missing gift ?

tHe LaSt g!fT...






"We welcome you tonight as we gather in joy to bear witness to this happy and sacred event , and to offer our love and support to this union. Tonight we celebrate the joining of these two men , park yoochun and Kim junsu in the age-old ceremony of marriage ..." the voice of the priest was getting distant as junsu's mind was lost in thought.


‘do you kim junsu,take park yoochun as your husband…’ junsu failed to hear the rest of the priest voice,junsu feel the priest getting away from him he feel everyone inside the church one by one is disappear leave him alone in the world that only him was exist.


‘don’t marry him su, yoochun is a player ‘ jaejoong voice still clear in junsu’s head when he told him that he was going to married with yoochun, jaejoong begged on his knees asking junsu to cancelled the wedding  ‘he will hurt you su, he will cheated behind you’ kim junsu heaved a deep sigh, he love this man that now standing next to him very much, but what if what jaejoong told him is true? What  if yoochun hurt him?


"kim junsu…" the priest asking him the same question but junsu hear the voice is really far, too far for junsu to hear each words correctly.


"su, baby something wrong?" yoochun touch junsu’s shoulder softly, worried clearly painted on his handsome face "are you sick?" he whisper against junsu's ear and takes junsu back to reality.


"chunie, i'm sorry" junsu's and yoochun's eyes are met, junsu can see  love at those brown orbs and makes junsu sure that the man was the right person for him.


"do you kim junsu..." the priest for te third time asking the same question but for now junsu can hear each words clean and clear.


"yes i do..." every one inside the church including the priest and yoochun sighed in relieve.







"come in" without bothered to lift his face from the paper he was working on.




"what do you want?" his face was cold and un-expression " i told you i dont wanna see you again"


"but oppa, you are misunderstand me and sungie is only friend, i never cheat behind you" tears slowly streaming from the girls eyes.


"it's not matter anymore if you cheated or not because i'm married man now, so i hope you never show your self in front of me anymore i don't wanna my wife misunderstand"


"minnie was sick, he keep asking about you he need you oppa" yoochun place the paper he was hold on the table and heave a deep sigh "please oppa, you said what ever happen to us he is still your son"


"i know and i mean it, give me your address i'll come for him"





"you should tell junsu everything "


"i dont wanna hurt him"


"if he hear the news from outsider it might hurting him more chun, what if he misunderstand?" jung yunho sipped his coffee one or two, his eyes examine yoochun face intensively "you might lost him chun"


" i wont let it happen, i'll make sure he will not hear anything, he was too precious for me yun i don't wanna something burden his mind".


" if anything happen dont say that i never  warned you" jung yunho srugged his shoulder, before rose from his sit,grab his coat and made his way to the door.


"where are you going?"


"i have a date with jaejoong" jung yunho stop in front of the door and turn his body facing his best friend " i think you should home early, you work too hard lately"


"nope! i want to finish all of this work soon so i can take junsu for vacation"



"i'm homeeee...."  park yoochun open his shoes and kicked the poor thing carelessly "su ?" no answer  "baby where are you?" he walks stright heads to his and his wife share bedroom, his mind raced with thousands of thoughts of how many naughty thing he can do towards his wife but soon his grin was disappear and being replace by deep frown when he saw the room was cold and empty.


"su..park junsu !" for some reason that he not know what, panicked start to strike him jung yunho's words start to replaying inside his head and makes his heart to beat faster thousads of time than before 'what if junsu leave him? what if...what if' he groaned with frustration.


"chunnie?" park yoochun exhale breath that unconsiously he was hold " i was..." junsu's words was being cut when suddenly yoochun pull his body into his tight embrace.


"don't do that again su, don't you know how scared i was when i can't found you? i thought you leave me.." 


"i'll never leave you chunnie, why should i?"  his husband weird behavior can't help but makes junsu to curious.




"is something happen ?" junsu staring through his husbands eyes trying to find of any of answer from those brown orbs.


"just promise me su, please?"


"i promise chunnie"


"pinky promise?"


"pinky promise!"





junsu turn off the stove before answer the phone, today is park yoochun's birthday and junsu want to makes tonight become special night, sweet smile never leave his cute face."yoboseyo chunnie"  his smile grew wider when he recognize the voice of the caller.


"su, i'm really sorry but seems i'll home late tonight, a lot of thing i have to do" junsu's smile slowly fade "do you think you will be okay su?"


"yes chunnie i'll be okay" he answer cheerfully which obviously fake "come back as soon you finish with all your work okay?"


"okay su, i love you" yoochun cut the line even before junsu reply him, weakly junsu return to the kitchen and with half hearted he continue what he was doing before.



"so he was not my son?" yoochun deeply sighed " one side i'm happy with the news but other side it make me sad, you know i want children and junsu he...." paused  "just forget it,  what about his illness?"


"yup he is not your son and he is not cancer sufferer"


"what do you means?"


"you know what i mean, it was obvious!"


"i'll make her pay for what she was doing!" park yoochun grab his coat and stormed out from the rooms.


"yah but..."


"i'll be back soon"




kim junsu was sit silently on the dining table, facing any kind of delicious food he cook today that now start to cold every second his eyes will glance to the clock on the wall, he sigh deeply when he realized that night getting late but there's no sign that his husband was return.




hoping that yoochun was the one calling junsu almost running to answer the phone.


"yoboseyo" still panting junsu greet the caller, and he sighed in disappoint when he hear someone else voice and not his husband.


"kim junsu-ssi?" it's women voice.




"maybe you not know me but i do know you, my name is sangrae i was yoochun's lover and we have 5 years old son" junsu feel his heart was being ripped apart, tears slowly pouring from his eyes " you must be waiting for him now, he was here with me and our son we will celebrating his birthday....." the rest of the voice was blured, junsu dropped the phone to the floor as his hand start to trembling and both of his knees getting weak.


"oh i need to go now yoochun was call me"


no wonder yoochun always return home late from office, it was because he spend his time with his other family, jaejoong was right he not supposed to believing a guy name park yoochun, tears start to pour from his eyes.




"sangrae, i need to talk to you!!"


"oh i need to go now, yoochun was call  me"  she cut the line hastily and plastered sweet smile on her face that yoochun know it was fake.


"you no need acting anymore, i know everything now"


"what do you mean chunnie" she start to stuttered.


"you know what i mean, minnie is not my son but don't  worry i won't tell him with one condition.." sangrae can feel shiver down  her spine, she never know this side of yoochun."leave me and my family alone!"




"can i have the ring now?" park yoochun almost shout annoyingly


"i'm sorry yoochun-ssi but its near to mid night so..."


"i don't care i want the ring now!"


"yes yoochun-ssi, please give us few minutes"




"su? i'm homee~~" with a bunch of roses park yoochun walk  to the dining room expecting his cute wife was there but the room was empty he feel guilt engulf his heart when he saw the food on the table untouched the thought that his wife haven't eat his dinner make him feel that he was the worst husband on earth, he turn around and makes his way enter the bed room "su where a...." his words was stop when his eyes catch something on his bed, it was envelope.


he pulled out the content from the envelope and unfolded the letter, fear start to invading his mind, with shaking voice he start to read the content of the letter.


"how much i wish i can hate you

but how could i hate you when you are the one filled my heart

when you are the one always in mind...




the rest of the words was blurred in yoochun eyes as single drop of tears start to rolled from the corner of his left eyes "su...you said you won't leave me" he dropped on his knee " you promise me su" he sobbing hard when accidentally something drop from the envelope.






uwaahh thank you very much for subbing, commenting and supporting, i know i lack of everything

but i hope you all like it tho~

please forgive me for all typos and grammar mistake that i believe it was a looott!!

and i know nothing about the event of marriage and the vow and stuff i get it all from google

so if you find it weird and not right i hope you all can bear with it kkkk...

ert ahjussi, i know i'm not good writer but yeah..this is for you^^

thank you once again and hope to see you all in my other fic ^^

love you all

*send u all virtual hug






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Not a fan of yoochun, but i think i like him here :)
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaahhhhh need a sequel please~~~~
lanny01 #3
Chapter 1: itu....usg nya sapa??? junsu hamil...????
haeeeeee......napa cliff hanger buanget siiiiiihhhhhh......*siapin anak panah buat hae
Sorrow5 #4
Chapter 1: Can I translate it into Vietnamese please?
I really love it ><
Promise that I'll take out with full credit for you
Hope you'll reply soon T.T
Chapter 1: Author-shi, you know, you pierce my heart when you end this story like this.. everything unsettle between YooSu..
i'm in pain U__U
Chapter 1: i hateeee thisssss!!!!! GRRRRRR!!! ummmaaaa~~~~~ how could you separate my Chunnie with his baby Su?!? how could you????? you such a meanie... huwwaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! ummaaa please dont end it like this..... ummaaaa...........!! jeballllllllllll
Chapter 1: noooo, don't end it like this!!!!
please, please, please
continue with sequel TT_TT
Chapter 1: umma-yah...don't stop that story like that...
i need the sequel...
please make it ne...