High School Story

When the chance comes...


"Tao?! What are you thinking? Kris! Wake up! This is now, not the past. You have to ignore him!" I couldn't believe him. He saw Tao. He saw Tao. WHAT WAS HE THINKING? "Donghae, I...I..." I stopped him. "It's over Kris. You only managed to get over him because you saw him with another guy! Nothing can cure you." Kris just stood up then, looked at me hardly, and said "Some help you were. I will get over him. Just watch." With that, he left. I sighed. Nothing can cure you Kris. Nothing.

5 days later...



"What am I going to do?" I moaned. "What am I going to do?" I flipped onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow. "What am I going to dooooooo?" wasn't going to do anything. I stood up straight. Okay Tao. Just...pretend it never happened. Forget about him. But I knew I couldn't. I never had. I remember. How I felt when he first smiled at me in high school. How he came over and said hi. I was becoming jelly. I wanted to call him. Without knowing, I had picked up my phone and put in his number. "Oh my god. What did I just do?"




10 years ago...


I heard giggles everywhere. Girls pointed at me and blushed. I sighed. I sat down onto my chair and covered my eyes by letting my hair fall down. I wanted to avoid everyone's gaze. At break, boys were trying to get me to play soccer. I pretened I needed to go to the toilet and made my escape. I arrived at the cafeteria. Looking around, I tried to make out who was a person who wouldn't care much about me. I suddenly saw him. A boy about my age, with dark, messy hair. He was reading. He looked up and saw me staring. I smiled. I couldn't help it. I walked over and sat down next to him. His eyes were boring into mine. I gulped. He looked embarassed.



He sat down. I stared at him. I so badly wanted to trace his lips. I suddenly began blinking again. I began breathing. I began to come to my senses. I realized I was staring. I looked back at my book, hoping he didn't realize that just happened. He suddenly said "Hi." I immediately turned into jelly. I could do nothing because of him. "What's your name?" I tried to move my lips to make out tao, but nothing came out. He chuckled. "Guess you're in shock. I'm Kris." He extended his hand. I looked at it. Slowly, I forced my hand to reach out and grab it. "T..Tao. I am...Tao." I shook his hand. I forced myself to get a grip. Tao! You have to get a grip! Pull yourself together! And I did. Slowly.



I followed him, making sure he didn't know about me. I turned a corner. Where is he? I looked around. "Why are you following me?" I turned around, startled. He was standing there, looking at me with great concern. I could only think of one thing. RUN!



I think he's lonely. Ever since I laid eyes on him, he's been following me. I wanted to know his name. So I made him follow me somewhere no one was, and confronted him. I told him my name. I waited for him to reply. But nothing happened. He looked like he was about to cry.



I heard him. Tao. His name was Tao. I like it. Did I just think that? Okay. Rewind. His name is Tao. That's all. I smiled again. "How are you Tao?"



He talked to me. He talked to me.



"Hey Tao... are you lonely?" "Yeah. No one else came from my school." I grinned. "Hey. Me too! Maybe we could be friends?" My heart thumped randomly while I waited for his answer.





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Thanushiya #1
Chapter 5: lol Taoriss cuties
I'm so curious yeaaah!!! Update soon! ^_^
woow i'm so excited
okay will wait for the story :)