
Soccer or Love?

I hope you all had a great Christmas!! I hope you were also healthy and happy.  :)


  After a few weeks of being on the team, it was quite interesting. Chanyeol and I got closer, we played a few games (in every game I featured mostly in foreward to make goals) and I was starting to become friends with Ye Jin and the other people he hangs out. They have a weird nick name, U-KISS? I snorted when they told me the same.


"Do you want to know our nickname?" Kevin asked me cutely. I smiled, "Sure. What?" Eli stretched in a cocky way and rested his head on his arms. "We are called.." he paused for dramatic affect. "U-KISS." I laughed and rolled my eyes. Soohyun frowned. "Hey..What is wrong with our name?" Eli added, "Yeah. The chicks like it." I coughed so I wouldn't laugh. "Well I am a girl and I think it is just silly." Kiseop sighed and put his hand on my shoulder, "Wait until you see the fan girls." I blinked. "Fan girls?" Kiseop innocently nodded. "Look around."  I did as I was told and saw girls shooting rays into my head since Kiseop's hand was on my shoulder or it was I was sitting with them. Maybe both?

*End of Flashback*

  Soccer practice just ended and Chanyeol walked over to me. "Hey. Need help?" This was turning into a routine. Him asking if I needed help with my things and us just walking half way home together. I shrugged. "Sure. Thank you." Chanyeol took my bag. The goal keeper glared at me with jealousy. I was a bit alarmed by her glare and stood up. "Uuhh let's go.." Chanyeol nodded and put the bag over his shoulder. A girl the walked up giggling, "Are you two together?"

   I stared at the girl as if she told me she had a disease. "No we aren't." I said politely. Chanyeol nodded. "Yeah. We are just friends." The girl flushed. "Oh.. mianhae! Bye Bristol unnie!" and ran off. Chanyeol started laughing. I looked at him and frowned. "What?" he just kept on laughing, I felt myself smile and I whacked him on the shoulder "What?!" I exclaimed slightly impatient but still laughing along with him for no reason.

  Chanyeol looked at me and smiled. "Your face was priceless. You were so shocked." I huffed and whacked him in the shoulder again. "Shut up.." Chanyeol grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me. "Aaww its ok Bristol. Do you secretly have feelings for me?" I made a face and playfully pushed him away "What?! No way man in your dreams!" Chanyeol rolled his eyes but continued to smile. We reached half way to our houses and said our good byes. Chanyeol gave me my bag and then stretched out his arms for a hug.

   I narrowed my eyes at him. "Do you want something?" Chanyeol huffed and waved his arms around cutely while puffing his cheeks. "I want a hug!" He said childishly, which did not belong with his deep voice. Cute.. I lightly blushed but hugged him anyway. "You are a weirdo Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol chuckled while still hugging me. "Only for my friends." I smiled at that and squeezed his waist. "Thanks, buddy. I feel special." I murmured. Chanyeol patted my head. I broke away from the warm embrace and smiled softly at him. "See you tomorrow!" I then started to walk home after we waved good bye.

   I got home and sighed heavily when I laid myself on the couch. "Honey?' My mother called sweetly in English. "Yes mom?" I answered in a tired tone. I heard my mom chuckle so I cracked on eye open. "We will have a visitor over soon. Go get dressed nicely ok sweetheart?" I sighed. She frowned, "You have no homework right?" I shook my head and smiled. "No, no. None at all but, what is the dinner for?" My mom beamed. "Our boss and her son will be coming down for a visit, to talk over a few things." I nodded. "Ok. I shall dress nice for you and Dad!" I put my fist in the air and made sound effects like I was flying. "Wwooossshhh Bristol is off~" And ran up the stairs. Right before the last step up I jumped and exclaimed like a 5 year old, "I flew mommy I flew!" My mother laughed loudly and shook her head, amused. "Go get dressed my super girl." I bowed and winked, adding a peace sign. "Will do!" I then started to wash up adn get ready.



I finally decided on what I wanted to wear to dinner. 


   It was simple and pretty at the same time. I curled my hair and even added BB cream on to smooth over the blotches on my cheeks. My mom then called me down saying, "Sweet heart! Our guests are here!" I walked out of my room and closed the door. I had a bit of trouble with the heels but luckily I learned how to walk with them. I started walking down the stairs and I heard a familiar voice. "Hello. It is nice to meet you." My father chuckled, "Well sir you have a firm handshake. That will get you far in life. It is a pleasure to meet you." I froze. What is HE doing here?! I seethed inside my mind. I heard my mother say "Aish where is that girl. Wait a moment while I got get her." She walked out of the kitchen, finally seeing me. "Oh my! Honey you look so beautiful!" She looked back into the kitchen, "i found her." She turned back to me, 'Come on in sweetie." She encouraged.

   I walked into the kitchen and heard the male gasp. I looked up at him and blushed. Oh god why is he here?! Why does he have to see me like this?! "Bristol noona?!' the male exclaimed. I blushed even more. "Hi Sehun.." I gave him a small, shy wave. Sehun turned slightly pink himself and looked at himself. He wore a suit, which fit him perfectly. "You two know each other?" My parent's boss asked, frowning. I lightly laughed. "Yes. I have Sehun in my History class. He is one of my friends." Sehun smiled and walked over to me. I blinked and wondered, Why is he walking over here? My dad watched Sehun carefully, which was strange. Sehun then took my hand into his. "Yeah. Noona and I are great friends."

   Soon we all sat down to dinner in the dining room. I was placed next to Sehun and my father. Turns out my dad made a nice juicy steak. There was also grilled beans, green beans, mashed potatoes and salad. My mouth watered when I saw the steaks. I saw the largest one waiting there just for me. My dad chuckled at my mesmerized face at the steaks. My dad placed the largest piece on my plate. I beamed at my dad and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Daddy~" I said while babbing my eyes. My dad patted my head and I dived right into the steak. It was juicy and meaty, the best as usual since my dad is a part time chef. "Delicious as usual Dad." I commented with a grin. My dad shook his head, amused, as did my mother. Their boss laughed outright at me, she was looking at Sehun. I looked at Sehun, he looked very shocked to see that I ate half of the steak less that 5 minutes i mean, it WAS quite easy. "Noona.." He said disbelieving. "You sure do have an appitie." I sheepishly smiled. "Yeahh I kinda do hehe." I said nervously.

  I calmed down my eatting and ate my vegetables then ate the rest of my steak happily. While our parents where talking, Sehun took my hand under the table. I almost choked on my food from the shock. I looked over at him with wide eyes. Sehun gave me a smile and swung our hands under the table. I blinked but let it go. Friends hold hands right? Psh.. Of course they do. I then remembered what happened today after Soccer Practice. I smiled without knowing at the thought of the hug and how cute Chanyeol was acting despite his height and deep voice. I then heard Sehun calling my name in whisper. "Bristol~ Kim Bristol~" i blinked and looked at him in surprise. He didn't call me noona this time.. What?? "Yes?" I whispered.

  I then realized how close Sehun's face was. I backed away slightly, blushing. Sehun smiled. "Why were you smiling? Hhmm. May I should hold your hand more often~" He winked. I smiled and poked him with my free hand. "You weirdo. Nooo I was not I was just thinking." Sehun rubbed his thumb across the top of my thumb. "Oh? Where you thinking of me?" He asked in a husky tone. I blinked, surprised. What is wrong with Sehun? "Sehun-ah. Are you alright?" He then grinned widely. "You called me Sehun-ah." I nodded, still not following. "And?" Sehun shrugged, the goofy grin still on his face. "Nothing."

   Finally dinner was over and we leaded Sehun and his mother to the door. Mr.Oh and I shook hands. "It was really nice to meet you." I said politely. Mrs.Oh smiled and nodded. "It was very nice to meet you as well and it is great you and Sehun are friends because we will be coming over for meeting more often." I gulped. Why? I wanted to ask. I want to wear my dirty uniform, to just be all lazy, to wear no make up and no heels but.. now looks like I can't as much...... I plastered on a grin. "That would be great." Mrs.Oh nodded and walked out the door. Sehun bowed to my mother and shook hands with my dad. Sehun took my hand and kissed it, surprising me. "Good Night." He said softly and then walked out the door softly behind him. My dad looked at me and said, "Well that boy is a charmer, isn't he." I was blushing madly. "Mhmmm."


So!!! How did all of you like it?! I hope you all enjoyed it. Me is sorry for my absence... I was writing for my other story and just been busy with family since it IS Christmas break, I will be gone for a bit until the 3rd. I shall try to update by then again. 



                  So hot~~                                                                                 So cute!!!!






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Chapter 11: Your author just realized how stupid she was... xD that U-KISS is in the story and used it as K-Pop stars... *facepalm* I am sorry for my stupidity...
Chapter 8: OMG HAHHAHAHAHAH U-KISS IS IN THE STORY!!!!! And hahhahaha I love this chapter!!! I loved the Bristol and Kai moment!!! It was hilarious!!! And btw your new story sounds very very interesting!!!! And I can't wait for Bristol and Chanyeol moments!!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Yea!!! I can't wait to read the next chapter!!!!! Hahha wow 2 love interests already!!!!!!! Hhahaha i can totally imagine Chanyeol laughing!!!!!!!! This chapter is amazing!!!!!
Chapter 2: Omg!!!!!!! Haha I can't wait till the rest of Exo-K enter!!!!!!! And I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT TILL CHANYEOL SHOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: So awesome!!!!!!! I can't wait to continue!!!!!!! Especially when they meet EXO!!!!!! ITS SUCH AN AWESOME DESCRIPTION!!!!!