Her Return

You're Cute, and Mine. (Sequel to You're Not Cute At All.)
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Why - Teen Top


"She's finally coming back!!" Miyoung and Boyfriend cheered on the second of January. It was now 2013, a fresh new year, and Sora had graduated just a week ago. Today was the day she returned to Korea.


Boyfriend all held different signs and stood in a particular order. If you read the signs, they would form the sentence, "SORA, WELCOME BACK TO SOUTH KOREA!"


Miyoung was holding a box with items she filled for her best friend. They patiently waited at the terminal for her plane to arrive, but some were getting impatient.


"Why is she taking so long?!" Youngmin whined. "My arms are getting tired!" Miyoung glared at him for whining. "Oh! Her plane just arrived!" Hyunseong announced, looking at the board that told when planes left and arrived.


Excitement built up in their stomachs. 5Star had also came. Although they weren't that close to Sora, they were still supportive. "This is that girl who my yeobo was in a scandal with, right?" Yoonmi joking asked. Miyoung laughed, "Yep. You also fangirled with her at our debut party, remember?"


"Oh yeah!" Yoonmi recalled, her eyes lighting up at the memory. "I can't wait to meet her again!"


Fans were surrounding the idols. Some asked for autographs, which the idols signed. "Who are you waiting for?" a group of middle schoolers asked Jeongmin. He beamed, "We're waiting for our friend! She's returning from London!"


"Ah, is she the one who got once got paired up with Minwoo Oppa?" one recalled. Minwoo's cheeks flared red when he heard that, and Jeongmin was secretly enjoying this. "Ne~ You remember her?"


"Of course! That Unnie was so cute! I think she and Oppa look well together!" the young girls squealed. Jeongmin nudged the maknae with a teasing grin. "You hear that, Minwoo-yah?" "B-Be quiet, Hyung!" he mumbled.


After about ten minutes of more waiting (and chatting with some fans or signing things), a familiar figure was walking towards them. Miyoung brightened at the sight of her. Sora looked tired, probably from the flight, and she looked like she would pass out anytime.


"HAN SORA!!!" Miyoung yelled. Sora's eyes shot open, and she looked around, before her eyes landed on the crowd in front of her. She hadn't notice it earlier since she was half-awake. Her eyes spotted her best friend, and she brightened, running over while dragging her suitcase. The fans moved out of the way for Sora.


"Miyoung! Boyfriend! And 5Star!!" she hugged Miyoung, making the latter drop the box. Sora then hugged the members of Boyfriend. When she got to Minwoo, she noticed how he stiffened. Amused, she let out a chortle and gave him a light hug. Minwoo's heart sped up at the contact after she pulled away.


Sora bowed to 5Star, and hugged Yoonmi, since she was slightly closer to them than the rest. "Hey, girl! Still a Baby Exotic, right?" "Of course!! Ask Miyoungie! But I've heard you've been in a scandal with my yeobo?" Yoonmi jokingly narrowed her eyes at her.


"Mwo? Your yeobo?" Sora blinked, confused. Yoonmi pointed to the quiet Minwoo. Her face scrunched up, "Ew! We were never in a scandal! We just got paired up as a cute couple once, that's all!"


"That's a scandal," Kwangmin mused. Sora shot him a look. Donghyun smiled, "Well, how about we go to someone's dorm to chat?"


"Let's go to ours," JaeQ offered.


After everyone were sitting comfortably in 5Star's apartment, Sora turne

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*the, not rhe for the previous message. Bad typo, my bad ||D


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CuteyDuckey21 #1
Chapter 22: So cute! Good job author-nim ^^
2sweet2beat #2
Chapter 21: Omo...almost ending?! Is there gonna be another sequel? Like maybe they end up in wgm xD?
Thank you for commenting~
Angelz6 #4
Angelz6 #5
Chapter 4: Update soon^^
Angelz6 #7
Chapter 3: It's been a while since you updated do please update soon thnx XD