


Taeyang sat there at a loss for words as the younger male approached him sadly, reaching his hand out slowly. “Do you remember me?” The sweet boy questioned, tears filling up the corners of his already cloudy eyes. “No.” The older spoke quietly. “I’m your brother, Taemin.” The sandy brunette boy fought to smile, as his eyes failed him, finally releasing the tears he was trying so hard to hold in. “D-do you know your name, or age?” Gentle sobs were starting to resonate from his throat, as he approached further with caution, choosing to keep distance from the other, by sitting on the end of the bed.
  “No.” Another stab was dealt unknowingly.  ”Are you okay, Taemin?” The nice words made chills run down Taeyang’s back, as if his body remembered all the other times he spoke those same words to the younger. “No, I’m really not okay; Hyung, can you hold me?” Taemin looked down from his fiddling finger’s to look into the other’s eyes, worry and fear laced his own, while confusion wrapped around the others.
“Can’t you let our mother hold you? Or our father?” Taemin just sat there, wide-eyed, complete horror filling onto his face. “Hyung, don’t you even remember that? It’s just us, mother and father died so long ago, in the car accident. nobody but you can hold me now.” The younger’s voice cracked as he fully got onto the bed, crawling towards his brother, soon resting in his lap, arm’s around his neck, as his leg’s lay across the other’s left leg.  
“Why can’t you remember, huh? Did you never want a brother like me?” Taeyang just sat there a bit taken aback by what all was happening. ‘Was it really just him and this young boy?’ he thought over and over again, as he thoughtlessly wrapped his arms lightly around the sobbing figure in his lap. “I love you.” Taemin whispered, planting a soft feather light kiss onto the shoulder being used as a pillow for his head. “I love you too.” Taeyang whispered back, not really knowing why he did. They both fell asleep, snuggled together in a warm hospital bed embrace. 

AN: Wah, I made that even sadder then it needed to be, I so hard. 


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