



“You don’t have to, I’m really not into dramas, hehe,” said Suzy.

“But Unnie, you must watch this,” insisted So Min.

“Some other time So Min-ah, ok? I’ll just go to my room,” answered Suzy.

“Neh,” So Min said dejectedly.

She headed upstairs to change and worked on her blog. She uploaded some photos which she took awhile ago at Myeongdong. She then laid on the bed and thought on the current job she’s in.

--- Three weeks ago before they left for Korea, Suzy had a talk with her parents. ---

“Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you,” Suzy initiated.

“What is it dear?” asked her Mom.

“It’s kind of hard to tell you this. Maybe you’ll get disappointed or what…” Suzy said nervously.

“Are you pregnant?!?” exclaimed her Dad and shocked was written all over their faces.

“Absolutely NOT Appa!!!” answered Suzy defensively. She continued, “And besides, you know I don’t even have a boyfriend, so how come I’ll get pregnant? Aigoo.”

“Your daughter’s right, Aigoo,” answered her Mom.

“Well….” Her Dad said while trying to think of how he would counter.

“Appa, you know me,” said Suzy.

“Arasseo, arasseo. Just tell us, you’re making me nervous,” answered Dad.

“Well, you see, I’m on the stage of finding my happiness and right now, I’m not happy. I’m not satisfied,” said Suzy nervously.

“What is it that don’t make you happy and satisfied?” asked Mom.

“My job Mom.”

“Wae?” asked Dad.

“Right now, it makes me feel suffocated and frustrated and I want to get out, have a breath of fresh air,” she answered.

“So, what do you want to do?” asked Mom sincerely.

“I’m actually thinking of going on vacation and have some time to think and decide on what to do…” Suzy said.

“Well, I kind of didn’t expect this but don’t worry, I’m not disappointed. I’m not sure about your Mom though,” answered Dad.

“Just like your Dad, I also feel that way. It’s up to you, you’re already 24. You can decide on your own. We’re just here to give you advice and be happy for you,” Mom said sincerely.

She hugged both her parents and said, “Thank you Mom, Dad. I’ll make sure to decide correctly.”

“We trust you dear. So, where do you want to go?” asked Dad after the hug.

“I’m thinking of going to Korea and from then I’ll decide and come back,” said Suzy.

“Ok dear, we trust you to make the right decision,” said Mom.

“Thanks Mom. Two months of staying there, I’m sure I can think and decide without worries,” answered Suzy finally.

--- Present time ---

She thought, “So, what should I do now? Ahh… I’ve been here for a week now but still I haven’t thought about what I should do…. Ahhhhhh, so frustrating.”

She stood up and headed to her laptop. She searches for a tourist spot, wrote down what she needed to know.

- oOo -

Another week has passed and it was her 25th birthday.

“Imo, I’m going out. Don’t wait for me; I’m not sure if I will be back by night. If not, for sure I’ll be back tomorrow,” informed Suzy to her Imo.

“Why? Where are you going?” asked Imo.

“I’m taking a tour on Gyeongbokgung Palace,” answered Suzy.

“It’s far. Are you sure? Are you alone?” asked Imo.

“Yes Imo, don’t worry. My Korean’s all good now, hehe,” answered Suzy playfully.

“Ok. Does your Unnie knows?” asked Imo.

“Neh Imo. Don’t worry,” said Suzy.

“Do you have to go today? It’s your birthday, we haven’t even properly celebrated your birthday,” Imo insisted.

“Neh Imo, that’s the reason I am going, to celebrate my birthday. And we can celebrate it when I’m back, neh Imo?” Suzy said.

“Arasseo. I’ll just pack you your lunch,” offered Imo.

“Kamsamida Imo,” answered Suzy.

She left to get ready her things while her Imo went to the kitchen to cook something for Suzy. After an hour passed, she’s about to leave.

“Take care Suzy-ah, eh? Here, extra money for you trip,”

“Aniyo Imo, kwenchanayo,” as she rejected the money.

“No take this. No buts,” insisted Imo and immediately put the money on her bag.

“Hehe, kamsamida Imo. Jeongmalyo,” she sincerely answered.

“It’s nothing.”

She went out to the nearest bus stop and boards the bus when it arrived. She took a seat on the second to the last and she puts on her headphones, glasses and covered her face in half with a scarf and leaned on the glass window. She just listened to the music until she fell asleep. The bus fills in and out as it went in each bus stops.

- oOo -

Soo Hyun, on the other hand is having his day off and decided to go visit Gyeongbokgung to where a friend of his resides.

“Omma, I’m going out. I’ll visit Jin Guk. I’ll be back tomorrow.” Soo Hyun told his Mom while her mother’s cleaning.

“Ok, take care son,” answered Mom.

- oOo -

Soo Hyun got his bag and headed to the bus stop. While walking to the bus stop, he took out his black cap and glasses, wore it, zipped his black jacket and put on his scarf, securely half covered his face. He waited for a little while when the bus arrives. He went inside the bus and secured a seat to the last near the window. After a couple of minutes, he then took a nap.

After a two-hour trip, they arrived at Gyeongbokgung Palace. Soo hyun went out and stopped near the exit to adjust his clothes.

“Excuse me, I’m going through,” said Suzy while trying to step out of the way.

“Ah, Joesomida,” apologized Soo Hyun while bowing and made way.

Suzy made her way and when Soo Hyun looked up to the woman, he instantly recognized the “pretty stranger” as Suzy.


Author's NOte:

*** If words are italicized, it means they're talking in Korean. But if not, in English. :D

Hope you all liked it! Give me some love and subscribe, hehe.. Feel free to comment if you have some suggestions.

Annyeong! :D

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wanda22 #1
Chapter 11: woww.. i just read this story was so sweet n cute.. please make another story about them again.. :)
ann11073 #2
thank you all for the comments! it feels great to know that someone like my story :D
As for another story, i'm not yet really sure if i'll write again. But maybe next time if felt like it, hehe.
thank you again! and happy reading! :D
potatonaaah #3
just finished reading this! I sooooo love it! thanks for making this great story, uh-oh my Hyunzy feels,eeek. more? Can you make another one,puhleasseee? :) this time more connected to facts/rumors? between them. hehe. I am hyped again just thinking that they are together in the City of Love and the never ending dating rumors between them,wew!<3
Chapter 11: hyunzy feels... thanks for creating sweet stiry about them
I enjoyed it
Chapter 1: Wow I like it already :)
ilovehyunzy #6
Chapter 1: hyunzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samacoolgrl #7
Chapter 11: Thank u too i really like ur story i also like hunzy couple theyre great looking .... I like this story s ending too its really good ... Thank u again .. I wish that u can write another beautiful stories ...^_^
lovekimsoohyun #8
please update soon:)
Samacoolgrl #9
Chapter 10: I really love ur story . Thanks 4 updating ..... Im wating for last chapter //////// uptade soon