Your Shadow



We are sentient beings. We are your cloak, your robe, fingers on your skin. I am of your breath, in the movement of your chest; I can hear your every fleeting thought and hear the seething blood coursing through your veins. Since your birth I have been part of you, and your infant body has held less light and less soul than the dark mass that is I.


Young Red is a shadow, a living, breathing shadow, with a spirit that is bound to yours and yours alone. She will give her life for you, for your pain is her pain and your death is her certain demise. She is fluid, she is youthful, she is beautiful, and she knows all that you know, or even more so. And yet you will not look at her.


"I am watching you now, as I have always been. Looking over your shoulder as you lie supine upon your living room sofa, so mesmerized by the tales in the book you hold above your face. You delight in fantasies, mythology and the unknown, and yet you do not sense my existence? "


         The poppy - Symbolising remembrance, comfort, sleep, and oblivion.



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LoveYou12345678 #1
Update please!