it up against my face so it covers me.

“Annyeong! Annyeong! Annyeong!” Zelo says dancing in front of the camera,
“Oh, Sa Rang-ssi, why have your cheeks gone red.” Youngjae asked, typical of him to notice this and point it out to everybody,
“No they aren’t! It’s just a bit warm today,” I explained pulling the camera even closer to my face,
“But you’re wearing a singlet,” Jongup pointed out,
“Shh, I’m recording for all your fans all over the world, now say hello.” I said,
“Oh… Annyeong, how is everybody all around the world? We can’t wait to see you guys.” Jongup said, and then chuckled.

I set the camera down after I take a few shots of the boys swimming in the ocean and take a seat on the sand.

“Aish, this sand is going to get stuck in my jeans!” I got up and made my way back to the van to get changed into shorts and then came back out and went in search for some food.

I found a little fish and chips store not that far from where we were and bought some fish and chips and some ice blocks, soft drinks and plastic cups and put those in a cooler I bought too and then made my way back to the beach. I probably looked like I was struggling holding all these food because once I stepped on the sand I saw Jongup run up to me. And just like that I turned around. I didn’t want to embarrass myself even more because if I kept looking I knew I would. His abs were so perfect! And the way he ran was like he was on an episode of Baywatch. My god!

“Noona, let me help you with that,” he said and grabbed one of the bags making him face me. It took all that I had in me not to look down at his body and just kept looking at him in the eye, but that was somewhat worse and so I just looked away and started making my way to the others.
“Mmmmm. Fish and chips! I haven’t had these in a long time!” he said,
“Niether,” I said,
“Hyung! Hyung! Noona bought fish and chips! Let’s eat!” Jongup called out to the others,
“Fish and chips!” Daehyun said,

I opened up the fish and chips and they all dug in like there was no tomorrow,
“Slow down, guys, slow down!” I said, “You don’t want to get indigestion do you?”
I poured two cups of coke and gave it to Zelo and Jongup. And then took one chip from the pile of chips.
After that I poured another two cups and gave it to Himchan and Yongguk. And then I poured two cups for Youngjae and the driver ajussi and then finally one for Daehyun. He took the cup with a small thankful smile and took a sip.
“Noona, eat. Don’t wait for us to finish eating or there will be no more,” Zelo said,
I nodded, “Mm. I am eating. Don’t worry about me just eat up,” I said and took the smallest fish in the pile, bit it and smiled at Zelo to insure him that I was eating.

After we ate, we lied down on the sand for a bit and then Zelo felt like going back in the water but none of the boys wanted to.
“Yahhhhh!” he moaned, “Hyung! Come with me in the water pleaseee!!!!”
“Shiro!” Yongguk said, “Not yet!” that was the main reaction he got from all the boys except Daehyun who just didn’t say anything and shook his head not taking his eyes off his own camera (it was the same as mine).
“Noona, do you want to play in the water with me?” he said,
I looked up from my camera and saw him pouting so pitifully, “Aigooo. Our Zelo looks so pitiful. Fine. I’ll come with you.” I said standing up and taking my phone and my ipod out of my pockets and placing my camera on the sand, “Could you guys take care of my camera?”
The all nodded in silent agreement and I made my way to Zelo.
“Noona, aren’t you going to take your necklace off?” he said noticing the gold heart I hadn’t taken off,
I shook my head and touched it, “I never take this off,” I said, “Yah, Zelo-ah. Race yah!”

I ran to the beach and heard Zelo screaming after me and I just laughed. When I got into the water Zelo immediately started splashing me with the cold water. We got out quite far but it was good that I could actually stay afloat and it was good Zelo was tall enough to still reach the floor

“Ahhhh! This is so nice!” I said lying down and then I went down in the water suddenly,
“Noona! Be careful, you’re too small to be out here.” Zelo said in shock,
“Naaahh! I’m good,” I said wiping the water off my face,
“NO! Noona get on my back!” Zelo said sternly,
“Zelo-ah! I’m fine,” I said but Zelo wouldn’t take any of it and grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up while I screamed.
“Mwahahahha!” Zelo laughed evily.
“ZELOOOO!” I screamed. At this time, Zelo had lifted me up above his head and then suddenly he put me back down to eye level,
“Noona!” he said, “Have you watched that movie ‘Dirty Dancing’?”
I lifted my brow and nodded,
“You know that scene when they’re practicing in the water and Johnny-ssi lifts Baby-ssi up above his head,”

“Johnny-ssi? Baby-ssi? Zelo they aren’t Korean so…”
“I’ll do it to you! You’re Baby and I’m Johnny okay.” He said and started lifting me up,
“NONONONONO!” I protested,
“Yah! Sa Rang-ah!” Zelo said, “Do it properly or I’ll hurt you!”
“Sa Rang-ah?” I said, “Fine fine, do it quickly so the others don’t see.”

And there we were, Zelo lifted me up, holding my hips just like Johnny was doing to Baby in the river scene in Dirty Dancing. But instead of holding my arms out I held onto Zelo’s head for dear life.

“Aja! I did it!” Zelo said,
“Zelo-ah! Can I go down now?” I said,

Zelo slowly put me down and when our faces passed, they were about an inch and a half away from each other a.k.a the kissing zone. I felt too awkward in that position even though it hadn’t even been five seconds so I took some water and splashed it in his face and mehrong.

“Ahhh I feel tired now,” I said looking back to the others and trying not to look at Zelo, “Yah, Zelo-ah. I’ll race you back to the others.”

I gently pushed Zelo back under the water and made a run for it. I sprinted to where the boys were, “I’m going to go and get changed now okay,” I said in a hurry, quickly grabbing my things and sprinting back to the van, grabbing my bag and then running to the girls toilets.

As soon as I got to the toilets I sat down on the bench and huffed and puffed. My heart beating so fast and I wasn’t sure if it was because of Zelo or because of how fast I ran.

I grabbed my camera instinctively and started playing around on it but I noticed something…

“What the hell…” I said and pressed play, “Did I leave the camera on…the… whole… time?”

“Do you feel weird with a girl here?” Youngjae said in the video
“Not really…” Yongguk said, “I see her as a younger sister now… like another Yoon Ji,”
“I guess… What about you Daehyun… you seem quieter now that she’s here.” Youngjae was talking again. “Not that you weren’t before… you just seem even more… quieter…”
“Yeaaaahh!” Himchan said and coming into the view of the camera,
“It’s like you’ve never been with women before,”
 “Mmm… That could be the case, Youngjae… Or…” Himchan said,



Sorry for the late update. I'm wanting to update every second day but last night i was busy so i couldnt do it. but i got it up this morning :D yay! ahahha

I hope it isn't getting boring. I'm just trying to get to the real part... >.< i wont give anything away but i[m excited :D keke

oh and why so much silent readers for :"( haha! please comment anything! i love reading your comments XP so dont be a silent reader :D haha

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Raniella123 #1
Chapter 17: omo UPDATE SOON !! XD AHHH soooo gooooddddd <3
AlyssaBabyForever #2
Chapter 16: Who is it~?!?!?! I Need to know!!^^
annabelleshlee #3
Chapter 16: Oh god, i wonder who it is :0
Yonggukswipeu #4
Chapter 16: I love this! And update! And I know this is the most stupid question in the world, but Jae is Youngjae right??:P
Chapter 16: Wooo an update! awesome! :D
Chapter 16: Wooo an update! awesome! :D
Chapter 15: O.O what happen? Hes drunk right'???? Update soon! !