Chapter 17 - Out of Mind

Super Natural [HIATUS]

Lizzy stood there alone at the rooftop feeling all the hate that she had received from the blonde and from the exorcist. She sighed as she looked at the ground.

I guess it was a bad idea coming here after all, but where else to go?

She heard someone opened the door and she just ignored it. She was so busy thinking about her upcoming days of hell in the human's world. When a guy exclaimed and the voice seemed familiar to her as she shrugged it off and continued to her own little world.

“Hey! Dude, what’s with that ribbon on your wrists? How did you get that?” Lizzy looked back as her eyes widened. The guy was taken aback when she looked at him. “Have I met you before? Those eyes..Lizzy?” He said.


“Yah! Lizzy?!” He hugged Lizzy tightly and almost choking the brunette.

“Yah! Myungsoo, y-you’re gonna kill me.”

“Hehe, Sorry, why are you wearing that? And why do you have beard? Are you a tomboy now?! What happened to my beautiful princess.” He released Lizzy.

“Myungsoo, die it down no one knows that I’m a girl and don't claim me as yours stupid!” She lowered her voice while checking out the area. 

"Lizzy, no one's here don't forget we're the same. Don't tell me your sensing ability are getting rusty now?" Myungsoo said with silly grin on his face. Lizzy who narrowed her eyes and punched Myungsoo in the stomach as she hated to be bullied by her friend.

"Ouch! Ok ok, I'll stop now, let’s have a sit and care to tell me why are you like this and why are you in the human's world?” The two of them sat on the floor and Lizzy began to tell her whole story.

“What?! Tao, took your powers?!”

“Not all of it, but I couldn’t use my blue flames. I could move quickly and that’s all I have left in me now.”

“That damn bastard! I'll have his head for you!"

"Oh, shut up. We all know that you have enough power to defeat that kung fu guy."

"Hehe, and why do you have this ribbon on your wrists? I’m thinking of that myth that I’ve heard but is this the one that I’m thinking of?” He asked.

“Yeah,” She answered with a gloomy face.

“And who are you bound to?”

“To Nana.”

“What the? You’re bound to her?!” Lizzy nodded. "I couldn't believe that popular girl in our school is bound to you. I wish I was the one instead."

"Will you stop daydreaming will you?" And what are you doing here? I thought you’re not studying here?”

“Actually I am but me and my brother were in a vacation just attended school now.” Myungsoo said. “You said that you aren’t getting along with her? She seems nice you know?”

“Well until when she learned that I’m a demon and because of me her sixth sense got opened.”

“She’s just might be acting that she hates you. You’ll never know that she might have feelings hidden that she doesn’t want to admit.” Myungsoo laughed.

“Yah! That would never happen to us.”

“Sure," He said with a silly grin on his face. " I hope that wouldn’t. By the way great to see my friend from the demon's world in here I have to go now.” He stood up. “Whenever you want to hang out with us when the two of you are not chained here’s my number.” He wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to her. “We can hang out like the old days.”

“Thanks,” Lizzy smiled.

“And before I go I’ll tell Sunggyu hyung about this. We can help.”

“No need to,” Myungsoo shook his head.

“We will help you since we owe you.”

“Geez, Myungsoo, that’s nothing.”

“Well, I’ll see you later.”

“Don’t trip again.” Lizzy said as she giggle.

“I won’t.” He smiled before he disappeared in front of her.

I’m just gonna hang out at the library. Lizzy then headed to the door.


“N-no way,” Nana said as her voice was almost trembling. “G.O?” Raina was still in shock as her best friend could see his deceased boyfriend’s spirit right in front of her. “Why are your e-eyes are red?”

“Nana, you can see him?” Raina asked, shock.

“Raina, what’s the meaning of this? You’ve been meeting up with my dead boyfriend?” She said with almost yelling at her best friend.”I don’t get it?! How long-”

“Nana, I can explain.” G.O. said.

“It’s not what you think, Nana it’s a long story.” Raina said.

“G.O. what are you?! Don’t t-tell me you’re a-a d-demon also like her?!” As she pointed out where she left Lizzy. G.O. nodded in silence. “So I’ve loved a demon all along.”

“Raina, why you didn’t tell me? And you were pretending that you couldn’t see this kind of things to me?! Why did you lie? Because of you demons I’m suffering!” Nana gave G.O. one of her cold glare.

“Nana, I thought you weren’t gonna believe me so-”

“When I told you that I could see ghost inside my house you were acting as if I was joking around an-”

“Nana, please let us explain I’m not dating your friend.” G.O reasoned.

“I have enough of this.” Lizzy then happened to be there. Nana looked at her with watery eyes and she ran then left the three at the corner.

“Nana, wait!” Raina was about to follow her when Lizzy grabbed her hand.

“Don’t,” She accidentally used her feminine voice as she covered . Raina looked back at Lizzy.

“Don’t worry I know it no need to hide it.” Raina said and G.O. nodded.

“You know it?” Lizzy asked surprised.


Eyoung, first arrived at the house and the two weren’t at home yet. She went to her room as she placed her bag next to her bed. She felt the surroundings went cold and she could tell that she wasn’t alone.


“I thought you were gonna hide to me forever.” Eyoung sat on her bed and Kaeun appeared next to her.

“I was afraid,”

“Afraid that I will exorcise you?” Kaeun nodded. Eyoung laughed it off.

“Of course, I won’t. I never thought your spirit was gonna stay here. I miss you.” She whispered at the end.

“Same, I wish I could hug you like before.” Kaeun said almost crying. “I’ve wanted to tell you something that night, but I ran out of time.”

“Me too,”

“Go ahead,” Kaeun said.

“No you go first.”

“Are we gonna fight like kids again?” Kaeun chuckled. “How bout we say it at the same time?”

“As usual you’ve never changed. Ok, I’ll say it first.” She smiled, she inhaled deeply as she looked at Kaeun straight in the eyes. “You know ahm,” Kaeun waited. Eyoung was hesitating to say those words until she had courge to finally let it out.

“I love you.” The two of them said it simultaneously. Eyoung shut her eyes while the latter was surprised to hear the word from the one she have loved for a long time. Eyoung finally opened her eyes and the Kaeun moved forwards and she kissed her on her right cheek. Eyoung blushes. The contact was cold but for Eyoung it felt right. The two of them were silent after that.

“I-I’ll make you live again.” Eyoung said finally breaking the eerie silence. Her eyes widened at her statement.

“That’s impossible I’m stuck in this house.” She looked away with a long face.

“Believe me, I can. I never trained to be an exorcist for only driving away evil spirits. I’ve trained to revive dead people like you.” Unbeknownst to Kaeun there is a risk for reviving Kaeun and Eyoung doesn’t want to tell her about it.

I’ll give it to you even if it cost me.

“Really,” She tried to hug her but her hands went through her. She lowered her head.

“Don’t worry you can hug me soon. Just give me time, but for now.” Eyoung laid on her bed and she patted the unoccupied space next to her. “Lie with me. I’m tired.” Kaeun followed and she laid next to her body. “I’ll promise you can be with me soon.” She smiled before she closed her eyes.

Nana and Lizzy entered the house quietly. The blonde was silent along the way home. She didn't want to talk about what happened earlier at school. They entered at Nana’s room and Lizzy took the wig off of her head along the beard.

“Don’t strip in front of me.” Nana said coldly.

“We’re both girls and what are you thinking?! I won’t peek on you!” She answered back.

“God, I’m going to change my clothes at the bathroom instead.” Nana grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom. Lizzy hissed at her. The brunette was pulled because again they were bound together. She couldn’t even go far more than a meter which she hated.

She’s been like this since the day I woke up. Why it has to be her? Suddenly she remembered Myungsoo had told her.

‘She’s just might be acting that she hates you. You’ll never know that she might have feelings hidden that she doesn’t want to admit.’ Lizzy shook her head as she grabbed the clothes on her bag and changed quickly before the blonde would come out. After she changed her clothes her heart throbbed really fast and began to go dry. But her fangs didn’t show up. Nana went out of the bathroom to see the brunette with shinning blue eyes and two horns of blue flames on her head. Lizzy checked her out and she didn’t actually know what she was doing at that moment. Nana walked over to her bed and she grabbed her phone to listen some random songs.

I hope I was born just a normal demon instead of having this vampire blood in me. Lizzy bit her lower lip. Her eyes never left her as she kept checkin out the blonde.

“You know what I’m gonna die because of you.” Nana glared at her.

“Are you gonna keep hating me for the rest of this look like curse on us?!”

“The rest of it, yeah.”

“Will you even treat me right like the others?!” Lizzy walked towards her and she sat next to her.

“Why would I? You’re a demon.” She leaned forwards and up to that close she could smell her sweet blood. She her lower lip, but Lizzy wasn’t aiming for her blood but something else.

“What are you doing?!”She tried to push her away but Lizzy was way stronger. Lizzy for some reason her eyes went to her lips as she stared at it. Whenever she was really thirsty she didn’t know what she was doing like at that moment.

“I thought you said that you were gonna sleep on the couch?!” Nana said.

“No,” She smiled mischeviosuly. “I wanna sleep with you tonight.”

“Lizzy go-” The brunette puts her pointer finger on her lips to shut her up.

“I really liked the way how you looked weak before me.” Lizzy said as her eyes turned to dark blue and it was different from her usual blue eyes. She scooted much closer to her body.

“Will you please-” Nana pushed her hand away from her lips. She suddenly tucked her hair behind her ear. Nana looked at her surprised and Lizzy her ear.

“Lizzy?!” When Nana found an opportunity to push her away from her. Lizzy fell on the floor and Nana moved out on her bed quickly, but Lizzy was way much faster than her. In a blink of an eye Nana was on the floor while Lizzy was on top of her.

“Please stop it a-already…” Nana said in a weak voice.

“Why don’t you scream?!” She leaned down as their lips were only centimetres away. The blonde courage faded so quickly. She was now scared at the demon on top of her. “Scream.” Lizzy demanded but Nana was scared of her if she followed what she wanted. She might do something worst. The blonde's eyes were looking straight to Lizzy’s. For some reason the way Lizzy looked at her was kinda inviting. “You’re not gonna scream? Call out that exorcist now.” Lizzy whispered and their lips were almost touching. The two of them were having a hard time to even breathe. They didn’t notice their ribbons were shining brightly. Lizzy closed the gap between them as she kissed the blonde slowly. Nana didn’t respond so quickly, she tried her best to control herself. She wanted to push her again, but her body wasn’t moving at all. Her mind though was different. “Kiss me back Nana..let your instincts guide you.” Lizzy said in between kisses and at the end the blonde responded. Nana was getting lost whenever the brunette kisses her. It was different from G.O. She unconsciously s her arms around her neck. Lizzy’s right hand search for left hand as soon she took a hold on it. She locked her hands with her. She squeezed it everytime she kissed the blonde. Lizzy’s left hand lifted her body and she carried her in bridal style without halting the kiss. She carefully laid her body on the bed and recoiled on the kiss. “You know what?” She leaned down again but before she could kiss the blonde again. Lizzy fell on top of her. Nana was kinda surprised at herself.

“What had just happened?” She pushed the brunette next to her side and after she did that. She studied her face. “What did you do?!” Lizzy wasn’t even answering it was more likely she lost her consciousness after their kiss. “What did you just do?” The blonde couldn’t sleep well that night because she tried her best not to like this demon next to her.

Remember Nana it is her who have changed your life into misery. She was trying to build a wall on both of them and she didn’t want to think the kiss that they had shared earlier. After a few hours of thinking, she finally went to sleep.

Lizzy woke up that morning. She couldn’t remember anything from last night and she couldn’t even remember how did she end up sleeping next to her. She had planned yesterday that she would sleep on the couch instead because she didn’t want to sleep on the same bed as her. Since Nana was a light sleeper, she got up after. Giving the brunette the most coldest stare she had ever received from the blonde. Nana moved out on their bed that they were sharing that night. As she headed to the bathroom.

“How did I end up here?” Lizzy asked. Nana looked back and shooting the brunette with her cold stare as she narrowed her eyes.

“What you didn’t remember?! Stop joking around!”

“Yah! What would I ask you if I remembered it? Are you stupid?!”

“Don’t pretend that you have forgotten it already?! Are you just playing around really? So kissing me was one of your games?! You-“

“What?! I kissed you?!” Lizzy laughed at her answer. “Why would I kiss a girl?! I never kiss one in my whole life. Especially you! I hate you and I would never kiss a person like you!” For some reason Nana was hurt at Lizzy’s words. She didn’t know why. She turned around and answered her.

“So you really like messing up with me?! First, the one you said to Kris yesterday and now this?! You’re really getting on my nerves?! What did I do to you? To hurt me like this?”

“Hey!” She ran to the bathroom and she shut the door behind her. She didn’t care whether she got pulled or fell on the bed. Well Lizzy fell on the floor as she rubbed her elbow to lessen the pain.

Aigoo, that hurts… accusing me that I didn’t even do? That girl is really out of her mind. Nana on the other hand was crying while leaning on the door.

Why am I crying?! She used the back of her hand to brushed her tears away. Why does it hurts?! Be strong Nana you shouldn’t get affected by her words. They are nothing.

Another update again yay!

I'll update later again.

I hope

I'm using my time well LOL!

I just love Myungsoo ehehe.

Well see you again later, ciao!

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Tiffanyforever #1
Chapter 25: Why Jooyeon suddenly come back? because I think she have die already
River1721 #2
Chapter 27: Hello new reader here, and I love this story!
I really enjoy reading the chapters ^^
I hope you can update this again.
Chapter 27: so many boy band members and exorcisms... I can't keep up... can you do a quick character bio next chapter? BigBang+JungHi are Lizzy's vampire mentors; Infinite is Lizzy's allies and Myungsoo is love interest?; shinee--??? I may have to reread because I have no idea how jupal is hanging out with Uee again when she's supposed to be dead. Great story! love the plot! To be honest, I only read for naliz and jooee, but I've grown to enjoy the supernatural and action parts as well. just need to reread at a slower pace hehe
misslia2496 #4
Chapter 27: Keep waiting
keep waiting
For you writer
Saranghaeyo for you writer
This reader will support you always

happybee93 #5
this story is so awesome! :)
more jooee, please~ haha ....
Chapter 27: oh my god.u're back!yeay!!!!!!!!!!gonna spazzing crazily.
i'm happy actually that kaeun come back to life.but..what about eyoung?she'll become demon if she's really crazy for eyoung to gave her soul to the devil.creep me out.
and yeah i like progression between nana and lizzy.seems like lizzy finally know what she should do with that latter,and as usual i hate those shinee and exo's dude that will ruined everything soon.
u know u're the best right?keep it up!and welcome back!
Nachomisan #7
Chapter 27: Its been too long! I forgot what this story was about xD
Chapter 27: FINALLY YOU BACK!!! eyoung trade her soul??
Nachomisan #9
update soon! :)
Renminki-ssi... I miss this story a lot (╥﹏╥) when will you update this one ?