Chapter 2




Sooyoung's POV

I closed my eyes again. Tried breathing deeply. I mentally checked down my body. My arms were there,legs, feet. I wriggled my fingers.All working. 

My watch wasn't on my wrist, so was my grandmother's necklace that was around my neck.

I felt down over my stomach. I had a T-shirt on, my bra was cutting into my chest. My legs were bare, my jeans gone. I looked under the sheets, I was only in my underwear.

My breath hitched as the thought of being another victim came in mind. I felt sick,dizzy and not to mention,useless.


"I didn't you" 

I gripped onto the sheet, and swung my head around. My eyes still weren't seeing properly, but I knew you were behind me. I heard you.



I caught you staring at me for about 15 minutes now. Well, you obviously saw me before I saw you.

You had that look in your eyes, as though you wanted something from me, as though you wanted it for a long time. No one had ever looked at me like that before, with that kind of intensity. 

It unsettled me, suprised me I guess.

Those brown, dark brown doe eyes, looking back at me as if I could warm them up. 

I know if Changmin oppa was here with me, he'd probably have my grilled for saying this, but I just cant help it. 

They look somehow powerful,those eyes, pretty beautiful too actually.


You blinked quickly when I looked at you, and turned away as if you were nervous. As if you felt guilty because you've just checked a random chick in an airport.


The thing is, there was a strange familiarity about you. Its as if ive seen you before. Could you have been that man that I bumped into in the bus on the way home? Could you have been that man that offered me the last pack of crisp at the market last week? Or could you have been that lost tourist that asked me where the nearest restroom was?

I dont know. I just couldn't put my finger around it.


I ordered my coffee and waited for it to be made. I fumbled with the hem of my shirt. I didn't look back, but I knew you were still watching. It probably sounds weird but I could just feel it. The tiny hairs on my neck bristled every time you blinked.


The cashier held on to the coffee cup, waiting for my money to land on his hands. 'Key' his name badge said. Weird name, but why would I bother about someone else's problem.

I dug my hand into my bag as my fingers started hunting for my wallet. Weird, I cant seem to find it.

The cashier rolled his eyes, casually chewing on his gum "Dont worry honey, we have all the time in the world" 


I started panicking, my palms sweaty. I could hear the other customers behind me sighing and muttering under their breaths.


"Let me buy it" you said, appearing out of nowhere. Your voice was low and soft, enough to make any girl melt.

The light grey V-neck you were wearing had a scent of green apples, my favourite. 

You had a note ready in your hands as you smiled at me. 

I felt myself spacing out as you continued to flash me your gentle smile. You took the drink from Key, the paper cup slightly denting as you grabbed it.


"Sugar? One?" 

I nodded ; I guess I was just too flustered with you being there, talking to me.

"Dont worry, I'll do it. You sit down" You gestured to where you'd been sitting ; at a table between the fake palm trees, over by the window.

I know I shouldn't but you seemed like you anticipated that I would. I dont think Tiffany would mind waiting for a few minutes right? I mean, it wouldn't hurt to just have a little chat, I guess.


You touched me gently on the shoulder, your hand warm through my top. "Its okay you know. I dont bite" you said softly. "There's no other seats anyway, not unless you want to sit with the Adams Family over there" 


I followed your gaze to the empty chairs next to a large family. Two of the smaller kids were crawling over the table, the parents arguing across them. No thank you.

I shivered, "I finally escaped from my family"  I said. " I dont think I want another one yet"  

Yes, saying that I do not like my family would be an understatement. I absolutely repel them. My parents, being politicians, they're always talking about work, work and more work. If its not work, its money. And my sister, well lets just say she hates my guts and vice versa.

"Nice thinking" you winked. "One sugar it is then"


You guided me towards where you'd been sitting. It took me less than ten steps to get there. I was sort of walking in a daze as I sat in the chair facing the window. I watched you take the drink to the stand and lift the lid off. I saw you pour the sugar in, you hair falling over your eyes as you bent your head. 

You walked back towards the table, smoothly avoiding all the coffee-carrying passengers who stepped out in front of you. You didn't look at any of them. Only me.


I smiled at you "Impressive"

You let out a chuckle, placing the cup of coffee on the small table and sat down. 


"Jaejoong" you said, all of a sudden.

"Excuse me?"

You looked up at me before reaching out your hand towards me "My name's Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong"


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Soohunhanshippers #1
Chapter 13: im ing crying right now........ huawww when are you going to update?
Chapter 13: Soojae i love this story. Update soon plisss
Chapter 13: omg i love chapter, please update next one... really want to read your story...
Chapter 13: Update as soon as possible, i love this story
Chapter 1: please update soon
MilesAway19 #6
Please update soon, I looove this story!! >.<
Chapter 13: Ngaw... :( Can Sooyoung just marry the can of pringles? LOL Its hard to choose between SooJae and ChangSoo..