too late..............or not?


Taeyeon's POV


-OMG!! that's Yoona's voice!!..... they need us!!

-Watch out Taeyeon you still need to heal....... Hyoyeon, Bora can you guys go ahead both are more faster than us right now...

-Of course... c'mon Bora or it'll be too late..

-No!... I need to save her!!....ouch!!!.......- Stupid wound why can't you hear already?!!.... I could feel the pressure running through my veins hearing Yoona's voice begging ...

-Look at you!!..... you're not able to use all your strenght, calm down... Hyoyeon and bora are on their way..

I'm not gonna stay here doing nothing while Yuri is about to being killed, I promised my mother I will protect her no matter what even if I die ... Yuri's life became a hell since she knew she wasn't normal..


Author's POV

-back off everyone, our leader had spoken.....we'll skip the cremony to the last part

-Minho, your father wants you to take the responsability.... are you able to do it?..'ll be a pleasure.....


-*smirks*... uhhh.. I'm scared, what are you planning to do huh?........ watch me as I rip your girlfriend's heart , don't scream too much ok?..

-NO!!... GET OFF ME!!!....

Minho ignored Yoona's demands, he turned his face to the rest of the civilians who were expecting his next movement...

-... I Lee Minho, future leader of hunters and population I swear my allegiance to the town where I grew up and eliminate any threats that represent to my brothers and sisters. You are gonna witness my first job as a my father's successor. if there's someone who opose to kill this bastard speak now...................................................

There was no response from the civilians...................

-ME!!! you ing !!! let her go!! she doesn't deserve this...

- Sorry sweety but you don't count as a part of this crew, nothing of what you say will help her. It's funny, why a human would defend a person like her?.... someone in your shoes would be freaking out rigth now, why aren't you scared of her?... she's a monster, doomed for the rest of her life, a creautre like this should be hate. Our people went through a lot of pain due Zohar's actions, finally we're gettiing our revenge...

-SPEAK FOR YOURSELF !!!!- Hyoyeon showed up along with Bora, Minho lifted his gaze and searched for the owner's voice

-...whoaaa.... what do we have here?.....


-Hang on Yoona, we'll take you out of here...

-tsk...... I wanna see you trying, you're just 2 against us.... you're stupid if you think you can beat us all..


-SEHUN!!!! ...... you came!!- Bora ran to his brother and Hugged him...

-of course, you thought I would leave my sister just like that?, we're family Bora....- Sehun gave his signal calling their brothers to come out... there were too many of them, werewolves ready to attack the enemy ..


-Of course we do, we're protecting what we believe in..... you can't blame her for someone else mistakes, your anger and theirs are taking control over you.... she's just a person.

-tsk please, that's bull!!.... I can smell your humanity from here, and that's the reason why we live apart from humans, so weak and useless creatures..

-Humans are better than you...... killing is the only solution for you, you really don't care about this people either, you just want to be take your father's place and do whatever you want.

-Liers, you'll die!!

-NOT SO FAST JERK!!!......- Minho turned his head founding Tiffany and Taeyeon a few mts away from his spot, Tiffany was holding Taeyeon by the waist.

- Tiffany?..... what the hell are you doing?....

-I was wrong this whole time, my anger didn't let me realize of the truth.........- Tiffany walked over the platform pushing Minho aside...

-Listen people, this man beside me won't help you heal the pain you're living with ... he's not your salvation but you're condenation... hunters are not what you think, I myself am a hunter and you can believe me when I'm telling you he would make you suffer like you have no idea..... fortunately someone made me realized of my mistakes and this woman lying here is not a bad person, she never wanted this...... please just think for a moment if you were in her shoes or someone you your eyes people!!....


The civilians started to get confused by both statements, should they follow their whish an desires and kill an inocent girl just for revenge?... or are they able to change and forgive ?..

-you have the right to chose..... just look at him!!...

-Shut up!!!........ guys, take them away now!!!!....


Krystal's POV

It was a complete chaos, Minho ordered to take them down in between all this people.... that's not right. Hunters from one side and werewolves plus humans on the other.... while hey were busy killing themselves I took the chance to release my sister and get her out of that mess.....

-...Sica?..... Sica c'mon stay with me!!!.......... - I support her body on mine, there wasn't any way out, civilians were tuning away from the battle

-Krys........... run....

-No sica, I won't leave you.... not after what I did...


an arrow hit my shoulder and I lost my balance in the process... Jessica and I fell on the ground, a group of hunters surrounded us and pointed their weapons at us.... I closed my eyes and waited for them to shoot




Nothing happened...............

-You ok?.......'s ok... thanks.....umm...

-Sehun..... I'm sehun...- He was a werewolve, who would say it?.... we've been hunting this cretures and then out of nowhere they saved us.... I can't believe I was blind not seeig their true nature.. they're not bad...


-C'mon krystal.. let me give you a hand...


Author's POV

Minho created a big distraction so he could get ridd of Zohar, he pulled out the subtle knife and walked over to Yuri who was lying unconsciouss almost bleeding out..

-No you won't!!!.... Tiffany grabbed his arm and pushed him away... she tackled him down ..

Yoona on the other hand ran over to Yuri and held her head trying to wake her up..

-Yuri!!!...... please wake up!!!... I love you please don't leave me!!..

-Yoona!!..... take her out of here!!!..- Tiffany yelled as she was struggling with Minho..

Yoona did as she was told and put Yuri's body on her back, for a thin woman she was pretty strong... 

-Yoona!!!.. over here!!... c'mon...- Hyoyeon called her waving her hands in the air....


Bora protected Yoona getting on the hunters way, meanwhile Tiffany was busy strangling Minho who had the subtle knife on his power

-Damn it Tiffany!!!.... look what you're doing?!!... do you want this people suffer because of your selfish feelings?...

-SHUT UP!!....  you don't even care about this people, admit it Minho.. you only care for yourself

-I thought you were loyal to our father sister..... what a dissappointment, helping the wrong people won't erase the deaths you have caused.... I'm sorry sis..but being a hunter is in your blood, you're a killer and that won't change...

-Your'e wrong..... people can change for good, my blindness didn't let me realize about the reality I was living. You and my father are the same, I was so stupid by letting him manipulate me this whole time.. not anymore...

-SCREW YOU TIFFANY!!... ING TRAITOR!!...- Minho used his strength to flip Tiffany under he was on top of her and started to punch Tiffany's face... - !!!............... you should die!!!!....

Taeyeon saw the scene from not too far and despite her injurie she approached them not caring about the pain, she wanted to save her lover ...

-Leave her alone !!!...- she tackled Minho down releasing Tiffany from his hands...

-you are responsible for this !!.... you changed her!!!.....

- I will kill you if you dare to touch her bastard!!!!........


Sehun's POV

Part of me wanted to let them die but the other one told me to save them, it is true I kept a lot of hate and anger all this years... hunter hurt me so much, they killed my brothers and sisters (some of them)... but Bora has taught me a lot, I guess our feelings are more attracted to do the rigth thing instead of revenge.....

-Where are you taking us?!- the other girl asked

-Your sister needs help, I'm taking you to my village..... I can't promise my father would welcome you but mother is the opposite of my father... she'll take care of her

-Can I ask why are you doing this?.... we're hunters, you're a werewolf.... I mean, you should hate us

-and I did, but my sister taught me to follow what I feel is right and not let anyone tell me what I must do or not....

-.......thank you.........and....... I'm sorry......

-it's ok........... can I ask you what happened to her?......

-....*sighs*..... I didn't want to, they forced me to do it.................... she was just protecting me......... I stabbed my own sister.....

-....don't blame yourself........ let's just say something similar happened to me with my sister Bora, she almost die because of me.... and I blame myself for being so stupid, but at the end.. she said it was not my fault, she is my sister and she loves me no matter what.....

-ohw.............. but..... I'm still feeling terrible...

-... give yourself some time......



our conversation was interrupted by my mother, she was so worried about me.. I told her about Bora's plan but I guess that wasn't the best idea....

-Mother....... this girl needs help, please can you take her?.....

-We need to clean her wounds, let's take her next to the river......

-......mother this is Krystal.... her sister...

-Come here sweety.... we'll cure your sister ok?...

-.......thanks.... eomonie.............. really, after all we did.. I can't believe you're helping us....

-Let's just move before my husband found about it, he's mad at both of you Sehun...... 

-I'll deal with him mother.....


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11 streak #1
I really really really need to know what happens next!
autor actualice por favor... este fic me encante.... actualice vuelva... vuelva... T_T...
Trackstar #3
Chapter 42: One obstacle after another for yoonyul and taeny. I believe taeyeon will do everything she could to prevent tiffany from getting killed. Is there really no happy ending for both couples? This is getting sad really! I wish there is a miracle out there for all of them.
Chapter 41: update soon author-ssi
scoter123 #5
Chapter 17: oh I am loving the yulkrys here in the early chapters! I hope it stays that way throughout but I doubt it will
SNSDlover_ #6
Hello fellow fanficers i am promoting my story Dream for Tomorrow i am very new on this site and i am hoping thay all of you will read it comment and subscribe here's the link

I hope you enjoy! :) 
Chapter 36: oh my ! it's hurt being in krys position :( i can't imagine it !
taeny <3
yoonyul please be alright :'(
AhnYuri #8
Chapter 35: Update soon,pleaassee...
I can't wait...
charryjay #9
Chapter 33: love TaeNy <3
I haven't even read this but Nooo! Could u tell me if it's JeTi or taeny?
Cause I'm hardcorejetiaceshipper <3