Chapter 1



After saying goodbye to her friends in Skype, she was greeted by a kiss on the cheek from her husband.

“Merry Christmas,” He muttered wrapping his arms around her waist giving her a back hug. Cami leaned back resting her head on the crook of Eli’s neck and looked up at him.

“Merry Christmas,” she smiled kissing his lips.

“Mommy, Daddy?” a small voice from behind them called out.  The two Hollywood stars looked at their three year old son, who has black hair just like his dad and brown eyed just like his mom.

“Come here Michael,” Cami said lovingly to the little boy. Michael followed his mom’s wishes and walked toward his parents.  Cami bent down and picked him up, while Eli kissed his cheek.  The three sat on the living room couch with Michael on Cami’s lap and Eli next to them.  

“Michael, what’s wrong?” Eli asked looking at his son. Michael shifted on his seat and answered, “I had a nightmare.” Cami brushed her fingers through her son’s hair. 

“Do you want to talk about it?” Cami asked kissing his cheeks. Michael nodded, “I had a dream that I messed up and daddy and mommy didn’t love me anymore.”

The couple looked at each other then back at their son, “Mommy and daddy will always love you even if you mess up in your play okay?” Eli explained taking his son from his wife, tickling him.

“Okay!!” the little boy laughed trying to fight off his dad’s arms. After their tickle fight, Michael looked at his parents.

“Can I open a present? Then open the rest later at the reunion?” Michael asked with hopeful eyes.

“Sure why don’t you pick your present from under the tree and open it,” Eli said letting go of Michael. Their son pulled out the biggest box and tried to push it but since the box was taller than he was, Eli went to help him. The rapper easily picked up the box and placed it in front of the couch. Michael ripped the wrapping and found a kid’s car.

“Wow!! Mommy what color is it?” Michael asked, circling around the box.

“Black and red but you can play with it tomorrow. Daddy still needs to assemble the car.” Cami answered. Michael ran up to her a kissed her cheeks and did the same to Eli before going up to his room and sleeping.

“His hyper activeness, where does he get it from?” Eli chuckled looking at his son.

“Soohyun,” Cami said after a long pause. The two chuckled as they to head to bed.


“Uncle Soohyun!” Michael yelled running up to this uncle in his elf costume. The bells on his shoes and had jiggled making everyone around them look at the little boy and the famous people in front of him.

“Hey, Michael! How’s my favorite nephew?” Soohyun laughed, picking him up and spinning him around.

“Uncle Soohyun, I’m you’re only nephew,” Michael pouted poking Soohyun’s cheeks. The power voice chuckled, “Oh right.”

Michael’s eyes darted around and found a familiar face.

“Auntie Patricia!” he called out, wiggling out of Soohyun’s grip, which he failed at. Patricia giggled at the little boy but Cami and Eli felt the tension in the air between the two friends.

“Hey how are you?” Patricia asked kissing his cheeks.

“I’m good, Auntie aren’t you going to give uncle a kiss on the cheek like you usually do?” the little one stated. Everyone in the room including the eavesdroppers were taken aback.

“Um…Michael shouldn’t you be going on stage now?” Patricia quickly said changing the subject.

“Neh! I should go, uncle let me go please!” Michael said. Soohyun placed him back on the ground again and watched him run to the stage.

“We should go in,” the doctor suggested not looking at Soohyun, but he pulled her into him and turned to Eli and Cami, “Go ahead I just need to talk to her.” The two nodded, Cami threw a worried and a questioning look at Patricia before following her husband in the auditorium.

Inside, Cami and Eli sat in their seats waiting for the show to start.

“What is with them?” Cami asked her husband.

“I have no idea, hyung likes her, but hasn’t done anything since Kyle is dating Patricia.” Eli said lacing his fingers with hers.  Cami placed her head on his shoulder and mumbled, “That’s true. Patricia and Kyle have been dating for three years now. He’s bound to propose soon. Aigooo I feel bad for Soohyun.”

Before Eli could answer, the show began. One by one the little preschool kids appeared dancing around the stage, while the others sang. All the parents clapped cheering for their own son or daughter on. But Michael was nowhere to be seen. The teacher from behind the curtains motioned Cami and Eli to come over. They quickly snuck back stage.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Michael has run off,” Mrs. Applebottom told them with a worried look.

“What? What do you mean?” Eli hissed his anger quickly growing.  Cami placed a hand on his biceps to calm him down.

“He got to the stage and when we started, he just disappeared.” She explained completely scared of the man in front of her. Eli pulled away from Cami’s grip and pulled out his phone.

“Hyung! Michael has gone missing.” Eli told him pinching the bridge of his nose.

“,” Soohyun’s voice could be heard.

“What is going on?” Patricia asked from behind the singer.

“Patricia, Michael ran off! Help us find him please!” Cami pleaded next to Eli.

“Okay, Soohyun and I will take the east side of the streets and you guys take the west. We’ll call if we find him. Let’s meet up at the entrance in thirty minutes if we can’t find him,” Patricia replied back taking charge of the situation.


Eli and Cami ran out the building under the white blanket of snow that covered the streets.

“Michael! Michael!” the two yelled running to find their one and only son.  They checked any of the local areas but still didn’t find him.  Thirty minutes passed and they still didn’t find him. The four adults met up in the front and found that both of their parties were unsuccessful. Clearly, the tension between Soohyun and Patricia had grown thicker but the two were choosing to ignore each other’s presence for Michael’s sake. Eventually they all heard a small whimper.

“Shhhh! Listen!” Cami ordered them as she became more worried for her son.  Eli ran to sound and found his son sitting down by the snow, crying his eyes out.

“Michael!” He called out picking him up in his arms, but the boy just continued to cry.

“Michael, mommy and daddy are here now. Don’t cry,” Cami soothed rubbing circles on his back.

“Mommy, I failed. I was so scared. There were so many people,” Michael cried burying his face into Eli’s chest.

“No, honey you didn’t fail. It’s okay. Why don’t we go home? I’ll make you hot chocolate?”

Michael sniffed and nodded, “Okay.”

The family hugged each other under the small Christmas lights that were hanging above them, while Soohyun and Patricia watched with a smile on their faces.

“Well, I need to go, I have to report to the hospital,” Patricia said turning back to leave.

“Auntie, will you just kiss uncle on the cheek? For me,” Michael said turning his attention to them. Patricia thought about their kiss at Ella’s place and their talk. She was about to answer, but Soohyun beat her to it by placing a kiss on her forehead.

“Is that okay Michael? I can’t kiss her cheeks because she is too short,” he chuckled, earning a smack from the girl, but a laugh from Cami and Eli.

“Hey, Patricia is Kyle coming tonight?” Cami asked before her friend could leave. 

“No, we’re over, well I have to go. I’ll see you guys tonight!” Patricia said running off to get out of the snow. Eli looked at his hyung and said, “Go after her, don’t let her get away this time.” Soohyun didn't think twice and ran to her, leaving the family.

"I hope Christmas will bring those two together," Cami smiled. Eli captured her lips with Michael still in his arms. 

"I know it will. I love you and Merry Christmas," 

"Ewww! Daddy! you're gross!" Michael squealed covering his eyes, making the couple chuckle. 

"Merry Christmas," Eli and Cami said kissing both of his cheeks.

Merry Christmas and i hope you liked it! stay tuned for the epilogue.

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DewDrops0330 #1
Chapter 1: I Love It !! <3 Can't wait for the epilogue ^^