Books, puddles and things moved

Ghost stories and other stuff - true events

June, July 2014

June - somewhere in the middle and the end of the months.

"Ana-Maria" suddenly my brother yell form downstairs.
"What!" I yell back.
"Come down I want to tell you something"

So i went down and he told me that book was on the floor and some things next to book shelf is moved. I was "really..o.O" all confused.
"wait, I pictured it so i will show you" so i saw the pictures, book on the floor.

"What was the name of the book?" I asked.
"Crime and Punishment"
"That's not the first time that book fell on the floor, it's alredy the 3rd time"
"What are the names of the books which fell before?
"21 (book number) - Fathers and children and 22- Great expectations"

the first one gave me chills because we live with our dad (our parents are divorced).

July the 2nd

Brother and I went to the living room and suddenly my borther said
"umm, little puddles are in here and leading to the living room"   (remember one post named "Little puddles" if you read it? it happened again)
I went to the kitchen and i saw again little puddles leading from the kitchen to the living room, and now i pictured it as well. (everything was locked so no animals can get in nor knock down the books one by one)

and guess what, book was on the floor as well. Book named "Stranger" which was on the upper shelf was on the floor (i forgot to pic book on the floor) i picked it up and return to the shelf.

after few minutes dad woke up and came to the living room and we said what we found (i still havent wipe those puddles so we showed him). He dont really believe in those things so we never told him but today we did and he said "Ha ha you probably do that or cats"
"yeah we do that when we just came down here -.-''' also everythings locked and cats our outdoors, also cat wouldnt knock down one book at a time all the time"
So he started to think about it "so you say it's some ghost?"
Brother and I just looked at him. I went upstairs and after few minutes my dad calls me to come down again.

"look at this, they are usually turned in opposite way but now they are looking at the wall, but thats not the first time i saw it and turn in to right way. Take a picture of this as well."

"and also i found books moved before too, not on the floor just pullled out a bit, but I don't remember which one exactly"


havent post my experience for a while because i havent really experienced something new, but this thing is already happening over a month and i saw it too. this time I'll try to pic it what is possible but things like noise or something i will hardly capture it. Now this is really disturbing.
already the 4th time book was on the floor . One by one is knocked down, and titles of the books.. wow

so yeah.. thank you for reading and if something new hapen i will post it up :)

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Anania #1
Chapter 18: This park incident is scary too.......
Anania #2
Chapter 17: I would be scared too.......If from somewhere i will hear someone saying...."Will you shut up already"......Like literally scared...... That's​ something f***king scary.......OMG.....
Anania #3
Chapter 10: ttt.....This breathing part... Specially at the last.... When the breathing gets a little louder on the side of my left ear(I am using my headphones....FYI) I literally felt like my heart flipped a little from it's original place......Damn I can understand how you must have felt......
Chapter 16: God's not dead.
Chapter 16: There's a God.
My, my.. Imma new reader and I am more than very sure to love the stories. I love horror! can't live without it xD jkjk
Bleak_night #7
Chapter 27: Could you sleep in the night? I think it happened to my older sister that when she was on bed at 4 am, she heard some cries of baby from under the pillow... Then nor i could sleep nor she....
Chapter 27: this one is really creepy tho
Chapter 27: all happen in one day?!
how can you still living there?
BlueVanillaSky5 #10
Chapter 5: ...well,it happend to my grandmother once.its scary.