Chapter 3.

The Way You Wanted.

*Park Chanyeol's POV*

Hm. How should I explain it to Baeky ? Actually , I told my dad that I was gay , and he gets mad straight away. He told me to return home for awhile , and discuss it. I was scared at first , if something might happen , but then confidence built up in me , and I agreed. Appa told me that he's not going to inform ummah about this first , since she could be shocked and have a heart attack. 

I lost my sister , and I don't want to lose another of my loved ones. Yes , she died. And it's all my fault. Falling on the stairs.  My sister was a really great lady. When ummah and appa were busy with work , she would take care of me. She would buy me candy , pamper me , feed me , buy me new outfits , style my hair , play games and toys with me , she would sing me to sleep , read me storybooks , hug me tight whenever I feel depressed or upset. 

She was like my second mother. The most regrettable thing I did was when I was 18 , and I was really mad at noona for picking me up from my high school while wearing a big loose shirt with patches on it. And , yes. Ummah insisted noona to still pick me up since ummah's scared that something will happen to me , because I've been bullied several times during Kindergarten and Elementary School times. Noona had been wearing that since I was 12. She said it was her most favourite shirt , other than the dresses that ummah bought for her. When I reached home that day , I practically threw all my stuffs all over the floor and ruffled my hair in frustration.


"Yeol , wae are you throwing all your stuffs around ? I just finished cleaning the house when I had to pick you up." Noona asked me softly , while picking up my backpack that I threw on the floor a while ago.

"Chanyeon Noona ! How could you wear that horrible rag when picking me up ?! All my friends will surely be laughing and teasing me ! UGH !" I shouted ing my school blazer.

She looked up and just stared at me. "What ?" I asked , grumpily and rolled my eyes. 

"How could you even say that to me ?" She asked , coming closer. "Park Chanyeol ," 

"Don't you Park Chanyeol me ! I thought you loved me ! But rather , you come to school to pick me up and embarrass me by wearing and ugly old shirt ! TCH !" I shouted , and started to stomp away to my room.

"YAH ! Park Chanyeol ! Get back here now ! What did you just say about my shirt ?! I thought you loved it as much as I do !" Noona shouted from downstairs. I ignored and just changed into my cozy clothes. Yeah , im too frustrated and lazy to even wash up. This is literally the first time ever I'm mad at Chanyeon Noona. She had never dissapointed me till this point , but she just have to make me mad on the day I broke up with that crappy HyunA. ugh.


What ? She never ever ever like that. What the hell happened to my Chanyeon Noona that I love ? First , embarrassing me infront of my friends , now , start dirty-talking ? How can this get any worst ? gosh.

I quickly left my room and went down the stairs with a straight face , as if nothing happened.

"Noona , why the heck are you shouting in the middle of the great great afternoon ? Are you sick ?" I asked , making a weird face while looking at her , before heading to the windows and pull the curtain aside.

"What ? Yah , Chanyeol. What did you said about my shirt ?!" she exclaimed , slamming the table.

"Well , it does look like a rag." I shrugged.

"WHAT ?!" 

"Noona , why do you keep shouting?!" I said , stomping on my way back up the stairs when Noona suddenly grabbed onto my wrist.


I pushed her hands away.

"Just go away !"

"AHHHHHH ! CHAN-!" I heard her shriek , before hearing a loud thud.

"Noona ? Noona ?" I cried , before turning around just to see noona lying at the very last step , her head bleeding continously.

I quickly ran to her and shook her for her to wake up. But she was still lying there. 

I dashed to the living room and called the ambulance , before calling my parents.

"Ummah ?! UMMAH ! NOONA ! NOONA !" I shouted.


"I'm sorry , we couldn't save her." the doctor stated.

Tears then starting to flow down my cheeks.

"Oh why ?! WHY ?! And the fact that tomorrow is her birthday ! ITS VERY UPSETTING !" ummah exclaimed , tearing up.

And I , Park Chanyeol , truly regretted what I have done. : /


"B-Baek ," I cried , knocking on the door continously.

"What?" he goes.

"I need to tell you something."

"Come in."

Baekhyun was sitting on his bed , hugging his bacon plushie.

I settled myself beside him , hugging my knees.

"What do you want talk about?" he asked.

"Our relationship."

"Okay .. wait , you're not breaking up with me , are you?" he exclaimed , eyes as big as saucepans.

"Hahaha. No , no." I chuckled.

"What a relief."

"..... I have to go back home cause .... I told my dad that I'm gay. He told me to go home to discuss about it."

"No ! You can't ! What if .. he hurt you ?! Just break up with me already ! I don't want you to be shouted at and beaten up by your dad just because you are dating with the emotional Baekhyun !" he panicked.

"Baek , calm down ! I'll make sure nothing happen. We will not break up , nor will I get hurt. Babe , I'm as big as a gaint , if I got beaten up by appa , it wouldn't make any more sense." I threw a smile at him.

He suddenly hugged me. Tightly.

I just patted him on the back.

"I'll wait for you." he said.



I'm back. (: ^^ Sorry for keeping all of you waiting. And sorry if this chapter is crappy. Lacking of ideas , as you can see. :/



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Chapter 4: more kaisoo hehehe <3 please
Chapter 1: daebak daebak~ update okie author-nim? ^^