
Happy Birthday my Flame !

Camille’s POV

I walked discreetly towards my sister who was busy writing something on her computer. Her back was facing me so I peeked above her shoulder to read what she was writing and more importantly to discover to whom she was writing to. She felt my presence behind her back so she quickly closed her laptop, preventing me from seeing anything.

            “Aish you should try being more discrete when you decide to spy on someone. You’re as loud as an elephant.” She said.

            “Yah!! I’m not an elephant!! ….I guess I wouldn’t have done a great spy.” I sighed. “So what were you doing so secretly?” I asked to satisfy my curiosity.

            “If I closed my laptop, it means I don’t want you to know.” She smirked.

            “Let me guess!!! You were writing to Minho! Am I right? Am I right??” I .

Her cheeks started reddening meaning I got it right. She tried to deny it but it wasn’t really convincing.

            “I know you are lying so stop it! You can tell me. I won’t laugh at you or judge you. I’m just curious. So how is your boyfriend doing?” It was now my turn to smirk.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and hit my arm.

            “Yah!! He isn’t my boyfriend. Stop assuming things!!! I know that I shouldn’t have talked to you about my correspondence with Minho. You’re just too childish to understand.” She exclaimed.

            “Oh please Constance!! Don’t be like that!! I just want to know what happens between you two.” I pleaded.

It was true. Since my sister told me that she was exchanging emails with Minho, the one and only Minho from SHINee I was so curious. Let me rephrase it: I was dying with curiosity.  She also told me about what happened during the concert. It was just plain crazy. In the middle of the concert, Minho decided to focus his attention only on her and then his gaze almost never left her. It was like a dream. I thought things like that only happened in fanfictions but it really happened to her, my little sister. I was almost certain that Minho had feelings for her or else why would he bother to send her messages. I tried to share my guessing with her but each time I did, she brushed it off. I was now trying another strategy to force her revealing what they really felt for each other but this strategy didn’t really seem to be a success as well.

            “You want to know what happens. It’s simple: we are writing to each other to share our problems, our hopes, to talk about what we love and what we hate. In one word, we are FRIENDS.” She answered emphasizing the last word.

            “Ok ok!!! No need to be aggressive.” I said lifting my hands to signify that I was giving up.

I was retreating back when I thought about something.

            “Oh do you know that SM has planned a new SM Town concert in Paris for the end of the year? Did Minho talk to you about that? Are you planning to see each other?” I asked.

            “Really? I didn’t know. He didn’t tell me.” She said pouting.

Then she returned back to her initial activity not minding my presence anymore.


Few weeks later, opening of the ticket sales for SM Town Paris

I was in front of my computer, trying to order two tickets for the concert, one for me and one for my sister. Indeed, Minho didn’t even talk to my sister about the concert so it was utopian to think that he was willing to send her tickets. Constance was very pissed off because of that. Not because of the fact he didn’t offer tickets (she wasn’t really the venal type of girl) but because he didn’t bother telling her that he was coming to France. She thought they were friends but now she was convinced that he was just playing with her. She thought that if they ever get the chance to see each other once again, he would have done anything to see her but now she was convinced that he didn’t want to meet her again. My poor little sister!!!

The struggle was fierce as I was clicking frenetically on the icon “order” on the screen. The server of the website kept on crashing and it was really annoying. Finally, after one hour, I just had to admit that there were no more places to order. I was so disappointed. The concert would take place the exact day of my sister’s birthday and I wanted to offer a ticket to her as a gift. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be possible now that I couldn’t manage to buy the places.

I dialed Constance’s phone number with a heavy heart. I was so disappointed at myself.

            “Yes!” She answered.

            “Hey Coco! It’s me, Camille! I’m sorry! I couldn’t get the tickets for the concert.” I apologized.

She remained silent during few seconds before answering.

            “Oh it’s okay! I don’t want to see him anymore so I don’t care.” She spitted bitterly.

She immediately hung up. She looked so angry and also very sad. It was very painful to think that she was feeling so down.


Constance’s POV

“I don’t care about this concert, I don’t care about Kpop, I don’t care about SHINee and on top of that I don’t care about Minho.” I thought after hanging up.

To release my anger, I decided to prepare some cookies so I started cooking. After making the dough, I split it into numerous heaps and then I smashed them contentiously. Then, I placed the cookies in the oven to bake them.

I headed to the main room of my flat which was also my bedroom as well as my living room. I the television and opened my laptop. I had to check my mails. As I was screening all my messages I noticed the last emails Minho sent me, emails which remained unanswered. I was so angry at him and I couldn’t trust him anymore. His friendship was so important to me and knowing that it wasn’t reciprocal was so painful. If I got the chance to go to South Korea once again, I would definitely want to meet him but him, he was coming to France and he didn’t even have the courtesy to inform me!! Such a jerk!

But as if a superior force was guiding my hand, I opened his emails one by one.

From: FCM

To: Cocosnoot

Object: Are you okay?

Hi my Flame!

I decided to write to check if you were okay! I’m kind of worried since you didn’t reply to my last message. I hope you aren’t ill.

Answer soon!!




From: FCM

To: Cocosnoot

Object: Re: Are you okay?

Hi my Flame!

I wrote to you two days ago and I still didn’t receive your answer!! I’m very worried now and I also miss our conversation!! Are you okay??

I’ll wait for your reply!!

Bye!! *hugs*



From: FCM

To: Cocosnoot

Object: Re:Re: Are you okay?


Are you angry?  I can’t help but wondering why you aren’t answering my messages!!

I miss you my Flame!!!!

Answer please!!!!

(Desperate) Minho


Constance’s heart couldn’t help but weaken each time she was reading these messages but the memory of his betrayal helped her regain some strength, the strength to not reply to his emails.


Camille’s POV

I was watching a movie on TV but it wasn’t really interesting so I opened my laptop and decided to wander on the Internet. Allkpop, asianfanfics, Facebook, Youtube …..and my mail box.

A suspicious email attracted my attention. Who entitled their mail “Emergency” aside from swindlers? I was ready to delete it but as if a sixth sense told me not to I finally opened it.


From: FCM

To: Camille

Object: Emergency

Hi Camille!

I’m sorry to bother you but I have a huge problem. I’m Minho, Choi Minho from SHINee and I need your help. Your sister gave me your email address for emergency cases and it’s definitely one!

Constance isn’t answering my messages anymore since quite a while now and I don’t understand why!!!! Does she have some problems in her studies, in her life, with her friends?

I hope you’ll answer soon because I’m completely lost.





I looked at the screen in a daze. Choi Minho, the Choi Minho wrote me a message ….about my sister. Was I dreaming? I pinched my arm and flinched. No, I wasn’t dreaming.

I started to answer immediately since Minho seemed really worried.


From: Camille


Object: Re: Emergency

Hi Minho!

I am definitely able to help you! I’ll explain everything and then it will be clearer.

So my sister knows that you’ll come to France for the SM Town Concert in November and she is totally depressed because you didn’t tell her about that. She thinks that you betrayed her, that you don’t want to see her anymore, that you were just playing with her, that you aren’t friends anymore. Personally, I think she is overreacting but she doesn’t want to listen to me so …..

If you are still writing to her, I guess I was right and you are still friends. She is just so stubborn and she misunderstood your silence about your upcoming visit in France as indifference.

Do you understand now? I’ll do everything I can to help you but it won’t be easy with my sister’s character.



From: FCM

To: Camille

Object: Re: Re: Emergency

Thanks for your quick answer! I’m now quite relieved to know the reason behind her silence. She indeed misunderstood my actions. I wanted to give her two VIP tickets for our concert with backstage access as a birthday gift since the concert will take place on the 16th of November but I wanted to keep it as a secret until the day before the concert.

Will you help me planning a surprise event for her? I’ll give you the tickets and you’ll say that you finally managed to buy them without telling her about me. I need you now since I can’t contact her anymore.


From: Camille


Object: Re: Re: Re: Emergency

Okay I’ll help you! I don’t like seeing my sister so down like that!


And that’s how I started planning another awesome birthday gift for my (stubborn and overreacting) sister with the non negligible help of the Flaming Charisma!!


Second chapter!!!!

I decided that you would be a drama queen in this chapter LOL So your impressions???




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OMO OMO (orange caramel tribute! XD)!! That was sooooo sweeeet! *melts*
But I'm so pigheaded and stubborn! Aish! >.<
That's so nice of you to make this sequel!
I have to do my deutsch homework but heck, this fanfic is way more interesting! It's so lovely and cute and....*fangirls*
PS: Did you do the poster? It's nice!