Please Don't Go

Please Don't Go


“Please don’t go.” Taemin spoke softly, letting the older male rest his head in his lap, as the blood from his head began to bleed through his jeans, soaking them thoroughly. Tears began to fall from sad brown eyes, like misty crystals, leaving wet streaks along his cheeks, rolling down until they left his face and landed on the other’s. The raven’s eyes started to close slowly, as he shakily brought up his hands, letting them ghost over the other’s face so lightly.

“Don’t worry Minnie, I’ll be fine.” His voice sounded unsure and untrustworthy, and the younger hated it. Hated how his one strong voice was now turned into something weak and frail. They stayed sitting there, as their turned over car, now a pile of metal laying twelve feet behind them continued to burn. Still no siren’s could be heard, as the cold night wrapped around their bodies, turning their skin to ice. The younger let his tears run dry, his secret lover long since lost to internal bleeding.

It was never supposed to be like this, things weren’t supposed to end so suddenly, so tragically. It was supposed to end happy, smiles, love, a burning passion that never seemed to stop. 

The events from just four hours prior still hung heavy with in his memory, the screams and shouts of angry voices, parents who could never understand a love like theirs, a child who did little to help them believe he knew what he wanted, and a silent man, who wanted to disappear in the face of such embarrassment. But they had escaped, had freed themselves of their chains and finally held true smiles on their faces as they left the youngers house, screaming parent's calling after them.

So why did it have to be this way? Why did this have to happen to someone so young like him? Endless circles of questions whizzed by his head, flashing in his eyes for only a split second before another took it’s place. He never remembered the fierce tears that seemed to come back to him as the ambulance came, took the one thing he loved so greatly away from him, the funeral that was so quiet, not even the priest showing up to bid the perished man a final farewell, only him and the men that lowered him down into the earth, but he was the one who with his own hands filled the silent grave, he who continued to cry, as though never having done so before. Even the man who he had done this for, he had blocked that memory out to, finding it to hard to remember such a beautiful face.

The only thing he ever remembered from that time was the horrible sorrow that seemed to follow him. It only took a month before he killed himself, the pain clawing at him, a forgotten picture of a happily ever after left lost. 

AN: You can kill me if you want. I wouldn't blame you, I would want to kill myself. 

So Yeah, Underage dating, not that bad, I guess? I don't know, 16 years old taemin with 28 year old Seunghyun, those were the ages I was thinking about this while writing. So Yeah, let me explain something, Taemin had to burry seunghyun himself, like shovel the dirt over the grave. Everyone was so ashamed and disgusted with the relationship they had that they shunned Seunghyun even in death, Taemin was only even at the wedding because his parent's kicked him out, not letting him come back even after the car accident. 

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Chapter 1: Aaww, my heart hurts for them two... </3
This is amazingly well written~~