The Bracelet

Sun Showers

" the diary that we all carry about with us." - Oscar Wilde

Word Count: 449


Yoona trembled slightly when he gave her back the bracelet. She smiled sweetly however and gracefully thanked him. She smoothly glided past him, walking in the opposite direction down the hall, seemingly unfazed. 

But she was hurt.

The bracelet had been a symbol of her feelings, of her promise, of her trust.

After the break up, she had avoided him for weeks. She changed the routes that she normally used to navigate the school, going completely out of her way in order not to run into him. She would usually get to class right on time, but now she was late almost every day.

It seemed like she was the only one affected though. The only one who wanted to cry everytime she saw his face.

Kai looked perfectly fine.

The times that they spent at the movies, sharing popcorn and laughing at the actors, when they held hands for the first time. This bracelet held all of those memories.

It was a girly item, a bit loose on her thin wrists but perfect for his. Its delicate beads, each individually carved from woodchips proved her hours of work.

Yoona was never stingy with time when it came to Kai. She had spent eight hours painting his favorite flower, as a birthday present. She never imagined that it would be sitting in her room now, ownerless. Yoona didn't want to throw it away, the amount of energy and concentration that she had poured into it were too much. She didn't exactly want to keep it either however, it had too many feelings wrapped up in its layers of fine oils.

Did he want to deny it all?

The times they ran around together at the park? The quiet nights that they had spent doing homework?

Was this what he wanted to tell her?

Yoona smirked. Oh, how he could make her heart bleed without even touching her.

She stood on her balcony, letting the cold winter wind bite at her arms through the thin sweater, the bracelet clasped in her hands.

Taking a breath, she glanced down at the ground. The pool reflected the moon's wan light.

Slowly stepping backwards, she dashed forwards, towards the railing. With all her strength, she hurled the little bracelet, watched it fly through the air. She saw it sink into the dark pool, consumed by the waters.

She wasn't one to forget. No, never. She wouldn't forget the feelings that she had. Has.

But time heals all wounds. Yoona softly lay back down in her bed, its soft sheets wrapping around her.

She wasn't going to deny anything. She would move on without having to pretend they didn't exist.

She was stronger than him.

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Chapter 1: oh my seomate heart T.T My Feels......
It's really inspiring, what you wrote. Magnificent job =D
seoshi #2
Chapter 1: im so speechless
the words, thouching deep inside my heart T.T
gud job authornim :')
ambai90 #3
Chapter 1: i can feel and understand the pain ... it does mean a lot to me too... sometimes the reason we hold onto the past memories so we can reminisce the good old time and refuse to let go ... nicely written ... good job author nim!!
kawaii_neko #4
Chapter 1: this is truly inspiring, getting a heart break doesn't mean the end of the journey, but it is the start of something new <3