Chapter 3

We're not done yet +


“What? I don’t really get it.”

Chanyeol tugged at the sleeve of Luhan.


“Oh gawd, stop pestering me!”

Luhan yelled, hoping that this chewing gum would just go away.

“Sehun! Look! He is bullying me~”


Luhan pouted his lips, trying to look cute.


Sehun just looked at Luhan and said,

“Come on. Your fist is stronger than mine okay.”

After that he looked over at Chanyeol.


“Hyung, I think you have to stop.”

Sehun said, showing his usual poker face.

“His mine, okay.”


Chanyeol immediately let go and raised his hands up.

“Woah, chill~ I’m not interested in Luhan.”


Sehun squinted his eyes as he eyed Chanyeol.


“Woah woah. Easy there.”

Chanyeol said as he backed off and head off to school.

He went back to his room and took his bag but found that Baekhyun had left his papers on the table.


“Didn’t Baekhyun mention that he need to hand these up today?”

Chanyeol said to himself as he looked through those papers.

He quickly packed his bag and brought the papers along.



Chanyeol called out as he searched for him all around the house.


 “Finding Baek?”

Kris asked as he sat at the couch in the living room sipping his tea while reading the newspaper.


“Yeap. Have you seen him?”

Chanyeol asked.


“I think he had already head off to school. I heard the door opening just now.”

Kris said and went back to his newspaper.


“Okay! Thanks bro.”

Chanyeol said and head off.


Kris smiled and continued reading.





Baekhyun yelled as he ran to school.

All he wanted was to escape from the house.


Why the heck did Luhan said that?!

Baekhyun was damn angry about it.

What if Chanyeol knew about it?


Baekhyun knew Chanyeol like girls and had many girlfriends previously.

So if Chanyeol knew that he liked him, Chanyeol would just back off and ignore him totally. Then they would not even be friends anymore.


“Ugh! This stupid deer!”

Baekhyun yelled as he ruffled his own hair.


Finally he reached school and quickly went up to his class.

That was the first time he felt lucky that he was not the same class with Chanyeol.



Tao called out as he saw Baekhyun entered the classroom.


Baekhyun called out as he sat down beside the Tao.


“You seemed tired. Nightmares?”

Tao teased as he laughed.


“No, is morning-mare.”

Baekhyun said as he rest his head on the table.


“Care to elaborate?”

Tao asked as he sipped his bubble tea.


“No. I will need a day to elaborate.”

Baekhyun said as he sighed.


Just then he heard the door opened.


a familiar voice shouted and a lot of girls squealed in excitement.


Baekhyun immediately sat up.

Why the heck is Park Chanyeol over here?


Okay, Chanyeol was one of the popular student among their batch.

Loads of girls would fall head over heels for Chanyeol.


“Oh there you are!”

Chanyeol smiled brightly and went over to Baekhyun’s seat.


“Oh .”

Baekhyun said as he got up and get ready to run away.


“Wait, what happened?”

Tao said as he stood up too.


“No time to explain.”

Baekhyun said as he started to dash towards the back of the classroom door.



Just as he dashed to the door, the door suddenly opened and Sehun appeared.


“O holy motherfu…”

Baekhyun could not stop himself immediately and crashed onto Sehun.



Baekhyun fell on top of Sehun.


“What are you doing?!”

Sehun asked as he glared at Baekhyun.



Before Baekhyun could explained, he felt himself being grabbed by the collar.



Baekhyun was being grab off Sehun and reached Luhan’s eye level.

“So what do you think you’re doing?”


Baekhyun met Luhan’s angry gaze.

, Luhan was angry.


“Hey, look. I…”

Baekhyun tried to explain but he could felt himself suffocating as Luhan tightened his grasp by the collar.


“Chill, bro.”

Chanyeol came over quickly to help.

“He didn’t mean to crash onto Sehun…”

Chanyeol explained and pat on to Luhan’s shoulders, hoping Luhan would loosened his grasp.


Luhan glared at baekhyun once more and let go off him.



Luhan almost scared the out of him.

Baekhyun had heard from the others that Luhan was notorious back in his highschool days.

A lot of people were scared of him. They would shun him as many times as they could.


Once, Baekhyun did saw Luhan came back home with his hands bruised.

Luhan’s shirt was crumpled and was dirty.

The worst part was that there were some blood stained on the knuckles.


“I’m alright.”

Sehun calmed Luhan down by hooking his arms around Luhan’s shoulders.

“We’re public. So chill.”


Sehun’s words were as if some magical spells. Luhan immediately softened the gaze and turned at look at Sehun.


“Geez, are you alright?”

Luhan asked as he checked on Sehun from head to toe.


“I’m fine. Go back to your class. We’re make scene over here…”

Sehun pushed Luhan to the direction of his class.

Luhan was not willing to go.


Sehun had no choice but to leaned forward and whispered into Luhan’s ear.

“Look. If you go now, you’ll be rewarded tonight.”


Upon hearing that, Luhan’s eyes sparkled.


He asked, looking at Sehun with his twinkling eyes.


“Yes. So go now.”

Sehun promised and pushed Luhan away.



Luhan said cheerful and head to his class.


“Woah, what have you told him?”

Chanyeol asked.



Sehun said and walked into the class.

“Baekhyun ah, the class is about to start.”


“Oh yeah.”

Baekhyun quickly went in but was held back by Chanyeol.


“Your papers.”

Chanyeol said as he passed those papers to Baekhyun.


“Huh, I didn’t bring it along? Omg, thanks!”

Baekhyun took the papers.


“Well, don’t run away next time.”

Chanyeol smiled but Baekhyun could see the hint of hurtful emotions on chanyeol’s face.

, now he felt bad inside.



Baekhyun tried to apologized.


“Okay, class is starting now. I’ll have to go. See you later.”

Chanyeol smiled and head off to his class.


“Oh man… What have I done…”

Baekhyun muttered to himself as he saw Chanyeol’s back view disappeared around the corner.






Sorry for not updating.

I was quite busy this past one week.


ugh. i have to constantly remind myself that baekyeol were the main protagonists of t this fic, not hunhan.

hope you guys will like this chapter  T^T


Thank you guys for reading ^^

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Chapter 3: so.. this is not Luhan we know.. Hahahaha. Baek u ar so cuteee
Chapter 3: Ouch ..!
I GET IT NOW .. *nods*
Chapter 2: Luhan ..
Me being green minded .. Kekeke XD
Please update juseyo ..
Chapter 2: Lol it's funny :D I love how Luhan is so open! Update soon :3