Chapter 24

Lunatic Shadow


Sungyeol came home yesterday after he got discharged from the hospital. Woohyun's still unconscious and he's still unfortunately, on comatose. It was also yesterday, when you had that dream. Your greatest dream about Kwangmin kissing you. That dream you thought, was a dream.


"Okay Sungyeol. You always have to take note of your meals alright? Healthy diet, eating your food on time, sleeping on time and exercise regularly to avoid getting sick and stressed." you muttered as your brother patiently listened to you.


He raised an eyebrow before he smirked at your explanation, "Come on. You know what the easiest way to stay fit and healthy is? JUST BEHAVE WELL and I'll be extreeemely fine."


Myungsoo bursted out laughing while your brother was trying to tease you.


It's a Saturday morning and break's almost over. Both Myungsoo and your brother had to go back to school already, and obviously you had to stay at home because you've already decided to leave school a long time ago after Kwangmin's funeral. And even if you decided to come back to school, you've already missed half of your senior days so that's just useless, you'd still end up repeating a year.


"Any news about Youngmin?" Sungyeol suddenly asked as he sat beside you on the couch.

You gazed somewhere else before your eyes landed on Myungsoo. He was staring at you, waiting for your answer, and obviously curious about what you knew and maybe admiring your beauty at the same time.

You were startled so you stared back at Sungyeol, "Uh-- dunno. Haven't seen him. No calls from him too."


"Oh really? He doesn’t even have time to apologize to me or something? He kidnapped you and if I were a bad person I might have sent him to jail already." said Sungyeol.

".. He's a nice guy, if only you gave him the chance to prove it to you, you might have seen his good side. He's simply a duplicate copy of his brother. Only that, he's not as cheerful as Kwangmin was." you said.


"If only he did not take you out of this house without my permission, I wouldn’t be mad at him. And if only he showed up to say sorry and begged for my forgiveness, everything might've gone back to how it was before already. But he didn’t. He had so much pride in him."


"Yeah right. Whatever. I'll be on my room, call me if you need anything." you uttered before you walked upstairs to go your room and take some rest. It's been a very tiresome morning for you because you had to wake up too early just to shop for breakfast and check on everything including your brother's medicine and prescriptions.


"--Sungyeol. You shouldn’t be saying those things. You hate him, end of topic." Myungsoo uttered.


Sungyeol let out a sigh before he talked back at him. "I'm not that bad of a brother Myungie. I knew she would be crying for joy if I let her be friends with Youngmin again. I know, bad things had happened and there are things we cannot tolerate forever. But I want to give that guy a chance to prove to me that he's worth being friends with my sister. Ever since Kwangmin died, Seong eun has not come back to the real world yet. It's like, her world turned upside down. She quitted school, she abandoned her friends, she acts like an idiot seeing things that are not in this world anymore, and then what next? what do you expect her to do next, leave me? you? You know I can't live without her.. She's the only life I have left.."


Myungsoo glared at Sungyeol as he scoffed, "Are you out of your mind? That Youngmin liked your sister not only because their friends ! And look, he kidnapped your sister ! Anyone would go mad like crazy about that and what's wrong with you now?! You used to hate him !"


"He did but.. Did he do something horrible to her while they were away? I know my sister too well, and I knew that she asked Youngmin to take her somewhere far from us, all because of one thing-- Freedom. She had been craving for it. And I don’t want to just sit back in here until she becomes the rebellious kind."


".. I don't understand you at all Sungyeol. One thing I know for sure, your sister isn't going to be safe with him." Myungsoo uttered before he walked out of the door and left.


Meanwhile, you were in your room, rolling around your bed, thinking about your dream and how happy you were with what happened. It's been a long time since you last tasted Kwangmin's lips.. The smell of his skin, the scent of his breath, how his fingertips came in contact with your bare skin, how you grabbed his hair to pull him closer to you, how you two rolled around laid down while kissing-- afraid not to get separated with one another. Those were all once real, but not today, not anymore.


You wanted to live the dream to become happy, like how you felt last night. It's too impossible, but you'd rather stay asleep forever than suffer the agony of him being gone-- Awake.


".. I wish you were here.. Still here.."


Your chin was resting on top of your hands as you flipped your body from side to side. You could feel your body get electrified with the thought of your dream. How you wished it could still happen by the next time you sleep in peace.


"Seong eun."


You heard a voice called your name. You suddenly shot up and looked around your room, too excited to see who that person was. "K-Kwangmin??" you muttered his name.


You heard no response, much to your disappointment.


"I must have been imagining things.."


You gave up that easily. But then, you were startled when hands suddenly covered your eyes from behind. It surprised you that it made you squeal for a second. You held that hand and removed it from your eyes effortlessly.


"Guess who." A very familiar voice spoke.


You were nervous and scared to see, your loving boyfriend.. But it would disappoint you more if you'd see Youngmin, when you're really expecting that person to be Kwangmin.


You slowly spun around with your eyes closed before you tried to speak, "I don't want to get disappointed in this.. Are you--"


"How dare you expect a different person aside from your boyfriend."


With that, you became totally sure.. That it's him. You opened your eyes as you attempted to scream his name out loud, but he just covered your mouth and said, "Ssh.. Be discreet or I'll leave."


Your eyes were teary and your head was filled with happiness and just the thoughts of him. You thought you're crazy, seeing Kwangmin like he just snuck in naturally inside your room, surprising you with a kiss on your lips and a bunch of flowers in his hands. It might seem to you like you were seeing a ghost, but it's not just an imagination. It's real.


"What-- how--" you stuttered to speak.


Kwangmin just let out a chuckle as he smiled at you, "I'll stay with you.. Until tomorrow morning.. I'm going to take this opportunity to make you stay awake all night. Or not. Isn't that a great idea?"

Your tears that were threatening to fall escaped your eyes. You couldn’t believe it. You kept on telling yourself that it's not real.. It's not real. But he spoke in front of you, extending his promise to you.


Kwangmin panicked as he searched for a handkerchief to wipe your tears away but he found none, much to his worry. "Hey, hey cutie please calm down, please calm down, did I say something wrong? Were you offended? What is it? Tell me, please don't cry.."


You suddenly bursted out chuckling by the sight. He's still as cute as ever, just like how he was. Your tears of joy suddenly turned to tears of laughter.


Kwangmin beamed you a smile as he pulled you closer for a hug. You two were on bed, sitting next to each other.


"Would you.. Like to know how much I missed you?" he asked as he tightened his arms around you. Having that kind of feeling had always been the best.

You asked, "Okay, how much?"


Kwangmin kept silent for a minute before he said, ".. I've been trying to measure it.. But it’s still too impossible. I missed you, a trillion times as you do."



He pulled back and said, "What, you don’t believe me?"

"I do, of course I do.. So, what do you want to do today? Want to go out for lunch? Go to the amusement park? Go on a date? You name it." you uttered in excitement. You were mentioning too much when you didn’t expect such a simple answer from him, "None of those. Let's just stay here in your room. I feel much better being here."


You popped your eyes and asked, "You sure? No outdoor activities? I missed doing everything and anything with you.."

"I do too. But I want to stay here with you today, and only here. I just want to spend the day talking to you."


"That would be boring.. But it's okay, because you’re here. You don’t know how happy I am to see you here in front of me.. " you beamed him a smile before you hugged him once more.


Sungyeol and Myungsoo were downstairs, busy fighting about you and Youngmin. Myungsoo had gone mad, because he never liked the twins near you, but since it's your brother who decided to just let Youngmin stay close to you, Myungsoo could do nothing about it.


"I know how much you care for her, but please.. Just listen to me this one time. If things don’t work out right, then I'll leave the rest to you." said Sungyeol with a worried expression on his face. He knew there was something wrong with how he handled things when Kwangmin died, so for the first time, he's going to try to correct things and see where he did wrong.


Myungsoo walked out of the house in too much anger. He had to compose himself before he would see you, and your brother again. For the mean time, he needed to inhale some fresh air until his anger would vanish in the thin air.


"I missed drinking cappucino with you every Sunday morning." you said.

Kwangmin sat in front of you and replied, "I missed you too cutie. So much."

"I missed hanging out with you everyday, after school."

"I missed you too cutie."

"I missed calling you before going to bed and video chatting with you until morning."

"I missed you too cutie. That sweet voice of yours and that stare that made me so mesmerized."

"I missed visiting you in your apartment, especially seeing you beside the window and telling me that you're planning about our future."

"I missed you too cutie. Especially your lips and the way you kissed me. It's so mouth watering."


You shot him a glare before you lightly hit him in the chest, "This is no joke Kwangmin. I'm serious !"

"Me too. Oh, you're still so cute whenever you're angry ~ "

"You're mocking me already." you uttered seriously.


Kwangmin drew near you as he lightly pinched your cheek before he kissed it.


"Now what." you mumbled.

Kwangmin laid down on bed as he rolled over like a cute dog looking for a playmate. "You mad?? Please don't hate me, don't make me go ~ " he uttered when he still sounded like he's kidding.

You shook your head, "Yah, I was kidding ! Don't go.. Don't go yet. I know you too were kidding, but don't make my kiss a joke. Any guy would be craving for it I'm telling you, you wouldn’t want to count those hungry men."


"Men? Your mom gave birth to you because she knew who you are for. And you're born for me." Kwangmin mumbled.

You laid down beside him and kissed him on the tip of his nose.


Kwangmin's stare suddenly changed to a different one. Sadness suddenly filled him. "What's wrong?" you asked with concern.


It took him a minute before he could speak. "I came here.. Because I wanted to know.. If you're in love with my brother. I mean, I've already had this thought before, that there will come a time.. That you and him, or you and a different person would fall in love with each other if I died.. And here it is now. But is it, is it true?"


You sat up from bed and turned to look him in the eye. "Why do you have to be so curious about it?"

"Because.. Because I loved you, and I still do. I wanted to know, I won’t get mad. If you tell me you're in love with him, that won't change how I feel for you.. I don’t care if you love my brother now.. I just-- want you to be honest with me."


You let out a chuckle as you said, "Don't be scared. If ever the time comes that I fell in love with your brother, I would tell you that right away. I do like him, because he had changed so much and he became you in a blink of an eye. He's my friend, and being with him feels right."


".. I get it, though I'm not sure of your answer. I'll try to understand it." said Kwangmin.


A serious aura surrounded you two, so you decided to play with him, to change the mood-- until night time came..


"I, I, I, love, love, love the prettiest girl in the entire universe, who is none other than YOU." Kwangmin said as he poked your tummy like there were invisible push buttons on it. It tickled you so you tried to push him away without hurting him. "I, will, marry, you, soon, if, you, promised, to, love, me, forever."


"Yah, I've already made that promise Jo Kwangmin." you muttered with a glare. You're head was resting on his lap and he was making fun of you by tickling you with his fingers.


"I don't care Jo Seong eun. Promise me that again." he said with a smirk.

"No. Not gonna promise you something that I've already promised."

Kwangmin blew you a kiss, "Love me, and only me forever."

"I've already made that promise."


You were obviously not satisfied with his fan service that was why you were trying to ask for some more. And then it came. His lips landed on yours making you caress his face with your palms. It was once your dream, but now it's real.


You felt breathless just by kissing him hungrily that you didn’t have time to jerk back to breathe some air. You were too hungry about the kiss, but then.. Something felt different. The way he moved his lips as he explored your mouth, his breath hitting your nose, the scent of his skin, his touch, his pauses. All felt different with what you had in your dream, or was it really a dream? But you were enjoying it, and it made you feel hot inside.


".. Take it off." you uttered when you had the chance to.

Kwangmin pulled back with a smirk as he said, "Only if you say please."

".. Just-- just do it.." you talked back with your body ready to feel some intense heat. But-- but with a  ghost?


Kwangmin then grabbed your hands and pinned it on your sides, quietly sending butterfly kissed all over your body. It made you want to scream out but you couldn't since there were people downstairs.


Kwangmin suddenly paused for a while before he pulled back, much to your disappointment. "What?" you asked.

He shook his head and said, "You weren't like this before."

"I wasn't? well I am now."

"What happened? Remember when I wanted to do those kinds of things, you would always tell me not to because you deserved respect."

"I still do." you said.

"You've changed." Kwangmin uttered as he got up from bed and stood by the window.


You felt too apologetic just by seeing him so frustrated over what you've become.


"I'm sorry.. I just-- you can't blame me for missing you that much." you mumbled with your head hung low.

Kwangmin forced a smile as he looked at you, breathless and almost . "I know. I'm sorry too.. Why don't we just.. Go to sleep."


"Sleep? No.. No. I don't want to. I'm not going to sleep until sunrise-- because you said you would only stay until tomorrow morning right? I don’t want to waste another minute by sleeping in here.. So don’t expect me to." you exclaimed. Just by thinking about him leaving again felt too painful. And you didn’t like the feeling.


But then, since Kwangmin begged you to sleep, you could do nothing about it. You wanted to pretend you were asleep but your eyes automatically shut itself closed as you wandered back to dreamland..



The next morning, Sungyeol woke you up from your peaceful slumber. You didn’t even noticed how time flew so fast and it's already 11 in the morning. One hour to go and it's already noon time. For a minute you were reminiscing the best night you had with Kwangmin  but the next thing you knew, he's gone.


You screamed his name out loud as you shot up from bed and started looking for him in the other rooms, the bathroom, you even tripped while you were running your way to the kitchen and the living room downstairs but you found no trace of him.


You cried when you got back to your room, thinking if all were just a dream. The stories, the jokes, the conversation, sweet talks, his kisses, his hugs, his touch, and he himself.


".. No.. No.. He was just here.. Just here.. Bring him back to me ! Bring him back ! Bring him !.." you screamed out as you grabbed your hair in frustration and shock. You couldn’t calm yourself down and you were freaking out. Sungyeol hurried to get you out of your room and to have you put yourself together. Myungsoo was out for laundry and your brother couldn’t do anything about you, going crazy all over again.


You accidentally scratched your skin and you even knocked your head on the wall that it made you bled all over. Tears were streaming down your face and your silent cries turned to screams until no voice would escape your mouth anymore. Why did you have to be so happy, only to end up crying again in the end?


Sungyeol called Myungsoo to come back as quickly as he could. And the worst part for Myungsoo, was your brother asking him to go and get Youngmin on his way back home.



*** long update :) so how's it? lalalaaa ~ *covers ears* 

Oh, i would like to tell you guys that I edited Chapter 23. It's not like i removed something from it, but i added paragraphs instead. You'd be able to see it immediately because I added the missing part on the first few paragraphs and the words are in purple. So.. yeah. I forgot to add that missing part on Chapter 23 because my OneNote tabs confused me when I found something like Chapter 25 ( which was really pertaining to Chapter 24 ). It would confuse you if I tried to explain it more so please just check it out, thank you and comment and subscriiiiiibe ! ***

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Mental breakdown.


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Chapter 52: omg... what was that... such a cliff hanger... tell me authornim that you'll have a sequel for this oh please do make a sequel i beg of you....

it was nice and sorry.. i told you that i would read this by tye week end but decided to read it today.. i liked it and enjoyed reading but not the last part where youngmin showed up....!!! i want to know seungeun's reaction when she sees youngmin omg!!!
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 21: I don't know why but i was watching Boyfriend's MV for "Witch" and it just reminded me of this story
Chapter 52: Such a cliffhanger. Is there a sequel to this story???
I loved this so much. I read it in a day and a half.
Really good job ^_^
Chapter 52: Hanging >< sequelll pleaseeee
yeejler #5
Omg sequel plsssss...hw can u leave us with a cliff hanger *cries*
Chapter 52: Sequel please
Chapter 52: I just found this fic and it's amazing xDD I need a sequel please >>
tsuukyuu #8
Chapter 52: Dah dah dah daaaahhhh........cliff hanger.... eunsoo youngmin good or bad...
Chapter 52: Omg.. please let Myungie win for good at the next squeeelll >.<