She's Real.

Beautiful Reality

Music ~ ^_^


Chen's POV

It was 4 o'clock in the morning and I was still awake. It's not like I couldn't fall asleep or anything but tell me how can you sleep when there is a Goddess like figure sleeping right beside you.

She looks so innocent and enchanting while sleeping, almost as if she was a character out of a fairytale. The feelings that she gave me was... incredible, Like I was on cloud nine or the adrenaline rush feeling you get in your veins when falling. Just by caressing her smooth soft skin, looking at her angelic face, or even hearing her calm and steady breathing drove me insane. It's hard to believe someone as beautiful as her was with someone like me; plain.

If you were to ask me how I would describe my girlfriend I would always say the same thing, perfect. It's like she could do no wrong, she always had good intentions and I love that about her.

Now if you were to ask me what I love about her I would say her heartbeat. I know it's weird but her heartbeat is like, hmm how should I put it.... my personal alarm clock. I know it might not make sense to you but thats how I see it. Her heartbeat is what wakes me up from my fantasy world, the world we all use to escape from reality. Her heartbeat also reminds me that she's here with me physically and emotional, it reminds me that I have someone who shares the same pain, love, sadness, and happiness as me. Knowing I'm not the only one who feels like this and I have someone to share these experiences with makes me feel worthy and no longer lonely.

Most importantly her heartbeat reminds me that she's more than a fantasy girl... she's real, She's not a dream. I can hug her, kiss her, hold her hand, and carry her. I can have her all to myself until my last breath.She taught me to see things in a different light. She taught me new emotions and words to express those emotions like - i love you.

She showed me reality can be beautiful. Life can be worth living, but to me everything is worth it for her.

She's my reality.



I know it's short and simple but I tried :D ~ I hope you enjoyed it tho... Comment please ~ ^_^

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ExoChen_LovePink #1
Chapter 1: I love it!! Good job..
My heartbeat??
I hope chen really feel that for me loljk xDD
Fighting! ^^