11: Just Because

Up Until Moving Day

"Woaaaah," the EXO guardians commented as they piled into Lu Han's room. Lu Han almost laughed at this. This was a normal room, and Earth didn't seem all that different from EXO. They just thought it was. 

"Your room's a mess," Sehun crinkled his nose in disgust, eying the scattered papers and clothes everywhere.

Lu Han narrowed his eyes at him. He rolled his eyes and replied, "This isn't my doing. I always keep my room clean." By that, he meant it was his father yet again. He probably got drunk and tore his room apart. It wasn't the first time this happened, but it made Lu Han angry every time. These were the moments when he wished he had a lock on his door.

Sehun cocked a brow. "Wha-"

"So anyways," the older interrupted him, not wanting to stay on the topic any longer, "let's go over some ground rules. First thing- and I hope you already established this- but DO NOT EVER use your powers here. That will cause a lot of-"

"AHHHH! A SPIDER OH MY GOD, IT'S HUGE!" Chanyeol screamed and immediately killed it with fire; however, he had burnt part of the floor.

"...-trouble. Thank you, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol sheepishly looked up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hehehe... sorry."

"And the second and final thing is just act perfectly normal. Nobody needs to be all suspicious about you guys, and you probably shouldn't even talk to anyone here except for me," Lu Han finished. He hoped he made everything clear, because there was no way that he would be able to calm a thing down if these guys went out of hand.


"HELLOOOOO FELLOW EARTHLING!" Xiumin screeched as he spotted a small child. The poor girl started to cry, and ran off. "WAIT! LET ME LOVE YOU!" 

...oh, where did Lu Han go wrong...?

Long story short, the EXO boys seemed to have trouble following the second rule while they were at the amusement park.

D.O laughed as he saw a clown walk by. "Hey! We're of the same species, aren't we?" The clown gave him a strange look and continued to entertain others. "Right? Right, comrade?"

Kris watched the little performance that was held every hour. He scoffed as a man in a dragon suit danced onto stage. "How fake. If only they had a real dragon... like me."

A couple of guys walked by the group, and Chen immediately went to talk to them. "Yo, why don't we go and pick up some chicks, yeah? YOLOOOO!"

Lu Han face palmed. This is a nightmare... Well at least they got the first rule right. Meanwhile, it seemed like only Sehun was the sane one. "Any ideas as to how we get these guys back in order?"

"We could always ditch them..."

"Yes, because that's a fabulous idea, Sehun! Let's just leave ten aliens in a crowded amusement park by themselves when they know nobody other than us." he sarcastically remarked, then abruptly stopped and sent him a look. "That's not even an option."

Sehun rolled his eyes. "Smart ."

"It's not being a smart if it's just common sense."

"That was being a smart ."


Just then, as if nothing had ever happened, all of the EXO aliens crowded around Lu Han, asking him about the wonderful things that they had found.


"I wanna do that!"

"Why are all of these girls staring at us...?"

The last question happened to catch Lu Han's attention. "Huh?" He eyed around the park, and sure enough, more than half of the girls there were giving googly eyes to the boys (excluding him, of course). Sehun seemed to attract the most attention, yet it didn't seem like he cared that much.

"That's one reason why you shouldn't attract attention to yourselves. It's because you already do just with your looks," he told them.

"I always knew we were hot, but damn..." Baekhyun chuckled and swiped his bottom lip with his thumb, earning a smack on the back of his neck from Suho.

"Lu Han," Tao tugged on his sleeve," I want to ride that thing!" He pointed straight at the largest roller coaster in the park. Lu Han gulped. He never liked roller coasters.

"S-Sure, why not? I'll wait out here. You guys can go ahead," he offered. "I'm not really up for rides today."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Come onnnnnn," he slung his arm over Lu Han's shoulders. "Lighten up! This is our day off! The one day we can do things freely with you." Lay nodded in agreement.

"We owe it to you!"

Lu Han paled. Sehun, noticing this, frowned. He subtly nudged Lu Han in the ribs.

"Ow! What the-" he was cut off by Sehun's glare that gave off that shut-up-and-go-with-it effect.

"Don't you think we should save it for last?" he spoke up, ignoring the shocked glance given to him by Lu Han. "Since it's the biggest, we should ride it to end off our day, not start it."

Lu Han was shocked at first. Sehun, saving him? Since when did he ever-


Wait a second.

Sehun actually helped him. After all of these weeks of ignoring and teasing, could it be that Sehun was warming up to Lu Han? A big grin broke out on his face.

"Yeah, we should start somewhere else," Suho's voice brought him back to reality. "Let's go."


"Maybe... that one wasn't such a good-" Xiumin was stopped mid-sentence by his own gag, "-idea..." he paled and sat down next to Lu Han who laughed at him.

"We told you guys not to go on it," he reminded along with Lay, D.O, and Suho. So far, the twelve had gone on different rides- from merry-go-rounds to a certain fireball ride that made most of the boys' heads spin.

Sehun wobbled off of the ride and plopped into the other seat across from Lu Han. He held his head in his hands, hoping that the dizziness would go away.

"Too much?"

The maknae looked up, only to see Lu Han with a small smile on his face.

"Shut... up," Sehun scowled, but it was soon replaced with a surprised expression when a bottle of water blocked his vision. He raised a brow at Lu Han who had put it there.

"Drink it. I owe it to you for you know... back at the roller coaster."

The corner of Sehun's mouth curved up a bit, but he tried to keep it down. "Thanks, Lu Han."

While the other guys were catching a breath and taking quick bathroom breaks, Lu Han decided to have a little conversation with his rommate.

"So how do you like Earth?"

Sehun shrugged and gulped down a little water. "Not much different from EXO, you know, excluding all the high-tech stuff and the powers." Lu Han nodded in agreement. "This amusement park is extremely fun, though," he chuckled. "You're lucky you have it."

"Well you're welcome to come any time you want, as long as I'm here. It's fun for me, too. It gives me an excuse to come," the older leaned back in his chair.

"By the way, Lu Han," Sehun started, "back at your house, when you said the messiness 'wasn't your doing', what did you mean by that? If you don't mind me asking, that is." He knew how it was like when people kept on pushing you to tell your life story, and he didn't want to seem as if he was pressuring Lu Han into anything. From the looks of it, it sounded personal.

Lu Han's mouth turned into a straight line and he looked anywhere but at Sehun. "My dad... he must have come back from the bar or something. Barely happens," he lied. He didn't want it to sound any worse.

"Oh. Well then I guess-"

"Lu Han?"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as a pretty girl came up from behind Lu Han. Who was she, and what did she have to do with Lu Han?? The said boy turned in his seat and quickly smiled.

"Hey, Yoona," he waved. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, I'm just out with my friends. It seems as if you are doing the same?" she looked passed Lu Han and right at Sehun who gave her his blank expression. However, it was almost as if her eyes lingered for more than it had to on him. But it wasn't like one of those googly, idiotic looks that Sehun usually got from girls, but more like one filled with... warning and hatred, almost. Yoona's gaze automatically hardened on him, but softened when she turned her attention back to Lu Han. Confused, Sehun shrugged and continued sipping his water.

"Yoona, this is my... friend, Sehun. Sehun, this is my best friend, classmate, and neighbor, Yoona," he introduced them both, and Sehun bowed his head at her. She copied his action, but with a frown. The boy narrowed his eyes at her. What is this girl's problem?

"Are the other boys over there with you, too?" she questioned, pointing at the other EXO guardians. Lu Han nodded.

"Yup. I've made a lot of friends over the last few weeks."

Yoona blinked. "Oh..." she turned back towards Sehun and held her hand out for him to shake. Sehun unwillingly took it. "It was nice to meet you, Oh Sehun." Suddenly, her grip had the strength of iron, and Sehun almost yelped from pain.

"L-Likewise," he also had a firm grip, but not as powerful as hers. He felt a weird shiver go up his spine and he shuddered. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she let go and walked back to her friends after saying a goodbye to Lu Han.

What was that???

"Hey, Lu Han," he tapped his shoulder to get his attention.


"Who was that, exactly?"

"I thought I made it quite clear. She's Im Yoona. She's my classmate, neighbor, and best friend. She's cute, isn't she?"

Sehun scratched his head. Cute was not the word he was looking for. Maybe in looks, yes, but personality? It was more scary than anything, but only towards him. Was she jealous, perhaps? "Does she like you?"

Lu Han cracked up. "Her? Like me? No way. She already knows that I'm ga- never mind," he stopped himself. It was almost as if he was giving up every secret he had to Sehun. Not that being gay was a secret, but... he just didn't want the other to know. Maybe he was homophobic and would never speak to Lu Han again.

Sehun nodded and looked past the older, squinting to see Yoona disappear from sight.

Just one more thing...

Lu Han had introduced him as "Sehun," and Sehun only.

So how did she know his surname??



"We should go now. The others are waiting," Lu Han informed him. Sehun drank the rest of his water bottle and gave a sound of refreshment before following Lu Han.


"Okay," Chen smiled. "Next is that one!" he pointed at one of the big roller coasters in the park, and Lu Han's eyes widened. They were there already? But... but...

"Hey," Sehun's voice rang in his ears. "Will you be okay? You can just stay here, you kno-"

"No. I want to go," he decided. He wanted to get over his fear of roller coasters and this was a great way to do it.

The twelve of them got in line, and Sehun noted that Lu Han was a lot more shaky than before. But who could blame him, really? Sehun sure didn't.

On the other hand, Lu Han was thinking about the changes Sehun had gone through when he was with him. It started out by getting called a poo-knocker(?) and suddenly he can carry out a nice, sometimes funny conversation with him? Whaaaat? Maybe it was Earth and the different atmosphere, or maybe Sehun actually started to become a lot nicer. Who knew? All Lu Han knew was that he liked it. A lot.

Finally, the EXO guardians were being loaded onto the cart, getting belted in with no way out. Lu Han sat next to Sehun, gripping the handlebar so tight that his knuckles turned white. The color in his face was drained, and his gaze was locked on nothing in particular.

Sehun worried for him. Was he going to be okay? "If you want, I can tell the people to wait before it star-"

"I'm okay," Lu Han gave him a reassuring yet nervous smile. The cart jerked forward, meaning that the ride was starting.

As the ride began to move further up, Lu Han tried to occupy his thought with something else. You'll be fine, Lu Han. Just don't look down... Disobeying his mind, he took one peek downwards and-

OHMYGOD. O-kay, so now he was hyperventilating.

Why did I even agree to get on? I'm such an idiot, now I'm going to look like such a fool in front of-

A warm hand suddenly covered his. Shocked, he raised his head up to find Sehun staring back at him.

"Don't think too much of it. Just squeeze it if you need to," he awkwardly laced their fingers together and looked away, embarrassed.

All of a sudden, Lu Han didn't feel so afraid anymore. In fact, he felt... warm and nice inside despite the fact he was on a roller coaster. His heart raced, surprising himself. That... it must be from the roller coaster. Yeah... the roller coas-

At that moment, the cart swooshed downwards, and Lu Han squeezed Sehun's hand. Mostly because of the fear and the rush, but partly... partly just because.


Okay, I'm not even going to try and say sorry because I know it won't make up for it... I'm such a liar. I tell my readers in my other stories that I won't have another long hiatus, and guess what? The last time I've updated was a little over a month ago. So I'm not gonna even say anything about my next update anymore just because I won't live up to it... T^T


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{UUMD}- *hides in corner* do you guys hate me for Chapter 29? I bet you do.


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taorislyuckkaisoo #1
Chapter 26: But I love your story btw
taorislyuckkaisoo #2
Chapter 26: Wae they better meet up again and it better be super romantic
Endlessgame #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim Please update soon! :)
Chapter 30: OMG! You left me with a heart attack and dead in the previous chapter.
Now I'm revived and happy! Thank you authornim!
kpopislife555 #5
korealoverkyopta #6
Chapter 30: Oh goodness I cried T.T why did u do that to me I will never forgive u, u and ur cliffhanger...but after this chapter I have to forgive u ^^ thank you so much this is so beautiful ^^ keep going u made my day ♡
Endlessgame #7
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!:D
vinseop_the_best #8
Chapter 30: Are you still going to write plz this story is awesome!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: the greatest power of all is Love, damn so right.!! :)