Hard love


Your POV

I went to the rest room just after Teen Top’s performance. When I got out, I saw Jong Hwan. He is staring at me. I think he didn’t regconise me. I walk pass him.

Jong Hwan: Excuse me, girl with a peach colour ribbon. Can I talk to you.

Oh my god! What to do? He remembers me? What am I going to do? I can hear footstep nearing me. Some one please save me.

Chang Bum’s POV

I got out from the rest room and saw Jong Hwan is walking towards the girl infront of him. Wait? He is walking toward Yoo Min.

Chang Bum: Hyung! What are you doing? Lets go.

I stop him and pull him beside me and we walk back to the dressing room.

Your POV

I was in shock. The voice that just saved me now is Chang Bum’s voice. I turn my head and there’s no one behind me.  Is he here? Does he know I’m here too? I should back early.

I got back at the dressing room.

You: Oppa I have to go now

Young Jae: You have to go already? Why don’t you join us? Where going to have our dinner at five star restaurant.

Yong Guk: Yong Jae-ah she has school tomorrow. Don’t push her. She can join us any time, since she’s our makne girlfriend.

Yong Guk oppa said that and looked at me.

Young Jae: I guess so. Nice to meet you Yoo Min-shi.

Zelo: I’ll send you out.

You: Thank you oppa.

Out side the building

Zelo put his hand in his pocket as we walk outside. He took out his hands and grabbed both of my hands.

Zelo: Thanks for coming.

He smiled.

You: How many time you have to say that?

I smiled at him back. Suddendly, he pulled me and hugged me tightly. I was so surprised by his sudden action.

Zelo: I mean it. Thanks for choosing me to be your lover.

You: Oppa! What are you doing? Every one is watching us.

Zelo: I don’t care. I love you Yoo Min-ah.

He my hair with his right hand. I hug him back.

Chang Bum’s POV

I was walking at the near park. I need some air. Than, I saw Yoo Min with Zelo. What? Can’t I be alone for once.

I watch them. Than, Zelo pulls her and hugs her. I can’t believe my eyes. Did he know that Yoo Min is my wife? Did I just say that Yoo Min is my wife? What do I care. She is my wife and my property.

At least their not kissing. Haih! What happen to me? When did this happen? I just got married yesterday.

An hour later

I got back home. I went to my room and saw Yoo Min on the bed sleeping. I went close to her. The table light behind her shines her brown hair. She looks angelic like this. Is she in her dream land?

I can’t help it. I can’t stop myself from staring and getting closer to her. Then, I touch her lips lightly ...with my lips. I stepped back from her and went to sleep at my usual place. I touched my lips. I just kissed the ugly duckling.

Your POV

I was walking alone at a beautiful place. The place was at the beach. I’m spinning around with my white short  dress at the shore making the water splash. Suddenly, some one hugged me from behind. It was my husband, Chang Bum.

He’s so handsome. His face got near my face, than our lips touched. We’re so happy. He is being so sweet.

I woke up and its all a dream. I have to get ready to school. I glance at Chang Bum. He is still sleeping. I don’t want to disturb him so I went down.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 24: awwwww.......... :)
Cabinet #2
Hey! Just want to tell you guys that I'm really sorry. I forgot that I've hide a chapter and that is chapter 12. Really sorry ! *bow* *bow* *bow*