
Perfect Two


"You have got to be kidding me."

Silence filled the room at Jonghyun's outburst.

"I'm not singing that song!?" he further complained as he stood up and paced by the window. Yonghwa turned in his seat to glare at him. "Don't be such a baby," he said. "You know I can't sing all the songs by myself, and this song would fit your voice exactly."

Jonghyun cringed and raised his hands, fingers curled. "But the song is so~ ugh! ~ cheesy!?!" he said, sitting down on his hunches.

Jungshin and Minhyuk laughed out loud as they watched him trying to curl up his entire body. Even Yonghwa couldn't resist a small grin, either.

They were having another meeting before their deliveries that day. As usual, the biggest pile of orders for songs were Yoona's, so they were sorting through them, checking for similar song requests.

"That's a unique song request, Jonghyun-ah, no one else ordered it. It's a really old song, too," Yonghwa said as he sifted through the pile of cards.

A card caught his eye when the name "Seohyun" jumped out from the writing. Pretending to browse the pile, he placed the card at the bottom, marking it with a finger. He needed a plan.


"I'm the leader, I decide. You'll sing that song for Yoona," Yonghwa said with finality as Jonghyun tried to dissuade him again.

Jonghyun's face darkened as his hyung gave him the command. He cringed on the inside as he thought about his doom. It wasn't about the song, actually. It was about singing the song to Yoona. He didn't think he could handle singing such a cheesy song in front of her. Gah, the song's so old, he was quite sure his parents weren't even born yet when the song came out.

Jungshin came over and hung an arm over his hyung's shoulder. "Well, we can't do much about it either, hyung. The song request had your name on it, not Yonghwa-hyung's, so... fighting?!" he said, raising a fist before clapping him on the back. Minhyuk came over to clap him on the back too before he left with Jungshin.

Yonghwa chuckled as he watched Jonghyun's shoulders slump as he looked outside the window. He went over and slung an arm over his dongsaeng's shoulder. "Come on Jonghyun-ah, you can do this. Besides," he paused as he clapped Jonghyun hard on the back. "It's about time you do something with that crush of yours," he said, then ran out of the room without another word.

Jonghyun looked on at his hyung's retreating back, his mouth hanging open in surprise. He didn't know he was that obvious. But the two maknaes didn't seem to be aware... Shaking his head, he chuckled at how amazingly perceptive Yonghwa-hyung was. Breathing a deep sigh, he picked up his bag and left the bandroom, feeling a sense of doom.


Yonghwa opened his book stealthily and peered at the order card he'd sneaked out of the pile. It simply had the name "Seohyun" printed neatly on it, then on the song request it said: "Just the Way You Are." He was relieved there was no specific request as to whether he or Jonghyun should sing it, it just said CNBLUE 

"What's that?" Shinhye asked as she tried to peer into his book as well. Yonghwa quickly clamped his book shut as the bell rang to end the period.

"Ahh, nothing, just another song request for our deliveries. I'll see you later, alright?" he said as he stood up and grabbed his stuff.

"But~" the girl said in surprise as she tried to quickly pick up her things, too.

"Yoona! Wait up!" Yonghwa called out as he saw Yoona leaving through the classroom door. The girl looked startled as she turned towards him. She then smiled brightly and waited for him just outside the door.

"Oppa! What's up?" she asked as he came up to her.

"Hyung, I need your help," a voice spoke up from behind Yoona. She froze as she recognized it. Her eyes grew round as saucers, her face growing pale.

Yonghwa stopped in front of her, watching her face and then looking towards Jonghyun who stood behind her. Something clicked in his mind and he grinned.

"What's it about Jonghyun-ah?" he asked as he watched Yoona try to compose herself. Jonghyun moved from behind Yoona and stood beside her as he talked to Yonghwa. Yoona kept her eyes down, trying to keep her breathing even.

"Ahh, I just need some help with, you know~ THE song," Jonghyun answered, side-eyeing Yoona.

Yonghwa chuckled as he observed the two. Quickly forming a plan in his head, he pat Yoona's shoulder. "Yoong, walk with us? Just need to ask you a couple of stuff," he said as he placed an arm over her shoulder, guiding her along. He ignored the look on Jonghyun's face, whose eyes were forming into slits. "Come on Jonghyun-ah."

Jonghyun clenched his teeth as he followed the pair out of the building. He wasn't liking Yonghwa-hyung at this moment. In fact, he could only imagine the stuff he would do to his hyung when they got back to the dorm.

Yonghwa kept his arm around Yoona's shoulders as they continued to talk while walking.

"Yoong, Seohyun's your best friend, right?" he asked, forgetting Jonghyun for the moment.

Yoona smiled brightly as she nodded her head quickly. "Yes, oppa, she's been my best friend since I can remember," she replied, trying to put a reign on her growing excitement. Yonghwa-oppa was talking to her about Hyunnie! She wanted to dance and jump around happily.

"Well, that's perfect then. I want you to tell me everything about her," Yonghwa asked, pretending nonchalance as he looked at his fingernails.

Yoona was so surprised, she stopped walking all of a sudden.


Jonghyun, who was so intent on his imaginations of wringing Yonghwa's neck, bumped into the pair who was walking in front of him.

"Yah, Jonghyun-ah, what's with you?!" Yonghwa wailed as he removed his arm from Yoona's shoulder. He was biting his lip so hard, trying to keep himself from laughing. Jonghyun didn't seem to be aware of him, as he was busy holding onto Yoona's waist. The two seemed frozen in time.

"I'm sorr~ Uhh, ummm~~ ahh, are you~ alright?" Jonghyun asked as he quickly removed his hands from Yoona's waist. He'd instinctively reached out when he bumped into her, trying to keep her from falling. Yoona didn't appear to be breathing.

"Ey kiddo, are you alright?" Yonghwa asked when Yoona didn't answer Jonghyun. She gave a slight nod in response.

Yonghwa looked over at Jonghyun, who had his back to them. He had his hands in his jeans pockets, his head hanging down.

"Yah, Jonghyun-ah, look at where you're going next time, alright?" he warned, trying to give a harsh tone. He was having a hard time containing his laughter.

Tough Jonghyun was jealous, and he was finding it really funny. I should really put a stop to his misery, Yonghwa thought to himself. But then again... this is fun, and he chuckled to himself.

"Oppa, I'm fine," Yoona reassured him. She took a quick glimpse at Jonghyun as she adjusted the books in her arms.

"Anyway, back to my question. Can you help me?" Yonghwa asked, ignoring Jonghyun again. He was a man on a mission.

"What exactly do you need to know? And why?" Yoona asked, hugging her books.

"Here, give those to him so we can talk," Yonghwa said, taking the books and dumping them in the arms of a startled Jonghyun. "Hyung~" he started, but Yonghwa raised a hand. "This will be quick."

Pulling Yoona aside, he answered her questions. "Okay, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I have this thing for girls who play instruments," he said. Yoona covered as she gave a quiet squeal. Yonghwa pretended to be in turmoil, placing a hand over his forehead melodramatically. "I think something's wrong with me, I just can't get your friend out of my mind."

Yoona gave in and really squealed this time, jumping up and down in excitement. "Oppa, that is the best news I've heard! If Hyunnie ever got a boyfriend, I really wished it would be you, or at least someone like you!" she said, squealing giddily.

Yonghwa's cheeks burst as he smiled at Yoona's antics. "Hey, not too fast. I'm just saying I~ ah~ kinda like her. We're not even sure if she'll like me, so..."

"What's not to like, oppa?!" Yoona replied with a huge smile. Yonghwa answered by ruffling her hair. He could see Jonghyun's eyes turning into slits again.

"Alright kiddo, send me a message later will you? I've got stuff to do. Better yet, I'll call you," he said as he turned to leave. "Yah, Jonghyun-ah, walk her to her dorm will you? I need to run an errand. See you in the bandroom!" he called out as he started to run.

He started laughing out loud as he turned the corner. He couldn't erase the image of the two frozen statues from his mind.



Seohyun felt like she'd bumped straight into a wall. Her chest tightened as she felt like all the air was being squeezed out from her lungs. Her vision spun around and blurred as she felt her eyeglasses fall off. She held onto her violin case as tight as she could , making sure to fall on her side just in case she fell on it. She landed on her bottom.

It was a disaster.

Yonghwa stood there frozen, not able to do anything as he watched in shock. He could see his chances crumble before he'd even begun.

"Wow, you've literally made me fall for you, Yonghwa-ssi," Seohyun said softly, before starting to giggle. Yonghwa's face flushed as he held out a hand to assist her to stand up.

He heard laughter from behind him.

"I'll see you later hyung! Fighting!”

Yonghwa closed his eyes and wished he could melt right there and then and seep into the ground, disappearing forever.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked anxiously, assessing her from head to toe. Seohyun giggled as she tried to wave off her embarrassment. "I'm fine, sunbae," she said as she looked up at him.

Yonghwa in his breath as his eyes met hers. It was his first time to see her without her eyeglasses on. Her eyes sparkled with laughter, round and clear and honest. He couldn't keep himself from staring.

Seohyun felt herself being pulled in as she stared right back at him, his hooded eyes staring at her intently. She had to consciously remind herself to breathe. And then she remembered...

Gasping, she covered her nose with the palm of one hand. Yonghwa didn't seem to notice her anxiety. He kept staring, and then said, " Your--eyes, your eyes~"

Seohyun slowly brought down the hand covering her face and replied breathlessly.


Yonghwa felt perspiration forming on his forehead and chin. He felt cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck, giving him the shivers.


"You what? What are you trying to say, sunbae?" Seohyun probed further.

"I-I-I ah~"

Seohyun couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud. Yonghwa stared at her helplessly as she held her tummy, laughing so hard.

"You seem to be very amused," Yonghwa asked, scrunching his nose. He knew she was laughing at him, and he felt a bit miffed.

"I'm sorry," Seohyun said as she tried to keep herself from laughing and started wiping the tears coming out from the corners of her eyes."It's just~ you just added another syllable to 'I-I-I~' and it became "I-I-I ah~' and it was so funny~ oh my goodness, I'm so sorry~" she said before bursting into laughter again.

Yonghwa tried his best to regain his poise and composure by picking up the red framed glasses sitting on the ground and placed it in his shirt pocket. He then pulled up the laughing girl by the hands and steadied her by holding her by the waist.

That action seemed to get her back to her senses. She held her breath as she realized the distance between them.

"I'm fine, sunbae. You can let go of me now," she whispered as she looked away from his stare.

"Stop calling me that."

Seohyun snapped back to his face as she heard the irritation in his voice. His lips were now forming a thin line.

"Stop calling you what, sunbae?" she asked, bewildered.

"THAT! SUNBAE! I HATE THAT!" he cried out, not realizing that he was still holding onto her waist. He suddenly remembered his manners and released her. She swayed for a bit but finally caught her balance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you hated being called sunbae..." Seohyun whispered softly as she hung her head.

Yonghwa drew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. He raised Seohyun's face with the tip of his index finger.

"It's not that I hate being called a sunbae. I just don't like being called sunbae by you..." he explained softly. Seohyun's eyes grew round in surprise. "But--but--but~"

"Alright, we're even. I have my I's, you have your but's, but starting from today, I forbid you to call me sunbae," Yonghwa declared as he nodded his head at her.

"Yes?" he asked again, continuing to nod his head. Seohyun opened to protest but found herself nodding her head as well.

"Awesome! Since we've come to an agreement, let me treat you to some ice cream," Yonghwa said, taking the violin from her and hanging the strap behind his back.

"But~ what do I call you, sun~"

"Call me Yong, or Yong oppa," Yonghwa said as he started pulling her along towards the direction of the campus cafe.


Sighing in frustration, Yonghwa turned around and faced the bewildered Seohyun, whose beautiful eyes were now fully exposed because he'd taken her glasses. For a moment he forgot what he'd wanted to say and just stared into her eyes. He leaned in and whispered beside her ear.

"I don't ever want to be formal with you again, Seohyun-ah. Keep that in mind. Now try it. Call me oppa."

Silence drew over them for a couple of seconds.

"If you don't call me oppa, I'll~"

"Oppa. Yo~ong oppa."

Seohyun bit her lip as she tentatively tried out his new name. She watched as she saw him draw back and stand up straight. A huge smile slowly grew on his face as he heard her call him 'oppa.'

"Awesome. I hereby decree that only you can call me oppa from now on."


"Let's go!" Yonghwa said cheerfully as he pulled her again towards the cafe.

At the rate his heart was racing, he could probably down a whole gallon of ice cream by himself.


"Before we sign-off tonight, let's just read our last two messages."

"Here's a teeny weeny note from Burning to Ms. IYN.

Dear Ms. Yoona,

Do your "thighs" hurt from running through my dreams all night?

Meet me tomorrow in front of the Wedding Booth.

I'll be waiting.


"Omo, Jungshin can you believe this?! Burning is calling out Ms. Yoona!? Yah~who does this Burning guy think he is?!"

"I know right?! Listeners out there, if you're as curious as we are about this, let's all meet up in front of the Wedding Booth tomorrow! And yes, *sigh* I'll be officiating 'weddings' tomorrow."

"Awww, it's alright my chingoo, you are everybody's chingoo. I'll be giving you moral support before you marry me off to my 'wife'"

"What?! You've met someone?! Arrgghhhh."

"Ahhh.. ne~ but let's forget about my love story, here's another one for Ms. Red Frames."

"Wow, that's a code name! I wonder who it is... What does it say?"

Dear Ms. Red Frames,

There may be a million things to smile about, but you're definitely my favorite one.

Your Super Secret Admirer

"These freakin' romantics!?! I'm beginning to feel lonely Minhyukkie~"

"Awww don't worry Jungshin chingoo, someone will come along... maybe she's waiting for you, too."

"Till here now, it's Minhyuk and Jungshin signing off!"


A huge crowd had gathered in front of the student gov building, where a wedding altar had been set up for the day's "weddings." Jungshin was wearing a clerical collar as he was pretending to officiate the "weddings" among the campus couples. Jonghyun cleared his throat several times before speaking into the microphone.

"This song is dedicated for Ms. Yoona, from another one of her tons of secret admirers. Ms. Yoona, let's hope you like this..."



Guffaws erupted from the crowd as they heard the song Jonghyun was singing. No one really knew the song, but they could feel that it was a golden oldie. A professor passing by suddenly stopped and expressed an "Awwww..." when she recognized the song.

Jonghyun could feel cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck as he tried to imagine himself somewhere else and that no one was there listening or watching him. The crowd was starting to murmur and laugh as they continued to wonder at the song. Not able to bear it any more, Jonghyun slammed his fingers on his guitar strings.

"F*** this!" he cried out. The three other band members turned to him in shock, and the music died down slowly from their instruments. The stunned crowd grew silent at his outburst.

"YOONA! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SOMEWHERE! I DON'T WANT TO SING ANOTHER SONG TO YOU FROM ANOTHER GUY. THIS ONE'S FROM ME!" He started playing another song after his declaration. The three other band members quickly snapped out of their reverie and matched Jonghyun's music. He was playing so passionately, the other boys tried hard to keep up. Yonghwa was especially amazed at seeing this side of Jonghyun, and yet he wasn't really surprised.




Jonghyun's eyes searched the crowd for that one face that he'd been dreaming of the past few days. He knew she was there somewhere. She always was.

He missed a chord as realization hit him.

She was always there.

Ms. IYN.

And then he saw her hiding behind her best friend. They were standing on the edges of the crowd. Jonghyun started singing more loudly as he pointed to her. Murmurs started in waves and the crowd parted as some people realized that he was pointing at Yoona. As the last chords of the song died down, he quickly took off his guitar strap and handed it to Yonghwa-hyung without even looking at him. Walking to the middle of the stage, he commandeered the microphone.

"Im YooNa! Ms. IYN!" He saw her gasp in surprise as she realized that he already knew her little secret.

"Yoona... Marry me?" he asked softly, looking at her intently. She covered with a hand as she tried to get back into hiding. "Oh no you don't!" he cried out, getting out from behind the microphone. He hit his right hand on his chest and repeated his plea.

"Yoona, please~ will you marry me?" he asked softly as he slowly fell on his two knees.

Stuff started falling on the stage as Yonghwa, Jungshin and Minhyuk dropped their instruments in clear surprise. Jonghyun didn't care. He was feeling too nervous and intense right now, and all he could think about was Yoona's answer.

Cheers erupted as Yoona suddenly started running towards the front of the stage. Jonghyun couldn't believe his eyes as he followed her movements. She suddenly stopped in front of him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She looked directly into his eyes and replied to his question.

"I will."


A/N: It's been two months since I last updated this fic, and for that I do apologize. I've been really busy, and have been blocked for quite some time. I'm hoping to update another chapter in time for YongSeo's 3rd anniversary, so wish me luck!

I hope you guys enjoy this update, especially for those JongYoon shippers (such as I) who have been sailing since CNSD on MuBank. Here's to you gals! ^^ and for my readers who aren't into JongYoon :D please, just bear with me one last time :D In dramas, they "kill off" people. In my fics, I "marry them off." hehehe... I'll miss them, but the next chapters will be focused on the ever adorable YongSeo couple.

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update in 2-3 days guys, sorry kinda busy over the weekend ^^


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Chapter 11: started reading this story today .... and finished all 11 chapters ............ really wud like to know how will the story unfolds .... plz update
Chapter 11: i will wait, too!
tantalizingeyes #3
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting for you to continue this hahahahaha
tantalizingeyes #4
Chapter 11: Oh my god i hope you continue this!
Chapter 11: Aaaaaaah, i looove this story. Jongyoon and yongseo too. I want an update, but i know the chance was small. Authornim, please comeback.
kmrsanchez #6
Chapter 11: Hope things will fall in there right places. Minhyukkie is so nice hope he wont be sad in this fic. Coz its just always yongseo for me :) cant wait for the next chap :)
fatenism #7
Chapter 11: wowowowowow, cant wait for the stories start to unfold. Poor Minhyuk, but he needs the closure.
dee2dazee #8
Chapter 11: Oh that was frustrating. However, I'm glad Minhyuk knows who she likes and knows his place. Such a good boy :)
snccrockz #9
Chapter 11: seohyun protecting herself and trying to get a jab in, i understand the sentiment, but MAN that was bad timing!

can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!
Chapter 11: A frustrating chapter, why hyun why? Just let yong confess... aigoo