The Thousand Crane


-Onyuu & I have decided to collab for this fic! :)
It's a TAO X OC fiction!!
There's an actual reason behind this fic,
And we shall reveal that later on!
Hope you subscribe to our fic! :)

We won't tell a synopsis so it'll be a "suspense"


She made her way to room 108, holding an item on her hand.


As she slid the door open, a woman lying down on the bed, her face pale, shifted her head towards the door.

"I-I made this for you... Teacher told me that according to Japanese legends, if a person makes one thousand paper cranes, he or she can wish.."

She walked closer to the woman on the bed.

"My wish is for you to get better right away..." 

The pale woman smiled. She raised her arms slowly until her hands reached the young girl's face. She uttered words softly.


"My beloved daughter...Thank you."






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