13: Sleepover (1/2)

Up Until Moving Day

(***Please read the authors note at the end... at least the part thats in bold***)

The EXO guardians hummed in delight when they dug into the dinner they were given. It consisted of kimchi fried rice, porridge, dumplings, and side dishes. In conclusion, it was absolutely mouth-watering.

Lu Han smiled with satisfaction and put his hands on his hips. He had made the meal all by himself (with the help of D.O and Suho).

Did he mention he was an incredible chef?

It wasn't easy. When his mother was still alive, she mainly was the one that cooked for the family, and Lu Han didn't even have to think about it. Of course, he had helped her a couple of times, but after she passed away, he had no choice but to learn how to make his own food or else he (and his father) would die of starvation.

"Mm~" Chanyeol brought his chopsticks up to his mouth and gave him a thumbs up. "Oh my god, I love you! This food is incredible, Lu Han."

Lu Han slurped up some of his food as well. "Thank you, Chanyeol."

"Can you just make food for us every day?" Kai wondered out loud, earning chuckles from the other boys. "It's like there's a party in my stomach right now."

D.O pouted. "What about my cooking?"

"Yours is good, too. Don't worry, hyung," Kai saved.

Sehun laughed along while he chomped on a dumpling. While the others decided to have conversations among themselves, Lu Han leaned towards Sehun's chair and wiggled his brows.

"So... how is it?"

Startled, Sehun nearly choked on his food. With a cough, he questioned back, "How is what?"

"My cooking. How is it? Good? Bad?"

The maknae slightly chuckled as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "It's amazing. Thank you."

"You know, you've been telling me that a lot lately. It's a big change for you," Lu Han joked and laughed when he earned a light punch on his arm.

"Shut up," the alien playfully glared.

EXO finished their dinner with a lot of laughs and good memories.


"To make your experiences with a sleepover on Earth complete, there's one game that we still need to play," Lu Han evilly rubbed his hands together.

"Yeah!" Tao shot up from where he was sitting and grabbed a couch cushion. "PILLOW FIGHT!" he screehed before whacking Kris with all his might. Kris stumbled back up, then shot daggers at the other with his eyes.

"Oh, so you want to play it that way?" he challenged.

"Bring it, duizhang!" Tao stuck his tongue out and began to run upstairs. Kris took this advantage to swiftly fly up to the second story and hit the younger with his own pillow. Tao pouted.

"No fair! He flew!"

"No! There will be no pillow fights!" Lu Han shook his head. He could only imagine how it would be like if all eleven of the crazy aliens got into one of those... especially in his house.

One thing was for sure.

It would NOT be pretty.

Chen smirked and glanced over at a certain healing unicorn. "You heard Lu Han..." Slyly, he reached behind him to find a fluffy pillow. "No pillow fights. But there can be pillow WARS!"


Lay squeezed his eyes shut tightly, and his mouth pressed into a firm, straight line. "You're on, Chen!" And with that, he lunged right for the other, cushion in hand.

Thus, the first ever EXO pillow war was on.

Chanyeol shot multiple pillows at Baekhyun who dodged and hid behind any object he could find. "Come out and FIGHT LIKE A MAN!" Suddenly, Chanyeol himself was hit with a pillow by none other than their calm leader. But guess what?

He wasn't all that calm anymore.

"ER!" he deviously laughed.

"Why you...!"

"D.O shouldn't be allowed to play!" Xiumin complained, clutching his arm. "His ability makes him too srtong! Ow!"

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" D.O shot back and leaped for the said boy, readying himself for yet again, another "battle."

That was one of the worst parts of this game. Since these guys were aliens (especially guardians who were specially trained to fight endlessly), they had no mercy on each other whatsoever. It truly amazed Lu Han. He thought that some of them had already broken a couple of bones, but he guessed that their pain tolerance was on a whole different level from that of a normal person's.

"Cut it out!" Lu Han tried yelling at them. "We're going to create a mess, and we'll wake up all the neighbors! Which is a really bad idea because Yoona would not hesitate in joining us, and she's a lot scarier than she seems!"

Oh, I know she is... Sehun rolled his eyes at the mention of Yoona. Even so, he tried loosening Lu Han up. Slinging an arm around the other's shoulder, he grinned.

"Come on, lighten up! Things like this don't come very often."

"For your information, I can't lighten up when I know my dad will be back in the morning and he'll see we created a mess and he'll know that I had people over and- oof!" his eyes widened as a pillow came in contact with his face.

With his face.

He narrowed his eyes at Sehun. "You did not just..."

"Oh, but I did," the younger mockingly said. "What are you going to do about it?" Yet at that point, he started to regret his decision. Why did I forget he has telekinesis???

Pillows were brought from every direction and began to chase him while Lu Han didn't even need to lift a finger. Lu Han inwardly chuckled as he watched Sehun run away from the cushions. That was true entertainment.

"Since when were you able to use your powers so controllably?" Sehun wondered out loud. He didn't remember teaching him much. He had to get some extra work done or something.

Lu Han winked at him. "I learned from the best." That was a lie. Well, he did learn a lot from Sehun, but not how to do something as amazing as that. He practiced at home when he had free time, and it took a long, long while, but he was getting the hang of it. Finally, his mind started to get tired and he dropped the pillows, Sehun heaving a sigh of relief.

"That was so cool, Lu Han!" Tao clapped his hands while Suho gave him a thumbs up.

"AHHHHHH STOP HITTING ME! WHY ARE YOU ALL GANGING UP ON ME?!" Kai wailed, getting pelted with firm pillows every second.

Sehun chucked another at the teleporter. "This is for all those times you've made fun of me, hyung!" He threw another, but to his surprise, Kai was gone.


"BOO!" the said boy popped up from behind Sehun. That little cheater- he teleported!

"OHMYGOD!" the alien squeaked and fell straight onto the floor.

"Attack the maknae!" Kai hollered, and almost simultaneously, each and every EXO member crowded around their youngest guardian.

"HYUNGS! STOOOOOOP!" Sehun yelled, covering his head and body with his arms. Even Lu Han who was so against the idea of a "pillow war" joined in. This was just an opportunity that couldn't be wasted. "Lu Han! Help me!"

"Nope, sorry~" he sang and continues to throw pillows- and even a blanket- at the maknae. After a while, though, it seemed as if everyone had calmed down from their highs, and they collapsed onto the floor, still laughing at the previous events.

Baekhyun sat up. "Well that was fun."

Lu Han agreed. Yes, that was fun. More fun than he had ever had in a loooong time. He made a mental note that he should invite the guardians over for a sleepover another time. "But that wasn't the game I was going to show you."

"Then what was?" Sehun asked.

"It was supposed to be truth or dare until someone," he looked straight at Tao, "decided we would have a pillow war."

The panda held his hands up in defense. "Nu-uh! That was Chen gege. I said pillow fight."

"Truth or dare?" Kris spoke up. "I think I've heard of that. Isn't it that game where people ask each other to do stupid tasks or answer stupid questions just to soil their reputations?"

"No, it's-" Lu Han thought it over for a second and mentally chortled at how well Kris had summed it up. "Actually, yeah that's basically it."

"I think I'll pass. I'd rather keep my reputation clean, thank you very much," Xiumin also sat up and stretched his arms, still a bit sore from when he had faced D.O earlier.

"No, no!" Lu Han answered. "It's okay. You guys are on Earth so your reputations here don't matter. Besides, it's just us twelve. There's also one rule to it: Whatever happens here stays here. Are you up for it?"

EXO exchanged a couple of glances, but one by one, they started to give in.

"Great! Then I'll go first," Lu Han stuck his tongue out a bit and scanned the aliens. Who to pick, who to pick... "Leader! Truth or dare?"

Suho looked a bit shocked that he was chosen first, but there was still an unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes. "Which one is better?"

"It's up to you," the older laughed a bit at Suho's cluelessness.

"Um... truth? Honesty is the best policy, right?"

"...Sure... Anyways," Lu Han thought for a bit, then continued speaking. "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Suho tilted his head, confusion washing over his face. "A crush? I have to crush people? Kai, come here--"


"No!" Lu Han cracked up. "It means, do you like anyone? In the romantic way?"

A faint blush rose up to the leader's cheeks as he began to stutter. "Ah- I... well, n-not necessarily, but--"

"He likes Minah," Kai revealed.

"QUIET YOU!" Suho screamed and tackled Kai to the ground, wrestling the other. "D-Don't listen to anything he says. He's insane, remember?"

Kai scoffed. "Excuse me, but I think I am perfectly sane. That was revenge for wanting to crush me first."

"We all know it, hyung," Sehun rolled his eyes.

"It's quite obvious," Chen stifled a chuckle. Suho rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his feet.

Lu Han's eyes widened in shock. Suho... the kind, almost perfect leader... liking Minah? The spoiled princess who made sure she got everything she wanted? In mention of the said girl, he whirled his head around to Sehun who had no expression on at all. Was he, maybe, upset that his hyung liked Minah? Possibly because he did, too?

Aish, you shouldn't be thinking about this. You promised Minah and yourself that you wouldn't even think of Sehun that way! No, no, no... I can't.

"Pffft," Suho rolled his eyes. "Perhaps I do. But I only like her old self. The one before she became all greedy and spoiled and such."

D.O shook his head. "Don't we know it."

"It's not embarrassing, Joonmyun. It's okay," Lu Han encouraged the younger and gave him a small smile.

"I suppose so. What's really embarrassing is that Kai his thumb in his sleep," he stuck his tongue out at Kai who gaped at him.

"I thought we said that would only be between us two!" he shouted. "Don't think I don't hear you singing in the shower!"

Suho glared at nothing in particular. "Well Kris likes Tao!" Kris choked on the water he was drinking and spit it out.

"What the hell--"

"And Tao likes him back!" Xiumin shouted as well while Tao fell face first onto the couch, trying to hide the blush creeping onto his face.

Lu Han tried butting in. "Um guys? This isn't how you play truth or--"

"Well Xiumin gege has... those kind of dreams!" Tao cracked up.


"Baekhyun still watches Disney Channel," Lay shrugged.

"WHY BRING ME INTO THIS? Um... um... Sometimes D.O orders food and says it's his when he's too lazy!"

D.O blinked, unamused. "And that's embarrassing becasue...? It's not like I dance randomly when I think nobody is looking like Sehun over there," he snickered seeing Sehun's tomato-red face.

"H-Hyung! Not cool!" he gulped audibly.

Lu Han laughed. "You dance?"

"Psh, no!" D.O continued. "It's more like he's trying to swat a mosquito or something," he began to imitate Sehun dancing.

"Sh-Shut up," he folded his arms across his chest. Lu Han put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Sometimes I pretend that I'm the hottest kingka at school," the older male slightly laughed at himself. "Hope that made you feel a little better."

"Do you think we should continue?" Tao asked.

"Maybe just with dares... we've had enough honesty for one night," Chanyeol chuckled.

"Kris, I dare you to the wall," Xiumin randomly stated. Kris gave him a look.

"What the fu--"

"No! He should kiss Tao!" Baekhyun added, while everyone else clapped in approval.

Tao narrowed his eyes at everyone. "You ."

"You'll be thanking us later~" Kai chimed in, snickering afterwards. "KISS HIM! KISS HIM! KISS HI- ow!" he rubbed his head when Kris smacked the back of it.

Lu Han took this chance to glance at Sehun. Considering the way he was laughing and chanting along, him being homophobic was not something to worry about.

And that was a relief.


Throughout their little game of truth or dare, Kris had to kiss Tao on the cheek, Xiumin had to crossdress, and Kai was forced to draw a mustache onto the face of D.O, who had taken a 5 minute nap. (Things didn't end up pretty for either of them...)

"You know, you would look good with a real mustache," Kai nervously chuckled, brushing his fingers against D.O's face.

"And you would look good with a black eye. LET ME AT HIM!" he screamed, trying to pry himself from the ten others who were holding him down (yes, he's just that strong).

Later on, the gang decided to end their night off with a little karaoke. Different songs had been sung, and Lu Han was quite surprised at how well the aliens could sing and rap. Usually he wasn't a fan of karaoke, but he couldn't help himself from choosing a couple of songs. Even Sehun rapped a bit with Chanyeol.

"Your rapping is good," Lu Han complimented Sehun who had come to sit next to him. Sehun threw him a look.

"Was that supposed to be sarcastic?"

"No, no! Sincerely, I really liked it."

Sehun laughed and nudged his shoulder. "Thanks. Same with your singing."

Lu Han was about to thank him as well when his front door suddenly slammed open. The guardians froze and Lu Han nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw the figure stumble into the house. No.

"F-Father, I-I can explain--""

"Just WHAT is going on here?"

Herro c:
So sorry for the semi-y chapter (OMG WHAT DID I JUST WRITE LOL) I admit, this part of the story is kind of on crack (i think... idk) and I'm just kind of doing whatever... it'll stop when i get to this one part that will come in a couple of chapters because then i know what is exactly going to happen. As of right now I'm building up the relationship between Lu Han and Sehun.
Btw, how did you like my obvious subtle attempt at throwing some Taoris in there? As well as the tiniest bit of Kaisoo? XD

Anyways.... I'm going to be out on vacation starting tomorrow morning (at like 1:30 am T^T) to Vietnam and I'll be there for about a month. I'm not bringing my laptop. I will be able to check AFF once in a while but most likely there will be no updates for the next month I'M SORRY T^T.... but when the month is over I'll shower you with updates. You hear that? SHOWER. Lots of love <333hunhan_gif.gif

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{UUMD}- *hides in corner* do you guys hate me for Chapter 29? I bet you do.


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taorislyuckkaisoo #1
Chapter 26: But I love your story btw
taorislyuckkaisoo #2
Chapter 26: Wae they better meet up again and it better be super romantic
Endlessgame #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim Please update soon! :)
Chapter 30: OMG! You left me with a heart attack and dead in the previous chapter.
Now I'm revived and happy! Thank you authornim!
kpopislife555 #5
korealoverkyopta #6
Chapter 30: Oh goodness I cried T.T why did u do that to me I will never forgive u, u and ur cliffhanger...but after this chapter I have to forgive u ^^ thank you so much this is so beautiful ^^ keep going u made my day ♡
Endlessgame #7
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!:D
vinseop_the_best #8
Chapter 30: Are you still going to write plz this story is awesome!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: the greatest power of all is Love, damn so right.!! :)