Marry Me


Super Junior is ending, but Kangin has one last thing he wants to say.


Sorry for the crappy description, I at them!!! This is my first song-fic ever, but I love this song so I just had to do one and Kangteuk fit the mold perfectly!!!!

This is for my (evil) clone Kallen_Langely :D YOU WON'T KILL ME FOR THIS ONE WILL YOU??????


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superkitkat #1
Chapter 1: I hate you! You made me cry at work!! This is so embarrassing! Ps thank you for and amazing one shot!!!!!
twilight_princess #2
Chapter 1: Sooo cute... *wipes away tears* Kangteuk!! Well done, author-nim ^^
hebteuk #3
woooow!!! it was such AWESOME and romantic.... kangteuk forever <3 :)
It would be wonderful if they really "end" like that... ♥
I don't think I can handle hearing about them breaking up or anything... I'd probably stalk them in Korea and... @.@
What is the songs name?
No I never want to think about super Junior ending!!!!!!!!!!!! But nice story
kangin1995 #7
I like it.<br />
i don't even want to think about Super Junior<br />
ending. seriously that would make me sad. not<br />
to mention i would probably cry for days straight,<br />
but KangTeuk ! so adorable ! so sweet ! ~ so amazing !<br />
13elieveinprom15es #9
aww this brought tears to my eyes :) its so beautiful but sad :/ i really don't want sj to end, but its the reality and it'll happen one day...i just hope they can always be together like this :D <br />
<br />
<3 you're an awwwweesome writer! xD