I met him

He Broke My Heart




Your Pov~~~

"Oppa you came there was a strangers asking me to get in his car and I rejected it!"You said

"good girl that is what your supposed to do good job now lets go to school shall we?"Oppa said


All girls stare at you but you never care and follow your oppa.One girls said "Why does she follows and goe here and home with him everyday gosh even  though she's so cute and pretty doesn't mean she can be like his girlfriend or something!"

"Hey you girls don't know her so SHUT UP and i mean it IF YOU TALK ABOUT HER AGAIN YOU BETTER WATCH OUT BEFORE SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU."Oppa said in an angry tone

"Ya, hyung!!!!!!"Lee Taemin passed by and just ignored you as if you wasn't there.m "oh and hi Soora"Taemin said sarcasticly

"Hi do I know you how do you know my name?"You asked him

He chukle and left with my big bother.


"Yah! Answer me how do you know me did oppa tell you something" You asked

"YAH?YOU CALL ME TAEMIN OR SOMETHIMG DON'T CALL ME YAH AND HOW I KNOW YOU DON'T MATTER!!" Taemin yelled really loud. you were scared of loudness or someone yelling at you mostly a guy you will cry a lot.you started to have tears in your eyes and slapped Taemin in the face,hited him,and Taemin hold you hand.







Thanks for reading and please comment bye bye


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Chapter 4: was nice!!!
dm_robot #2
Pretty good :)
dm_robot #3
Chapter 3: Where is the teaser? :)
Yumi_Lee #4
Chapter 4: You should make the story longer but it's pretty good, the story!!!
Chapter 1: It's pretty short but it's a very good short chapter
And sure you should make your chapters longer
Please update more!
Thank you!