My Fics recomendation list


As said in the title this is a fic recomendation list. I will link to story I liked reading. None of them will be my own writing, all stories belong to their authors.



Hello everybody

This is one of my numerous projects.


‘Why did you do this?’

I wanted to d a fic rec for anybody that liked my fic (I hope I will put that to the plural one day)

I don’t write a lot but I read a lot and I think that through the tag system of AFF it can be hard to find what you’re looking for.

[Example: I tag with complete names - Taemin, Key... - where some people tag through pairing – Taekey –]

Also I’m use to another rating system and what M stands for is for me a little confusing... So I will use the other system but it’s going to be quite easy.


‘In fact, what will I find here?’

Like I said I read a lot and I’m going to put my favourite fics here. I will try to put only one fic per author... If you liked the one I recommended, you’ll likely like other ones by the same author. (I might put a ‘nota bene’ of his/her other fics I read and liked)

Those fics will be:

In English


Most of those fics will be:

NC-17 (for ual situation)



P.S. I might on occasion link to outside AFF. I read a lot on LJ and there are some works I really like over there that I can’t find on AFF. 


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