The Arrival

My Seven Guardian Angels

The Arrival

Unwritten — Natasha Bedingfield

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3rd POV

“How are we supposed to find a single girl in this huge city without any directions?” Sungjong furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. The seven have just arrived at Seoul and they were already lost. The letter that they had received for their mission was quite vague so you couldn’t really blame them for being confused. 

“Maybe that was part of the ‘test’ or something,” Sungyeol murmured and shivered due to the cold. It was the beginning of December after all.

“Hey, it's snowing.” Dongwoo pointed to a falling snowflake.

Hoya’s eyes widened and stared at the little snowflake in amazement. It really has felt like an eternity since they’ve been back to Earth, even though they haven't been gone that long at all.

Dongwoo opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, letting the snowflake fall onto the warm surface. 

Snow soon began falling. It was a pretty sight to see, but the temperature was beginning to drop as well and the boys had not come prepared at all. What could they do? This was the beginning of their mission and they were already stuck. Sunggyu being the oldest, decided to take action.

He scanned the shops around the area. “Let’s go look for shelter.”

Hana's POV

It’s just another boring day. Just another day wasted. I watched the falling snowflakes outside and smiled bitterly. It’s going to be that time of year again. Christmas is approaching. Suddenly I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked up to see Hyunseok grinning at me. Sometimes I wonder how he could be so happy all of the time.

“I can take over now. It’s my shift,” he beamed and ruffled my hair. I hate when he does that.

I fixed my hair and closed the book I was in the middle of reading. “Thanks, oppa.”

“Hana, are you going to be doing anything for Christmas?” He asked.

“No.” Did he even have to ask? I put on my coat and slung my backpack over my shoulders.

“If you want, you can spend Christmas with me and my fa-” Pity. I didn’t want that. I bet he just pities my because I’m always alone. But I don’t need pity. I’m fine being alone. I don’t need anyone. He probably does have good intentions but he shouldn’t have to put aside his plans for me even though he’s always telling me that it was okay. Hyunseok's really a nice guy. Sometimes too nice for his own good. 

“I’m fine,” I cut him off and stood up.

I walked towards the door and glanced back at him. “Thanks though.” I opened the door and felt the cold winter breeze and snowflakes hit my skin. I’m pretty sure he said something, but I was already outside by then. I inhaled the fresh winter air and started walking home. It was still sunny outside since I leave work earlier on weekends. I loved the feeling of the newly covered layer of snow and the ground as I walked. I breathed  

I stopped in my tracks when I heard yelling not so far away. I could tell that it was a man’s voice. Being the curious person that I am, I ran over to the direction the voice came from to check what was going on. I could hear the voices getting clearer and clearer within each step I took.

“What’s the point of coming here if you don’t have money?!”

When I got closer, I saw an odd sight. Seven guys were being scolded outside of a restaurant by what seemed to be the owner. A crowd was forming and they were all murmuring things that I could not make out. I picked up a few words though; disgrace, handsome, pitiful. The owner seemed pretty angry and stormed off back into the restaurant, slamming the door shut. The crowd soon dispersed, some shaking their heads in disapproval. I was left alone standing by myself. I don’t know why, but I didn’t move after that.

“What are you looking at?” One of them turned around and glared at me. That’s when I noticed it. They were all so... good looking. So flawless. Especially this one in particular. What really intrigued me were his eyes. He had an extremely cold gaze but I felt like there was more to it. There was a hint of sadness and despair somewhere hidden behind everything. His gaze was almost alluring. 

“Hey, you. Are you deaf or something?” I snapped out of it when he began walking towards me. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I backed away slowly and debated on whether I should make a run for it or not. What is up with me? I blinked and finally snapped out of it.

“U-uh, sorry!” I apologized and quickly turned around and ran away, not bothering to look back. I ran into an alleyway and stood by the wall, panting. I probably looked like an idiot now. I peeked out into the streets to see if they had followed me. The coast is clear. I heaved a sigh of relief. I almost screamed when I saw the same guys behind me if it weren’t for one of their hands clasped shut around my mouth.

The person tightened his hold. “Shut up.” I tried breaking free, but I was weak against him. Oh god, please don’t tell me this is how I die. So I did the only thing that I could think of. I bit his hand, and it actually worked. 

“Ow, what the ?!” He hissed in pain and drew back, letting me break free from his hold.

“Stay away or else, o-okay?” I threatened and got into a fighting stance.

The one with the squinty eyes laughed. “Do you think that would work on us? You’re helpless.” He looked me up and down. “And weak.” He was right. I am weak.

“Then what do you want?” I was already shaking at this point and not because of the cold, but out of fear. 

“You are going to help us.” 

Did I hear him right? My mouth widened and I stared at him as if he was crazy. I pinched my shoulder just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and winced. So I guess this really isn't a dream.

“What could I possibly help you with?”

“You are going to help us get accustomed to Earth and fulfill the mission that God gave us.” He said, like he was stating the obvious. 

What have I gotten myself into?


That's how Hyunseok and Eunae look. I thought it would be nice to give you readers an idea of how they look. e u e " They're not important characters yet. OTL, I don't know what I have planned for them but they might be important later on in the story.

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LadyAthena #1
Chapter 3: Aww Hyunseok is so nice :) Will be waiting for your next update!
Chapter 3: yes, hyunseok is nice c:
i wonder how infinite and hana
will run into each other again.. lol.
well, update soon! ; u ;
chikorquotes #3
Chapter 2: gull mah feels. u da pro writer.
i shall give you a gold sticker ;u; like mail a gold sticker to you or something LOL


On a serious note, you have a very capturing way of writing. I haven't read enough to judge on your characterisation skills but so far so good.
But seriously, I have a feeling the manger is a vampire. ;)