Chapter 26

Lunatic Shadow




".. What? You must be out of your mind." you muttered when Youngmin confessed about him, being the person with you the other night.


Youngmin kept silent for a while as he stared at the unclear expression on your face. You seemed so surprised and there's not a single trace of happiness on you at that very moment. "… Why?" he suddenly asked. "You think that's impossible? You think I couldn't do it? Be him?"


"… No. That's not what I meant. Please… just, leave me alone." you uttered with your voice shaking in a different manner which you couldn’t explain. It wasn’t that feeling of fear inside of you, it's not a feeling of excitement either. It's just something.. Random.


"Prove, what you told me. Because it's never a good idea to make me wait." Youngmin muttered before he took a step out of your room without sparing a second to look back and excuse himself to leave. He didn’t look mad, instead, there was a serious expression on his face that made you want to make him stay, but no words would come out of your mouth. Everything's just too surprising.


How does he do it? How did he know about Kwangmin's words and what he missed about me the most? His actions.. His voice.. Just.. How did he do all that?


These questions kept humming inside your head. You even had a mental diary telling you that, that night with him was one of the happiest moment you've ever had. True, you were really happy and how you wished you'd never wake up if ever that was a dream. But then, it all came out that it was real. Only that, it was with a different person, Youngmin.


You stayed on bed after Youngmin had left. Several minutes later, you snapped back when your brother entered your room with a worried face. "You... Okay?" he asked. He was too careful not to say anything offending or things that would probably make you burst into tears again. You've become so mentally sensitive that he even had to make sure you would love every word that would come out of his mouth.


".. Yeah. Seems like I already found  the person I was with yesterday until midnight." you said as you started to laugh like an imbecile person feeling happy about nothing at all.


Sungyeol wanted to cry by the sight of you, laughing after crying all hour. The signs were complete. He really had to take you to a specialist already.


"Shut up." he muttered.


Your eyes opened wide before you bursted into laughter again. But  that wasn’t an action of happiness, not at all. It was something else. For a second you were smiling and laughing out but the next thing you knew, you were already screeching like a hyena who just got caged. Sungyeol couldn’t help but get more aggravated about what's happening to you just because of a single man.


"I said shut up!" he yelled out before he hasten to cover your mouth and make you speak no more. You tried to unloosen but it was too impossible. Your brother was holding onto you too tight. "I've had enough of you!" he yelled out once more. This time, you stopped laughing, crying, or whatever your actions were. You looked at him blankly as he was panting.


".. You're ruining your life because of a dead man. I know it's killing you!" he gnarled at your pitiful situation. But it's true, it's killing you. "Why don’t you just.. Tell me what you need so I can give it to you, without you.. suffering your own life to find it.."



Myungsoo followed Youngmin out of the house when he (Youngmin) suddenly went off like something happened-- when something really did. Youngmin was in a hurry as he left your house and he looked scary when in fact, he was too happy to have finally confessed, how much he's willing to do things just for you.


He was playing with his fingers that he didn’t know what to do with them anymore. He kept on walking while Myungsoo continued to follow after him and called his name out to ask about what happened.


"Youngmin!" shouted Myungsoo as he trailed behind the weird- looking man walk-running along the alley.


Youngmin's face turned into a happy one that made him looked too creepy. His eyes were fixed on the road he was approaching to and his hands just couldn’t stop itself from moving. [A/N: He was wearing a leather jacket and a brown shirt beneath with khaki pants and black shoes. Yes, he's in love with the color brown.]


"You crazy son of a !" Myungsoo had enough of calling him without getting a normal response. He pulled Youngmin by the shoulder to make him face him. By then, Youngmin snapped back. He glared at Myungsoo wide-eyed as he moved his hand down on his side and the other, inside his pocket.


"Why do you keep on following me??" he asked.

Myungsoo stood next to him as he said, "My, my. I've been asking you this since you left Sungyeol's house. What happened upstairs?? Can't you hear a single word I say? You are such a ridiculous person, and you look like a creepy man trying to avoid sunshine."


"And so? As if I care? If you wanted to know about what happened then why didn’t you go and checked on her? Why did you have to ask me?"


"Because I would want to kill you immediately if ever you made her condition worse. But don’t worry. This conversation ends here. I just want to tell you that it wasn’t your help that I needed when I asked you to come and visit her. This is all your, and your stupid brother's problem so fix it."


Youngmin let out a smirk as he took a step closer to Myungsoo, "That's what you wanted to tell me? I bet you're already shaking in fear, afraid to lose again. I realized your motivation when you drove all the way to the province just to save her. You like her don't you?"


"And so if I do? It's none of your business. What I want you to do is to stay away from her because you're making her life more miserable, and your presence doesn’t help at all. Why don’t you just disappear from our sights and stay the hell away from us forever? That would be a great idea, you would just have to hit your head with a rock to even realize it." said Myungsoo before he turned around to leave.



"Sungyeol.. If.. Youngmin can make me feel okay.. Will you-- will you let me do it?" you asked when your brother had already calmed down from his raging anger towards your actions.


Sungyeol was seated next to you as he was waiting for that exact time that you would finally open up about your thoughts and you wanted to do. And then that time came.


"If it's for your own good. If it can make you go back to normal, and if he can help you move on, then I'd be very glad to allow you with that." said he.


It took you a moment before you could give your brother a reply. You were still uncomfortable in telling him about your problems and what was running in your head. "It's just that.. I was forcing myself not to fall in love this easily.. Kwangmin's still on mind and that's how I see Youngmin.. I know it's not right.. That's why I wanted to try to fix and work things out. Maybe, the cure for this heartbreak is to be happy on a new relationship.. And to see Youngmin as he is."


"You know what. I had to admit, it's true. The key is to be on a new relationship. To be able to move on but not to forget about the past. It's been long since he left, and it's time for you to slowly accept the fact that he's never coming back for you. Not anymore.. I just want you to be happy, because you're the only important person I have left here with me." Sungyeol uttered as he took your hand to hold it in his. He was trying to comfort you with his love, and his support. If that's what you wanted to do with your life, he'd make sure that you're on the right path.


Several minutes later, Myungsoo entered your room.


"Where's he?" Sungyeol asked.

Myungsoo replied and said, "He left."


Your brother turned to look at you again to say, "Go to bed. Take a rest. Myungsoo will make you something delicious when you wake up okay? I'm just going to work on some things."

"Things?" you asked.

"Yep. Just do as I say. Please."




The next day, you woke up a bit too early when you realized it was a Sunday. You got up from bed and fixed it before you shoved the curtains inside your well- lit room to make the inside brighter. To bring life back to you was what your brother would usually tell you, and maybe it's time for you to begin today. Your talk with him yesterday was worth the effort. It made you realize things and you were glad about him, allowing you to finally go out with Youngmin.


"Time to make things work." you uttered before you started rummaging through your closet to get something comfortable on your obvious day out. You just got done with your bath. "There's nothing in here… but white. And dresses and--"


You suddenly remembered how much you loved to collect and buy dresses because Kwangmin liked it so much whenever you wore them. He hated it whenever you wore jeans right? He would always tell you that it's not very feminine to wear pants and shorts on dates. Your question has just been answered.


".. Why not wear something different.. For a change?" you muttered before you pulled out a very cute clothing from your closet. It was a lacy black skirt with a white ribbon on its waistline. It was a gift from your brother during that time when you were so in love with the gothic fashion. You tried to pair it with a long sleeve top which was obviously in white, and some low cut boots for your feet.


Not long after a couple of hours trying to make yourself look as presentable as possible, Myungsoo came inside your room to wake you up when he found out you were already ready to go. But where to?


He found himself attracted strongly, his eyes as if with a magnet. You looked very simple, yet so beautiful every guy would crave and run after you.


"Good morning." you simply uttered with a smile.

Myungsoo placed a hand on his chest as he held onto the door knob. "A-are you-- I mean, are you off to somewhere? I thought you were an angel."

"You've got to be kidding me." you muttered as you combed your hair with your fingertips. "I'm going out today, for some stroll, like most, normal people would do."

"Stroll? With that outfit? You look like you're going on a date-- oh no, no. Are you planning to go out with me today?? I mean, I'm not ready and I've got nothing to wear."


"Uh-- not with you. Not today. Maybe some other time. But I'm going out with someone else this whole afternoon." you said with a frown on your face. It was not your intention to hurt his feelings too early in the morning, but he started it so deal with it.


Myungsoo let out a chuckle before he said, "I'm kidding. I know you're going out with Youngmin today, most probably. I swear I never liked that idea but I got no choice because your brother begged me to just let you do it. I just want to tell you to be careful. Whatever happens is not our fault because you're just too hard headed and you never listened. There's just something weird about Youngmin I couldn’t explain what, but I hope you find out about it soon."


"Something weird? I think I know what you're talking about. It's him, copying his brother right? I've given that much thought but I realized I should forget about him already. I'll make this a good start. But I'll be careful so please don’t worry about me.. And thanks for your concern." you smiled at him before he left your room without another sentence, or a word at least.


Several minutes later, you got downstairs for some breakfast. Your brother was already munching on some pancakes with Myungsoo as well. He was startled when he saw you coming. "OhMyGoodness what did they do to you !" he shouted just as he was already spitting his food out, accidentally.


You just smiled at him as you sat down to eat some breakfast. It was a nice morning, seeing both Myungsoo and your brother looking perfectly okay.


"Youngmin told me about lunch and dinner. You knew about it?" Sungyeol asked as he wiped his mess off.

You raised an eyebrow as you asked, "Lunch.. And dinner?"

"Yeah. He said you already knew about it. Isn’t that your plan for today?" he asked once more.

"Uh--yeah. It is." you unsurely answered.


After an hour, Youngmin arrived at your doorstep. He was dressed casually and you liked his fashion. It was simple, yet manly.


"Hi. Good morning." he uttered with a smile. It felt awkward, thinking of what happened the day before. Prove, what you told me. Because it's never a good idea to make me wait were the words he told you. Sure it's your idea to come and see him today, but not for lunch and dinner. You were only planning to talk to him about what he told you and to make things clear. But dinner? So it's going to be a whole day with him.


"H-hey. Good morning.." you replied back. Sungyeol was standing behind you while Myungsoo did not waste his time to see the person he had started to hate the most so he decided to stay in the living room.


"Take care of her and be back before 8." your brother spoke to him. Seconds later, you waved goodbye to your brother as you went off with Youngmin, who had Kwangmin's car.


You hopped inside as you tried, and forced yourself to feel too comfortable around him, and inside your late boyfriend's car. "This is--" you wanted to speak when Youngmin suddenly pulled your seatbelt to fix it for you. "Anywhere you want to go to today? I don’t want to talk about useless things today, including yesterday's. I just want you to have fun today okay? And no talks about him please."


"Uh--okay.. If you say so." you kept quiet after being told what he wanted you to do for him. But was it a bright idea to even think about Kwangmin when you’re already with someone else?


"Where are you taking me?" you asked as he started driving off to God knows where.

Youngmin kept his eyes focused on the road as he said, "Hmm. I want to go to the bookstore. Have to buy mom a new cook book."

"Cook book? Now that you've said it, she does love cooking right? And she's one good chef."

"I know. And you? Would you like to check some books out? Tell me if you're bored to do it, then we won't."

"No, no . I didn’t say that. I wanted to try doing different stuffs too."

Youngmin nodded as he beamed you a smile, "Mm. Good to hear."


You redo your light make up before you arrived at the mall where the bookstore was at. You were about to re-apply some pink lipstick when he suddenly grabbed your hand and said, "Pfft. No lipstick when you’re out with me."


You scrunched your nose as you grumbled at his so-unnecessary actions, "What, I'm a girl. I need this or else I'll look like a corpse who just lost all o' my blood."

"What an excuse." he mumbled before he stepped out to open the car door for you.


"Thank you." you smiled at him when he lead you out poker faced.


You strolled around the mall for a while, still looking for that mystery bookstore until you walked past a coffee shop.


"Why don’t we get something to munch on. You hungry?" he asked as he paused at that certain coffee shop.

You shook your head and said, "I've already had breakfast. You go and get some for yourself."

Youngmin let out a smirk as he pinched your cheek, "You think I'd still waste my time ordering some coffee and sweets only for myself? And then what, I'll let your mouth water by the sight of what I'd be eating? You must be crazy." he murmured as he pulled you inside to get some cup of coffee or tea, for both of you.


"I told you I've already had breakfast this morning." you mumbled when he lead you to your seat, next to the window.


"I don’t care. You must be on a diet? I'm telling you, it's never going to work."

"I'm not on a diet."

"Then? Are you on fasting?"

"That's the same. I'm not on either one of those."

"Okay, if you're not then just do as I say, eat as much as I want you to."


You were left speechless as he stood up to get your orders. He seemed so.. Normal.



Not long after taking some light breakfast (again) with Youngmin, you started walking towards the bookstore where your purpose lied.


"I’m going to get the cookbook. You coming with me? Or are you going to take a look around?" he asked with a smile.

It was so mesmerizing that you had no choice but to come and trail behind him, wherever he goes. You just got hypnotized.

He stood next to a huge shelf of cookbooks as he looked for the perfect one. He was too tall you couldn’t see what he was looking at. You tried to take a peek at that certain section so you tried to jump up and down, while he was busy scanning a specific book in his hands. He just chuckled at you as you struggled to see the upper sections, those you couldn’t reach.


"Wait here." Youngmin suddenly said as he placed the book he was holding back to its shelf.


You waited for him to come back until he did. He was carrying a foldable ladder in his hands and he placed it in front of the huge shelf. "What-- what is a ladder doing in here?" you asked.


"Obviously for you." he muttered before he helped you climb up and sit on its top.


"Whoah. So this is what you've been looking at. A section of dessert cookbooks." you uttered in awe.


"I was going to carry you to make you see what you wanted when I realized you were wearing a skirt, so yeah." Youngmin muttered. He took the cookbook he was reading again and scanned for pictures. He seemed to be very interested in learning to cook, or was it just because it's for his mom? You didn’t know.


You grabbed a book as well and you felt hungry just by looking at the illustrations on the cookbook. You suddenly wanted to try different desserts at that very moment.


"Can you buy me a book too?" you asked.

"Sure. You go and get anything you want, I'll buy it for you." Youngmin replied.


Several minutes later, he helped you come down of the ladder as he held onto your waist. "You're heavy." he mumbled.

You let out a chuckle as you fixed your shirt. "Sorry for being so heavy. Everyone around me just want to feed me more than I should, every single day."


Youngmin beamed you a smile as he clung his arm around your shoulders. He got the books paid before you two left the bookstore. You've never been there, and your first was fun.


"So, where do we go next?" you asked.

"Have you been to an arcade?"

You nodded and said, "Yeah, been there thrice."

"Hm.. Okay. Let's not go there. Why don’t we watch a movie instead? I saw the latest films last night. And there's a creepy one."

You stopped from walking as you turned to look him in the eye, "Anything else.. Like.. A love story? Or a comedy. Action? Guys love action films!"

"You trying to avoid scary movies? Then let's not watch that." said Youngmin as he held your hand and pulled it to continue walking.


You found the cinema at the 4th floor of the mall and there were many people standing on line at the creepy film, Youngmin was talking about earlier. So it's a blockbuster film?


While Youngmin was standing in line, you slightly pulled the corner of his shirt to catch his attention, "Do you.. Want to watch that horror movie? I think it's a good one.. Because many people want to watch it too."

Youngmin pulled you closer to him as he pinched your cheek, "I don’t want to watch it. Let's just stick with something more entertaining. You wanted to see a love story, a comedy, or an action film right?"


"Yeah I do but.. I was just wondering if you would want to watch a horror film instead."

"I don’t want to."

"Okay then.."


Youngmin bought two tickets for the movie entitled, "Fate under the Moonlight". It was a love story about two different people from two different worlds who met under the bright moonlight through a silent prayer, which became their mode of communication.


"I'll buy some snacks." you said, but Youngmin still walked after you. He didn’t want you to go anywhere alone even if it's just a meter away from him.


"Popcorn or pizza?" you asked. You knew Youngmin would like either of the two but then, your budget wasn’t enough to buy both.

Youngmin placed a finger on his chin as he thought of which was more delicious. "Of course I'll go for pizza.. But popcorn's yummy too."

"So what? Which one?" you asked once more when you were ready to pay.

"Take both." Youngmin suddenly uttered.


"Yeah. Both."


You stood still as you thought of a good excuse to make him buy you just one of those two. "Uh-- I'm allergic to cheese.. So.."

Youngmin pouted when as he stared at you big eyed. "Okay.. Pizza it is."



Both of you went inside the cinema and got your places which was obviously next to each other. 15 minutes later, the movie started.


The movie was not boring. The man was from the past, and the lady's from the future. They talked through a prayer every time the full moon rises during the night. They fell in love with each other until the man stopped replying with the lady's prayer that made her think that something happened bad, when something really did. It was really dramatic that it made you cry in the end when the man died because of a disease, leaving his lady from a different world, alone and still waiting for a reply through her prayer.


The movie lasted for two hours and it was already finished by 6PM. The both of you were already out of the cinema.


"You look like a mess." Youngmin chuckled when he saw your tears which had already dried out on your face when you didn’t have the time to fix it.

You took your handkerchief from your pocket and you were about to wipe everything off when Youngmin stopped you by grabbing your wrist. "Let me do it. I'll do it clean." he said.


He stepped forward, too near to you as he held your chin to make you look up to him. He then started wiping your stray tears off of your face and you were just there, patiently waiting for him to finish. You were too shy about what he was doing, he was too near like he's going to kiss you.


A minute later, he got done as he handed your handkerchief back to you. "Dinner?" he asked.

You nodded in reply before you uttered, "I want something different. Western."

"Western? Like.. Burger and fries? Steak and potatoes?"

"Hmm.. Yeah. I've always wanted to try it." you said with a smile.

Youngmin smiled back as he started walking, "I think I know a good place."



You had steak and potatoes for dinner, just like what you said you wanted. You bought some ice cream for the two of you as well, making your wallet obviously empty.


You strolled for an hour after you had dinner. You visited some shops and stores and Youngmin even bought you a new bracelet because you seemed to love it the moment you saw it on display. It was a silver bracelet with two white gems on both ends. It looked perfect on you.


Time flies and it's almost time to go home. Youngmin sent you back to your house before your curfew.


"You want to come in?" you asked as you stood by the doorstep of your house.

Youngmin shook his head, "Nope. Maybe some other time. I hope you liked my gift."

"Yeah I did. Thank you so much. It's really lovely. And thank you for taking me out today. I had so much fun."  you uttered with a smile on your face.

Youngmin was frantically chuckling over something you didn’t know about. He was giggling in happiness when you told him how much you enjoyed your day out with him. "Let's do it again next time."

"Yeah sure. Take care on your way home."


Before he went back to his car, he pulled you for a hug and he even sent you a kiss on your forehead that made you pink all over. "Good night." he said.

You stuttered to speak, you were too shy about the sudden kiss, and the hug. But it felt nice. "Uh-- good night.."


He then left after you had gone inside your house. There was Myungsoo and Sungyeol, waiting for you in the living room.


"Right on time. Dinner's served." Sungyeol uttered when he saw you approaching.

You didn’t seem to be listening to a word he said and you just kept on walking.

"Yah!" your brother shouted that made you snap back. Myungsoo was just staring at you, wondering about why you were acting weird. "You're not even listening. Have you had dinner?" he asked.

"Uh-- yeah. I have.. It's lunch and dinner right? Anyway, I'll be upstairs. I'm going to sleep. Good night."


Sungyeol stood up from his seat as he rushed towards you, "Yah, yah. What's the matter? Did anything happen?  Did he hurt you?" he said as he cupped your cheeks with both palms.

You let out a chuckle and you were smiling when you said, "Nothing's wrong. I really had fun today."


Sungyeol then let go of you and you continued to walk until you reached your bedroom.


"Maybe he kissed her." Myungsoo uttered with his eyes fixed on the television. He was acting cold.

Sungyeol had a confused face, "Kiss? Wow he's fast."

"One day you're gonna see her with this huge tummy and some chubby cheeks."

"He won't do that. I know Youngmin. He respects her so much."

"You know him. But not too well."

Sungyeol placed a hand on Myungsoo's shoulder as he said, "Yah, I know you're jealous and all that. Why don’t we just entrust my sister to Youngmin. If they broke up, then she's all yours. Marry her right away."


"As if it's that easy. She's not the type of person to forget things, especially people in an instant. And I'm actually scared of her relationship with Youngmin. Something's just not right.. Especially with that guy."




***chajaaan! finally uploaded ch26 after years of trying to inspire myself. and then this time came. Whenever I'm inspired, i only work on a chapter for a day or two. But when I'm not, it takes a week for me to even finish it. XD tahahaha. XD

FINALS week is finally over ! *jumping for joy* so how's the update? tell me about it. especially if you guys are confused about something. :))  hoping to get the next chapter posted soon :)) please comment and subscribe ! :3 ***

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Mental breakdown.


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Chapter 52: omg... what was that... such a cliff hanger... tell me authornim that you'll have a sequel for this oh please do make a sequel i beg of you....

it was nice and sorry.. i told you that i would read this by tye week end but decided to read it today.. i liked it and enjoyed reading but not the last part where youngmin showed up....!!! i want to know seungeun's reaction when she sees youngmin omg!!!
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 21: I don't know why but i was watching Boyfriend's MV for "Witch" and it just reminded me of this story
Chapter 52: Such a cliffhanger. Is there a sequel to this story???
I loved this so much. I read it in a day and a half.
Really good job ^_^
Chapter 52: Hanging >< sequelll pleaseeee
yeejler #5
Omg sequel plsssss...hw can u leave us with a cliff hanger *cries*
Chapter 52: Sequel please
Chapter 52: I just found this fic and it's amazing xDD I need a sequel please >>
tsuukyuu #8
Chapter 52: Dah dah dah daaaahhhh........cliff hanger.... eunsoo youngmin good or bad...
Chapter 52: Omg.. please let Myungie win for good at the next squeeelll >.<