Scribble 33

Written In Our Hearts


Myungsoo held a steaming cup of coffee, inhaling its rich aroma as he silently watched his girlfriend in front of him. Three years ago, he accompanied his father in a hospital. She was working there as a resident physician and that was where they met. At first, Myungsoo was only  interested to know her but then, they became friends and eventually fell in love with each other. They have been in a relationship for two years now. He knew that this girl, this beautiful smiling girl with a pure heart, is the one. The one he is going to marry, the one he is going grow old with.


"Hey! Are you listening to me?"


Myungsoo smiled and touched her cheek. "I'm always listening to you... I'm just mesmerized."


"Hmmph! Where did you learn all your playbpoy tendencies? Did you take any subject about that during your college?" the girl asked while holding his hand.


Once he heard the word 'college', memories of two strangers and a desk came rushing back to him.


His girlfriend noticed his change in the mood. "What's wrong? Are you all right?" she asked while waving her hand in front of his face.


Myungsoo catched her hand and held it very firmly. " Do you remember what I told you about my father? That I hated him before but learned to forgive?"


The girl just nodded, not knowing what to do.


"It happened when I was in the university," Myungsoo hesitatingly told her a story about two strangers who became connected through their scribbles on a desk. "I was having a really bad day at that time because of my family. To release some of my anger, I carved a message on a desk I was using in the library but never thought that someone would reply to it. That started our conversation. I never knew her name, only the codename she wrote on the table, 'A'. For months we exchanged messages and it was when my father came back to our house. At first, I could not accept it and write about it on the table. She gave me an advice that I remember until now. She said to forgive my father, that I won't be free unless I forgive. She reminded me of God's forgiveness, so why not me? Because of that, my father and I mended our relationship. Like what she said, my heart became free from its bitterness and anger. I really feel like 'A' was my angel...that God had sent her to my path during those difficult times.


"I would really like to thank her but sadly, we were never meant to see each other. I guess, she didn't see the last message I left since the library closed earlier than expected. I've searched for her for a year but I never found her. I'm really grateful to 'A', without that advice I would never be at peace with my father. I think...I would not even get to know you. If at that time I still hate my father, I would never accompaned him to the hospital and then, I'd never see you...mmm...."


Myungsoo looked at his girlfriend who was quiet all this time. He was surprised to see that she was crying really hard. He stood up and reached out  to ask her what was wrong when she shook her head.




Suzy shook her head as the man she dearly loves reached out. She knew she was crying really hard but could not help it. She had just heard a very familiar story. In fact, it was so familiar that Suzy knew the other half of the story. 


Eyes blurry from the tears still falling from her eyes, she looked at Myungsoo and in a faltering voice, she asked, "L?" 





Hello there! Yey! I've finished another story!

Please do comment and tell me your thoughts about this.

I'm writing this while listening to Gu Family Book OST's. They're really good!!!

This story is complete (until further notice).

Hope you all like it!

Thank you for supporting this story!

See you in my other works!








In Him we have redemption through his blood,

the forgiveness of sins,

in accordance with the riches of God's grace.

- Ephesians 1:7


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I decided to continue this but I'm not sure when will I update this. Please continue to support and wait patiently for the update! Thank you! God bless!


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veirina #1
Chapter 34: Ahhh what a beautiful destiny
gyuhyeon #2
Chapter 5: all of the images can't be open by me :(
gyuhyeon #3
Chapter 4: what kind of messages the two just written? i'm so curious >_<
Chapter 33: So sweet x))
inspiritz #5
Chapter 33: This is really one lovely story <3
i had fun reading it .. it's so sweet ^^
and the end was really nice to the point i had to walk around just to release my feelings :)

God bless you <3
Chapter 33: Such a lovely story!!! Myungzyyyy <3
Chapter 34: When I heard the news I was like spazzing to all of my friends, jumping around the house and annoying the hell out of my sister OTL. Our MyungZy ship is real!
Chapter 34: i love the ending and i'm anticipating the extra chapter for this story. Anyway, bon voyage to our ship! Arggghhh i still can't believe this is happening :D
Chapter 33: Wow I've never read a fic like this before and I think it's quite creative and interesting. That was a cute story haha. I had problems trying time read some scribbles thought, it was sorta small... heh. Anyways keep it up!